The Lord Can Be Trusted
1 Praise the Lord
and pray in his name!
Tell everyone
what he has done.
2 Sing praises to the Lord!
Tell about his miracles.
3 Celebrate and worship
his holy name
with all your heart.

4 Trust the Lord
and his mighty power.
5 Remember his miracles
and all his wonders
and his fair decisions.
6 You belong to the family
of Abraham, his servant;
you are his chosen ones,
the descendants of Jacob.

7 The Lord is our God,
bringing justice
everywhere on earth.
8 He will never forget
his agreement or his promises,
not in thousands of years.
* 9 God made an eternal promise
10 to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
11 when he said, “I'll give you
the land of Canaan.”

12 At the time there were
only a few of us,
and we were homeless.
13 We wandered from nation
to nation, from one country
to another.
14 God did not let anyone
mistreat our people.
Instead he protected us
by punishing rulers
15 and telling them,
“Don't touch my chosen leaders
or harm my prophets!”

16 God kept crops from growing
until food was scarce
everywhere in the land.
17 But he had already sent Joseph,
sold as a slave into Egypt,
18 with chains of iron
around his legs and neck.

19 Joseph remained a slave
until his own words
had come true,
and the Lord had finished
testing him.
20 Then the king of Egypt
set Joseph free
21 and put him in charge
of everything he owned.
22 Joseph was in command
of the officials,
and he taught the leaders
how to use wisdom.

23 Jacob and his family
came and settled in Egypt
as foreigners.
24 They were the Lord's people,
so he let them grow stronger
than their enemies.
25 They served the Lord,
and he made the Egyptians plan
hateful things against them.
26 God sent his servant Moses.
He also chose and sent Aaron
27 to his people in Egypt,
and they worked miracles
and wonders there.
28 Moses and Aaron obeyed God,
and he sent darkness
to cover Egypt.
29 God turned their rivers
into streams of blood,
and the fish all died.
30 Frogs were everywhere,
even in the royal palace.
31 When God gave the command,
flies and gnats
swarmed all around.

32 In place of rain,
God sent hailstones
and flashes of lightning.
33 He destroyed their grapevines
and their fig trees,
and he made splinters
of all the other trees.
34 God gave the command,
and more grasshoppers came
than could be counted.
35 They ate every green plant
and all the crops that grew
in the land of Egypt.
36 Then God took the life
of every first-born son.

37 When God led Israel from Egypt,
they took silver and gold,
and no one was left behind.
38 The Egyptians were afraid
and gladly let them go.
39 God hid them under a cloud
and guided them by fire
during the night.

40 When they asked for food,
he sent more birds
than they could eat.
41 God even split open a rock,
and streams of water
gushed into the desert.
42 God never forgot
his sacred promise
to his servant Abraham.

43 When the Lord rescued
his chosen people from Egypt,
they celebrated with songs.
44 The Lord gave them the land
and everything else
the nations had worked for.
45 He did this so that his people
would obey all his laws.
Shout praises to the Lord!
Lu ndi Lidri Ndaro be
(1 Ambâ 16:8-22)
1 Nyòzo aro'boya OPI ri,
nyä̀raṛu ndana;
nyìti tase nda koyebe tana tu'dei cini ri.
2 Mìŋgo loŋgo ndäri, mìŋgo loŋgo räṛu ro OPI ri;
nyìti tase liŋgyiekye nda koyebe tana.
3 Nyà'do yai'dwesi ta ŋgase Lu alokado koyebe rota;
mì'ba ànya se cini kayibe nda mätu koyeyi riyä.
4 Mìndrevo OPI dri ta ŋgaopa rota;
ago nyä̀mätu nda ondoalo.
5 Mìyi tase liŋgyiekye Lu koyebe,
talaroro ndi vureope se nda koyebe robe.

6 Ami zelevoi Abarayama, ruindu'ba ndaro ro;
ami zelevoi Yakoba, mano se nda konjibe ro
7 Nda ni OPI Lu amaro;
otà ndaro orivoya 'bädri cini ya.
8 Nda ätina tao'baro ndaro 'da äduako,
tao'ba ndaro kovole'bai ri äduako.
9 Nda ätina tao'ba se nda ko'babe Abarayama be
ndi tao'ba se nda ko'babe Yisika be 'da,
10 se nda go 'ba te Yakoba be ota ro,
se orina 'da tao'ba ro äduako.
11 Nda atate ekye: “Mozona wari Kanana ro 'da
a'done drimbi ro modo miro ri.”

12 Lidri Lu ro otina orivoya fereŋwa,
riyite atrai ro wari Kanana roya.
13 Ànya abayite ni 'bädri yasi 'bädri yasi
ni miri 'bädri'ba ro aza yasi le aza ya.
14 Lu 'ba 'diaza kote ànya ezane,
ago ozo miomba te 'bädri'bai ri ta ànyaro ta ekye:
15 “Mìye ruindu'bai onjionjiro maro ko koziro;
mìdo nebii maro ko.”

16 OPI ezi mä'bu te 'bädri ànyaro ya
ago na ŋgaonya cini ànyaro te.
17 Nda zo mano aza te mile ànyaro ya,
Yosepa se agyete iyeäṛi ro ana.
18 Pa ndaro embete nyori si,
ago embe logo te kyembe ndaro ya.
19 Madale tase nda kitibe ana sate mi naya.
Ata OPI ro ka'da nda te ŋgye.
20 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro zo lazo te nda vo ago onji nda te;
miri'ba tu'dei ro 'ba nda te dritai ro.
21 'Bädri'ba 'ba Yosepa te a'done dri'ba miri ndaro ro
ago 'ba nda te a'done miri'ba wari cini ro,
22 ago mbarabe dri'ba losiro 'bädri'ba ro dri
ago drikaca be dri'bai losiro 'bädri'ba ro embane.

23 'Dooko Yakoba oyite Ezipeto ya
ago rite 'bädri ana ya.
24 OPI 'ba lidri ndaro te litinite amba
ago nda 'ba ànya te mbara ro ndrani kyila'baazii ànyaro ri.
25 Nda 'ba ya Ezipeto'bai rote osone lidri ndaro lomvo
ago yeyi ruindu'bai ndaro te ŋgaodo si.

26 'Dooko nda zo ruindu'ba ndaro Musa,
ndi Arona, se nda konjibe ana te.
27 Ànya yeyi taka'daro Lu ro te
ago yeyi talaroro te Ezipeto ya.
28 Lu ezo ŋgätini ago 'ba 'bädri te vouni ya,
oko Ezipeto'bai royi ata ndaro kote.
29 Nda toza gyi goloi ànyaro rote kari ro
ago ti'bi cini ànyaro te odrane.
30 'Bädri ànyaro tudrui larirute kigyesi
ca le zoi u'duro dri'bai losiro ànyaro ro yasi.
31 Lu atate ago kumui ndi lago be
a'dote lowaro 'bädri ànyaro yasi.
32 Nda ezi siya te vo 'bu ro ya
ndi sionyi 'bu ro be wari cini ànyaro yasi.
33 Nda toga doŋgo kono ro ànyaro te ndi ice kyi'du robe
ago toŋgo ice cini 'bädri ànyaro ro te vuru.
34 Nda atate ago tombii ikyite;
ikyite otiako tere'benye;
35 ànya nyai ŋga kyi'dikyi'diro wari ya te,
ànya nyayi ŋga cini owaowaro te.
36 Nda tufu ŋgwàagoro kayoro wari ya te,
ŋgwàagoro se kayoro katidri cini ya.

37 'Dooko nda lofo Yisaraele'bai te tesi,
ànya ŋgyiyi mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be te,
ago vo ànyaro cini orivoya mbara ro.
38 Ezipeto'bai a'doyite yai'dwesi ondro Yisaraele'bai koyiyite te owo
tana sedri turi ànyaro so Ezipeto'bai te.
39 Lu 'ba 'dikolo te lidri ndaro gagaza,
ago 'ba asi te ŋgäkyi si ŋgaeyi ozone ànyari.
40 Ànya ejiyitate, ago nda ezi gbuṛukyere te;
nda ozo ŋgaonya te ànyari amba ni vo'buyakuru yasi.
41 Nda pi luutu te, ago gyi reṛote ni kigyesi
ugu udite vocowa yasi oso golo ronye.
42 Tana nda yi tao'ba alokado ndaro
Abarayama ruindu'ba ndaro ri ana tana te.

43 Nda lepe lidri onjionji ro ndaro te tesi,
ago ànya ŋgoyi loŋgo te ago a'doyite riyä ro.
44 Nda ozo warii tu'dei azaka rote ànyari
ago 'ba ànya ruyi ŋgase tu'dei koyeyi losina be 'do te,
45 tana lidri ndaro koroyi otà ndaro robe
ago kätiyi ota ndaro robe.

Nyäräṛu OPI!