David Counts the People
(2 Samuel 24.1-9)
1 Satan decided to cause trouble for Israel by making David think it was a good idea to find out how many people there were in Israel and Judah. 2 David told Joab and the army commanders, “Count everyone in Israel, from the town of Beersheba in the south all the way north to Dan. Then I will know how many people can serve in my army.”
3 Joab answered, “Your Majesty, even if the Lord made your kingdom a hundred times larger, you would still rule everyone in it. Why do you need to know how many soldiers there are? Don't you think that would make the whole nation angry?”
4 But David would not change his mind. And so Joab went everywhere in Israel and Judah and counted the people. He returned to Jerusalem 5 and told David that the total number of men who could serve in the army was 1,100,000 in Israel and 470,000 in Judah. 6 Joab refused to include anyone from the tribes of Levi and Benjamin, because he still disagreed with David's orders.
God Punishes Israel
(2 Samuel 24.10-17)
7 David's order to count the people made God angry, and he punished Israel. 8 David prayed, “I am your servant. But what I did was stupid and terribly wrong. Please forgive me.”
9 The Lord said to Gad, one of David's prophets, 10 “Tell David that I will punish him in one of three ways. But he will have to choose which one it will be.”
11 Gad went to David and told him:
You must choose how the Lord will punish you: 12 Will there be three years when the land won't grow enough food for its people? Or will your enemies constantly defeat you for three months? Or will the Lord send a horrible disease to strike your land for three days? Think about it and decide, because I have to give your answer to God who sent me.
13 David was miserable and said, “It's a terrible choice to make! But the Lord is kind, and I'd rather be punished by him than by anyone else.”
14 So the Lord sent a horrible disease on Israel, and 70,000 Israelites died. 15 Then he sent an angel to destroy the city of Jerusalem. But just as the angel was about to do that, the Lord felt sorry for all the suffering he had caused the people, and he told the angel, “Stop! They have suffered enough.” This happened at the threshing place that belonged to Araunah the Jebusite.
16 David saw the Lord's angel in the air, holding a sword over Jerusalem. He and the leaders of Israel, who were all wearing sackcloth, bowed with their faces to the ground, 17 and David prayed, “It's my fault! I sinned by ordering the people to be counted. They have done nothing wrong—they are innocent sheep. Lord God, please punish me and my family. Don't let the disease wipe out your people.”
David Buys Araunah's Threshing Place
(2 Samuel 24.18-25)
18 The Lord's angel told the prophet Gad to tell David that he must go to Araunah's threshing place and build an altar in honor of the Lord. 19 David followed the Lord's instructions.
20 Araunah and his four sons were threshing wheat at the time, and when they saw the angel, the four sons ran to hide. 21 Just then, David arrived, and when Araunah saw him, he stopped his work and bowed down.
22 David said, “Would you sell me your threshing place, so I can build an altar on it to the Lord? Then this disease will stop killing the people. I'm willing to pay whatever you say it's worth.”
23 Araunah answered, “Take it, Your Majesty, and do whatever you want with it. I'll even give you the oxen for the sacrifice and the wheat for the grain sacrifice. And you can use the threshing-boards for the fire. It's all yours!”
24 But David replied, “No! I want to pay you what they're worth. I can't just take something from you and then offer the Lord a sacrifice that cost me nothing.”
25 So David paid Araunah 600 gold coins for his threshing place. 26 David built an altar and offered sacrifices to please the Lord and sacrifices to ask his blessing. David prayed, and the Lord answered him by sending fire down on the altar. 27 Then the Lord commanded the angel to put the sword away.
28 When David saw that the Lord had answered his prayer, he offered more sacrifices there at the threshing place, 29-30 because he was afraid of the angel's sword and did not want to go all the way to Gibeon. That's where the sacred tent that Moses had made in the desert was kept, as well as the altar where sacrifices were offered to the Lord.
Dawidi Ti lidri Yisaraele ndi Yuda be rote
(2 Samuele 24:1-25)
1 Satani lete rriti ezine lidri Yisaraele ro dri, ta'dota nda 'ba Dawidi te tausune lidri Yisaraele ro otine. 2 Dawidi atate Yoaba ndi otaozo'bai kyila'bai ro se nda be kai ri ekye: “Nyoyi miti lidri Yisaraele ro, eto ni Beraseba ya le Dana ya, 'dooko nyologo tana märi, tana mäni oti ànyaro robe.”
3 Oko Yoaba zatadrite ekye: “Ka'do inye OPI kiliti lidri ndaro perena kama alo (100) ndrani oso a'do ànyaro yauono ri! Oko 'desi 'bädri'ba, inye'do vo ànyaro cini ṛo ko ruindu'bai miro ya? Tana e'di mile tase ono oyene niya? Mile taenji ezine lidri dri tana e'diya?” 4 Oko ata 'bädri'ba ro pe Yoaba te ṛe. Yoaba fote abate lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi gbikyi ago go egote kovole Yerusalema ya. 5 Yoaba ozo oti lidri se atibe rote Dawidi ri. Lidri cini Yisaraele ro kyila oyero orivoya tere'benye alo kutu kama alo (1,100,000), ago Yuda orivoya kutu kama su 'butenjidrieri (470,000). 6 Oko nda ti 'bakala Lewe ndi Benjamina robe kote, tana ota 'bädri'ba ro 'ba Yoaba te kyilaro.
7 Lu a'do kote yai'dwesi ta ono ta, ta'dota nda eza Yisaraele te. 8 Dawidi atate Lu ri ekye: “Maye takozi para te tase mayebe ono si! Oko yauono, molo'baru miri, nye'be ma ruindu'ba miro ta takozi rota; tana maye ta te amaama si.”
9 'Dooko OPI atate Gada nebi Dawidi ro ri ekye: 10 “Nyoyi nyata Dawidi ri mikye: OPI ekye: Mozo ŋga nätu miri, minji alodi ànyaro, maye robe miri.”
11 Gada ikyite Dawidi re ago atate ndäri ekye: “OPI ekye: ‘Minji se milebe; 12 ndroa nätu mä'bu ro, kode imba nätu lämune ni kyila'baazii miro risi; kode u'du nätu bando OPI ro ri odra adravo koziro ro ri a'done 'bädri dri, ago malaika OPI ro ri ugu 'di tufune wari cini Yisaraele ro yasi.’ Ka'do inye nyusu tavona, ago nyata tase märi logone nda se kezo ma be ono ri.” 13 'Dooko Dawidi logotate Gada ri ekye: “Mate rriti 'desi ya, oko male koni lidri ri ma ezane. OPI andivo keza ma ni, tana nda orivoya yauni parandra be.”
14 Ta'dota OPI ezi adravo odra koziro rote Yisaraele dri; ago lidri Yisaraele ro drate kutu njidrieri (70,000). 15 Ago OPI ezo malaika te lidri Yerusalema ya tufune; oko ondro OPI kondrete oko, nda gyero tausu ndaro te ni tase rritiro nonye ono oyevoya, nda atate malaika 'ditufuro ri keye: “Nyedre! 'Do ojote!” 'Dooko maliaka OPI ro orivoya edrevoya kaladri Arauna Jebusa'ba roya. 16 Dawidi keŋga mi ndaro te oko, ndre malaika OPI rote edrevoya vo lewe ya kuru oli ya bando be dri ndaro ya eŋgate nja Yerusalema dri. 'Dooko Dawidi ndi dri'bai lidri robe soyi gunia te, 'deyite vuru militi si. 17 Dawidi mätute Lu ri ekye: “Mani 'dise koye ta be koziro owo. Mozo ota ni lidri otine. Oko lidri se mäyuro kwoi yeyi iro e'diya? Molo'baru miri, Äye OPI Lu maro, nyeza ma ayani, ndi katidri maro be; oko mipa lidri miro.”
18 'Dooko malaika OPI ro atate Gada ri atane Dawidi ri oyine vo tori oloro obene OPI ri kaladri Arauna Jebusa'ba roya. 19 'Dooko Dawidi ro ota OPI rote ago oyite oso Gada katabe ndäri ronye. 20 'Dooko Arauna ndi ŋgwàagoro su ndaro be orivoya kyifo o'bivoya kaladri lau; ondro ànya kondreyi malaika te oko, ŋgwàagoro ndaro se kai muyi da'doyi andivo ànyaro te. 21 Ondro Arauna kondre Dawidi te eziikyivoya ndare oko, nda e'be kaladri te ikyite Dawidi re andite vuru militi si. 22 Dawidi atate ndäri ekye: “Nyozo kaladri miro magye robe tana mabe vo tori oloro robe OPI ri, tana adravo koziro odra ro ono kedre robe ni lidri tufuvoya, Mozona ndi lagyena modona ayani.”
23 'Dooko Arauna atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Miru ri; 'desi 'bädri'ba, ago miye tase milebe oyene 'do ri sina, mindre, mozo 'daŋgo kwoi begi ono ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro, loro inya o'biro, ago kyifo ono ŋgapäṛi inya ro ro, mozo ŋga kwoi vona cini te miri.”
24 Oko 'bädri'ba Dawidi zatadri Arauna rote ekye: “Hwa, magyena ogye lagyena modona si; märi ŋga miro ozone ayani OPI ri i'do, ca ŋgapäṛi ozaro se magye beko ogye 'do.” 25 'Dooko Dawidi ozo sekele logo läguläguro ro läŋgyina kama njidrialo (600) te Arauna ri ta kaladri rota. 26 Dawidi be vo tori oloro te lau OPI ri ago ozo ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora robe te, nda mätu te, ago OPI zatadri ndaro te asi eda si ni vo'buyakuru yasi vo tori oloro ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro dri.
27 'Dooko OPI ta malaika te bando ndaro logone kovole foro ndaro ya. 28 Tu gi ana si, ondro Dawidi kondrete OPI zatadri ndaro te oko, nda lo tori te kaladri Arauna Jebusa'ba roya lau. 29 Tana 'dooko Mutuguṛi OPI ro, se Musa kedebe vocowa ya ana, ago vo tori ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro tu kai si drigba orivoya vo toŋgoro Gibeona roya; 30 oko Dawidi a'dote mbaraako oyine lau OPI mätune, tana nda orivoya turituriro ni bando malaika OPI ro ro ri.