The Water Goes Down
1 God did not forget about Noah and the animals with him in the boat. So God made a wind blow, and the water started going down. 2 God stopped up the places where the water had been gushing out from under the earth. He also closed up the sky, and the rain stopped. 3 For 150 days the water slowly went down. 4 Then on the seventeenth day of the seventh month of the year, the boat came to rest somewhere in the Ararat mountains. 5 The water kept going down, and the mountain tops could be seen on the first day of the tenth month.
6-7 Forty days later Noah opened a window to send out a raven, but it kept flying around until the water had dried up. 8 Noah wanted to find out if the water had gone down, so he sent out a dove. 9 Deep water was still everywhere, and when the dove could not find a place to land, it flew back to the boat. Then Noah held out his hand and helped it back in.
10 Seven days later Noah sent the dove out again. 11 It returned in the evening, holding in its beak a green leaf from an olive tree. Noah knew the water was finally going down. 12 He waited seven more days before sending the dove out again, and this time it did not return.
13 Noah was now 601 years old. And by the first day of that year, almost all the water had gone away. Noah made an opening in the roof of the boat and saw that the ground was getting dry. 14 By the twenty-seventh day of the second month, the earth was completely dry.
15 God said to Noah, 16 “You, your wife, your sons, and your daughters-in-law may now leave the boat. 17 Let out the birds, animals, and reptiles, so they can mate and live all over the earth.” 18 After Noah and his family had left the boat, 19 the living creatures left in groups of their own kind.
The Lord's Promise for the Earth
20 Noah built an altar where he could offer sacrifices to the Lord. Then he offered on the altar one of each kind of animal and bird that could be used for a sacrifice. 21 The smell of the burning offering pleased the Lord, and he said:
Never again will I punish the earth for the sinful things its people do. All of them have evil thoughts from the time they are young, but I will never destroy everything that breathes, as I did this time.

22 As long as the earth remains,
there will be planting
and harvest,
cold and heat;
winter and summer,
day and night.
Okye Gyitändri ro
1 Lu yi ta Noa rote, ndi koronyai se cini nda be toŋbo ya ana be. Lu 'ba oli te usine 'bädri drisi, ndi gyi ezi osete. 2 Eŋgavo gyi ro ni gyini yasi ndi vouŋbo vo'buyakuru robe serute, ago u'di 'bu ro edrete. 3 Ago gyi ugu osete ni gyini drisi liyaro, u'duna kama alo 'butenji. 4 U'du 'butealo fonjidrieri imba njidrieri rosi oko, toŋbo ikyi rite 'bereŋwa Ararata dri. 5 Ndi gyi ezi osete 'duro madale imba 'butealo ya; u'du käti imba 'butealo roya oko, drî 'bereŋwà ro efote.
6 Ädu u'du 'butesu roya oko, Noa pi vouŋbo toŋbo se nda kedebe ana rote. 7 Ndi nda lofo koroga te, ugu oyite wayiro madale gyi sete ni 'bädri yasi. 8 Ago nda lofo tu'bu kpate ni nda resi, unizana kode gyi sete ni gyini drisi, 9 oko tu'bu usu lolivo kote pa anyaro otozana, tana gyitändri drigba dri orivoya, ndi anya gote Noa re toŋbo ya. Ago Noa ozo dri te ago ru anya te kovole toŋbo ya. 10 Nda go ri kpate u'du njidrieri aza; ago nda go lofo tu'bu teni toŋbo yasi kpa to'di. 11 Ndi tu'bu go egote ndare tandrolero, ago kye kyibi luru ice ido ro rote si anyaro ya, ndi Noa nite anjioko gyi sete ni 'bädri yasi. 12 'Dooko Noa go ri kpagwo u'du njidrieri, ago go lofo tu'bu kpate, tu ono ya anya go ego kote tona ndare.
13 Ondro ndroa Noa rote kama njidrialo foalo (601), u'du käti imba käti rosi oko, gyi sete ni gyini drisi, ndi Noa pi dri toŋbo rote, kondrevote gbikyi oko dri gyini ro kate owi. 14 U'du 'buteritu fonjidrieri imba ṛiri rosi oko, dri gyini ro a'dote fereŋgyele.
15 Ago Lu atate Noa ri ekye: 16 “Mifo ri ni toŋbo yasi, mi, toko miro, ŋgwàagoro miro ndi 'ditoko ŋgwàagoro miro robe. 17 Nyolofo ŋgase cini mibe lidriidriro iyi tesi, arii ndi koronyai cini be ndi ŋgase cini tegategaŋwà robe, se kayibe tegategaŋwà 'bädri ya iyi; tana ànya kiliti robe amba 'bädri ya ago ka'doyi robe amba nyalakpa 'bädri ya.” 18 Ta'dota Noa efote tesi, toko ndaro, ŋgwàagoro ndaro ndi 'ditoko ŋgwàagoro ndaro robe. 19 Koronyai cini, ŋga tegategaŋwà cini, ndi arii cini be foyite tesi ni toŋbo yasi ba beti ànyaro voro.
Noa Lo Tori te
20 Noa be vo tori oloro te OPI ri, ago ru koronya te ba alo alo ni koronyai cini se wäṛiro ndi arii cini wäṛiro be lakosi, ago za ànya te ŋgapäṛi ro vo tori oloro dri. 21 Ondro OPI käŋgu ndeṛi tägyina ro ŋgutru ana te oko, nda atate ya ndaro ya ekye: “Ta lidri rota märi ogone gyini otrine te i'do tona, tana a'do ya lidri ro ro ṛo undiro ni ombato'di ndaro si, mago mutufuna ŋgase cini lidriidriro iyi kpa kote tona, oso mayebe ono ronye. 22 Oso 'bädri kabe dri gi ugu ori ono ronye, tu ämvu oso ro, jalia ro, voi'dwe ndi voeme robe, ago tu duru ro ndi meṛi robe, ago kitu ndi ŋgäkyi be ro okyena ko.”