The Clothes for the High Priest
(Exodus 39.1-7)
The Lord said to Moses:
1 Send for your brother Aaron and his sons Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. They are the ones I have chosen from Israel to serve as my priests. 2 Make Aaron some beautiful clothes that are worthy of a high priest. 3 Aaron is to be dedicated as my high priest, and his clothes must be made only by persons who possess skills that I have given them. 4 Here are the items that need to be made: a breastpiece, a priestly vest, a robe, an embroidered shirt, a turban, and a sash. These sacred clothes are to be made for your brother Aaron and his sons who will be my priests. 5 Use only gold and fine linen, woven with blue, purple, and red wool, for making these clothes.
The Vest for the High Priest
(Exodus 39.2-7)
The Lord said:
6-8 Make the entire priestly vest of fine linen skillfully woven with blue, purple, and red wool, and decorate it with gold. It is to have two shoulder straps to support it and a sash that fastens around the waist.
9-12 Put two onyx stones in gold settings, then attach one to each of the shoulder straps. On one of these stones engrave the names of Israel's first six sons in the order of their birth. And do the same with his remaining six sons on the other stone. In this way Aaron will always carry the names of the tribes of Israel when he enters the holy place, and I will never forget my people.
13-14 Attach two gold settings to the shoulder straps and fasten them with two braided chains of pure gold.
The Breastpiece for the High Priest
(Exodus 39.8-21)
The Lord said:
15 From the same costly material make a breastpiece for the high priest to use in finding out what I want my people to do. 16 It is to be 22 centimeters square and folded double 17 with four rows of three precious stones: In the first row put a carnelian, a chrysolite, and an emerald; 18 in the second row a turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond; 19 in the third row a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; 20 and in the fourth row a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper. Mount the stones in delicate gold settings 21 and engrave on each of them the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
22-25 Attach two gold rings to the upper front corners of the breastpiece and fasten them with two braided gold chains to gold settings on the shoulder straps. 26 Attach two other gold rings to the lower inside corners next to the vest 27 and two more near the bottom of the shoulder straps right above the sash. 28 Then take a blue cord and tie the two lower rings on the breastpiece to those on the vest. This will keep the breastpiece in place.
29 In this way Aaron will have the names of the twelve tribes of Israel written on his heart each time he enters the holy place, and I will never forget my people. 30 He must also wear on his breastpiece the two small objects that he uses to receive answers from me.
The Other High-Priestly Clothes
(Exodus 39.22-26Exodus 30Exodus 31)
The Lord said:
31 Under his vest Aaron must wear a robe of blue wool 32 with an opening in the center for his head. Be sure to bind the material around the collar to keep it from wearing out. 33-34 Along the hem of the robe weave pomegranates of blue, purple, and red wool with a gold bell between each of them. 35 If Aaron wears these clothes when he enters the holy place as my high priest, the sound of the bells will be heard, and his life will not be in danger.
36 On a narrow strip of pure gold engrave the words: “Dedicated to the Lord.” 37 Fasten it to the front of Aaron's turban with a blue cord, 38 so he can wear it on his forehead. This will show that he will take on himself the guilt for any sins the people of Israel commit in offering their gifts to me, and I will forgive them.
39 Make Aaron's robe and turban of fine linen and decorate his sash with fancy needlework.
The Clothes for the Other Priests
(Exodus 39.27-29)
40 Since Aaron's sons are priests, they should also look dignified. So make robes, sashes, and special caps for them. 41 Then dress Aaron and his sons in these clothes, pour olive oil on their heads, and ordain them as my priests.
42 Make linen shorts for them that reach from the waist down to the thigh, so they won't expose themselves. 43 Whenever they enter the sacred tent or serve at the altar or enter the holy place, they must wear these shorts, or else they will be guilty and die. This same rule applies to any of their descendants who serve as priests.
Boŋgo Tana Kohanii
(Ofo 39:1-7)
1 “Mi'ba ezi Arona ädrupi miro ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro, Nadaba, Abihu, Eleazara ndi Itamara be mikandra. Nyelewe ànya ni lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi tana ànya kinduru robe märi kohanii ro. 2 Mi'di boŋgo kohani ro ädrupi miro Arona ri ko'ba nda robe oroororo ago liŋgyiliŋgyiro. 3 Ago nyata 'dise cini kyikyiro ri, se mozo drî tauni rote rigye iyi, ànyari boŋgo Arona ro o'dine nda odizana to sina losi kohani ro oyeza märi. 4 Kwoi ni boŋgo se ànyari o'dine owo: boŋgo kätätidri ro, boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa, kätätidri ro boŋgo runduṛuro, dhudhu beti toto be, tagyia uvuro drî ya, ndi kyini kundu robe. Ànyari boŋgo alokado ono o'dine ädrupi miro Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri ruinduzana kohanii ro märi.
5 “Ago kyikyi ri losi oyene kodo läguläguro, lu'buliro, lärimiro, ago okaro ndi boŋgo liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro be si.
6 “Ago ànyari boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa o'dine kodo läguläguro, lu'buliro, lärimiro ago boŋgo liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro, rosi ago tiratira ro, tauni amba si. 7 A'done rigye iba juṛuŋwa be ritu kufudri yasi, sidri ritu na 'do yasi kicuzana troalo. 8 Ago iba kundu ro o'dine boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro 'do ri o'dine kodo läguläguro lu'buliro, lärimiro, okaro ago boŋgo liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro ro yasi. 9 Miru kuni ritu ago miga ävuru ŋgwàagoro 'butealo foritu Yakoba ro ro driigye, 10 ävuru ànya njidrialo ro ogane kuni alodi dri, ago njidrialo kuni äziri dri orane a'do uti ànyaro ro voro. 11 Oso kuni oga'ba kabe ävuru oga kuni lagyeamba be dri ronye, miri kpa ävuru ŋgwàagoro Yakoba ro ro ogane inye kuniŋwà ritu iyi drisi, nyitira kuniŋwà iyi sidrina logo läguläguro si. 12 Mi'ba kuniŋwa ritu iyi iba se juṛuŋwà ritu kufudri boŋgo se gajuṛuŋwa ana ro drisi a'done taoyiro 'bakalai Yisaraele ro ri, ago Arona ri ävuru ànyaro uŋgyine kufudri ndaro ya tana ma OPI mayi ta lidri maro ro robe ondoalo. 13 Nyede logo läguläguro orane ritu, 14 ago nyede nyori ritu opiopi ro oso iba ronye, ago miyi nyori na läguläguro 'do sidrina itirabe 'do ya.
Boŋgoŋwa Kätätidri ro
(Ofo 39:8-21)
15 “Nyede boŋgoŋwa kätätidri ro Kohani Fopara ri ole Lu ro oyero; edene kpa oso boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ronye, läguläguro, lu'buliro, lärimiro ago okaro ago mi'di boŋgo liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro si. 16 Lamadrina su iyi a'done ojoojoro ocana ago käkpuna ri a'done nji'dinji'di na njidriesu. 17 Mira kuniŋwà läguläguro su driigyesi; oravona käti 'do dri, sadio, topaza, ago karebunakole; 18 oravo ṛirina dri, emeradi, safero, dayamondi; 19 oravo ninana dri, yakino, agati, ago amasute. 20 Ago oravo lisuna dri berule, sadonuki, ago yasipi; ànya losene sirosiro läguläguro. 21 Kuniŋwà läguläguro 'butealo foritu iyi ri a'done ävuru alo alo ŋgwàagoro Yakoba ro ro robe, ànyari a'done taka'daro ro ta 'bakalai 'butealo foritu Yisaraele ro rota. 22 Ta boŋgoŋwa kätätidriro ro nyede nyori opiopiro oso iba ronye, ni logo läguläguro yasi. 23 Nyede katiŋwà ritu ni logo läguläguro yasi ago minju ànya sidri ritu boŋgoŋwa kätäti dri ro 'do yasi, 24 ago miso iba ritu läguläguro iyi katiŋwà ritu iyi yasi. 25 Ago ädu sidri iba ritu iyi ro nyikicu ŋga itirabe 'do be, ago mi'di kpa kpakyi iba kufudri ro boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro ro dri. 26 Nyede katiŋwà ritu läguläguro ago mi'ba ànya ädu sidri ritu boŋgoŋwa kätäti dri ro dri, yana yasi sidri kinjana boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa resi 'do dri. 27 Nyede katiŋwà ritu aza läguläguro, ago nyikicu ànya kpakyi mile yasi telesi vurulesi iba ritu kufudri ro se orivoya boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa dri ro ya, se orivoya loto ti dro'bevo lomvo ago ga fere kuru iba kunduro embavo boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro yasi. 28 Ànyari boŋgoŋwa kätäti dri ro embene katiŋwà ànyaro si katiŋwa boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro lomvo iba lu'buliro si, tana ukyi boŋgoŋwa kätäti dri ro lonjiru 'da ni boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro yasi. 29 Arona ri ävuru 'bakalai Yisaraele ro ro uŋgyine boŋgoŋwa kätätidri roya, ondoalo ondro nda kate oci vo Alokado ya owo, tana ma OPI, mayita lidri maro ro robe ondoalo. 30 Miyi Urima ndi Tumima be boŋgoŋwa kätätidri ro ya, tana Arona kuŋgyi ànya robe ondro nda kate oyi vo alokado maro ya owo. Tu nonye kwoi si beṛo ndäri boŋgoŋwa kätätidri ro ono osone tana nda ko'ba ole maro robe unine lidri Yisaraele ro ri.
Boŋgo Azaka Kohanii ro
(Ofo 39:22-31)
31 “Mi'di boŋgo runduṛuro se boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa kabe ori driigye 'do cini kodo lu'buliro si. 32 Kurusina a'done vouŋbo be pätäkäwä tana drî ri ociza, vouŋbona sidri vouŋbona ro losene lose tana ukyi lewa 'da. 33 Ŋga aza betina oso doŋgo gäṛä'bu ro ronye o'dine ni kodo lu'buliro, lärimiro ago okaro yasi; mira aree sidrina vurusi 'do yasi ago mira laŋga läguläguro lakole ànyaro yasi. 34 Mi'ba laŋga läguläguro alo ndi ŋga betina oso doŋgo gäṛä'bu ro ronye alo, ŋgulu sidri vurusi boŋgo runduṛuro ro yasi. 35 Arona ri osone, ondro nda kate ruindu owo, tana eri kporona robe ondro nda kate oci vo alokado ya makandra ago kate efo tesi owo, ukyi äfu nda 'da.
36 “Nyede deŋbele ni logo läguläguro wäṛiro yasi ago miga taegyi driigye mikye: ‘Adite OPI ri.’ 37 Nyembe iba lu'buliro si mile tagyia uvuuvuro roya. 38 Arona ri osone militi ndaro ya, tana ma OPI märuna ŋgapäṛi se cini lidri Yisaraele ro kayibe ozona märi iyi 'da, ondro ka'do lidri koye ta azaka ca koziro ànya ozovoya owo.
39 “Mi'di dhudhu Arona ri ni boŋgo liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro yasi, ago mi'di tagyia uvuuvuro ni boŋgo liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro yasi. Ago mi'di kyini kunduna ro tiratiraro.
40 “Mi'di boŋgo, kyini kundu ro ndi tagyia pärägäŋwà be ŋgwàagoro Arona ro ri, ko'ba ànya ro oroororo ago liŋgyiliŋgyiro. 41 Miso boŋgo kwoi Arona ädrupi miro lomvo ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be, ago nyäṛu ànya ago midi ànya, ànya äṛu si ido alokado si, tana ànya kinduruyi robe märi kohanii ro. 42 Mi'di boŋgo pa ro ànyari osone ànya lomvo ocana ri a'done ni iba embevo ya le kaya dri, tana katako a'do bägyulu ro ànyaro robe. 43 Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri osone iyi lomvo, ondoalo ondro ànya kayite oyi mutuguṛi a'do lototi maro roya kode ondro ànya kayite ikyi loto vo tori oloro lomvo ruindune kohanii ro Vo Alokado ya owo, ukyi ànya ezi latri 'da ànya dri ago odrayi 'da. Ono orivoya ota rriro yi Arona ndi zelevoi ndaro be ri.