A Happy Ending for the Jews
1 Before the end of the day, King Xerxes gave Esther everything that had belonged to Haman, the enemy of the Jews. Esther told the king that Mordecai was her cousin. So the king made Mordecai one of his highest officials 2 and gave him the royal ring that Haman had worn. Then Esther put Mordecai in charge of Haman's property.
3 Once again Esther went to speak to the king. This time she fell down at his feet, crying and begging, “Please stop Haman's evil plan to have the Jews killed!” 4 King Xerxes held out the golden scepter to Esther, 5 and she got up and said, “Your Majesty, I know that you will do the right thing and that you really love me. Please stop what Haman has planned. He has already sent letters demanding that the Jews in all your provinces be killed, 6 and I can't bear to see my people and my own relatives destroyed.”
7 King Xerxes then said to Esther and Mordecai, “I have already ordered Haman to be hanged and his house given to Esther, because of his evil plans to kill the Jews. 8 I now give you permission to make a law that will save the lives of your people. You may use my ring to seal the law, so that it can never be changed.”
9 On the twenty-third day of Sivan, the third month, the king's secretaries wrote the law. They obeyed Mordecai and wrote to the Jews, the rulers, the governors, and the officials of all 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia. The letters were written in every language used in the kingdom, including the Jewish language. 10 They were written in the name of King Xerxes and sealed with his ring. Then they were taken by messengers who rode the king's finest and fastest horses.
11-13 In these letters the king said:
On the thirteenth day of Adar, the twelfth month, the Jews in every city and province will be allowed to get together and defend themselves. They may destroy any army that attacks them, and they may kill all of their enemies, including women and children. They may also take everything that belongs to their enemies.
A copy of this law is to be posted in every province and read by everyone.
14-15 Then the king ordered his messengers to take their fastest horses and deliver the law as quickly as possible to every province. When Mordecai left, he was wearing clothes fit for a king. He wore blue and white robes, a large gold crown, and a cape made of fine linen and purple cloth.
After the law was announced in Susa, everyone shouted and cheered, 16 and the Jews were no longer afraid. In fact, they were very happy and felt that they had won a victory.
17 In every province and city where the law was sent, the Jews had parties and celebrated. Many of the people in the provinces accepted the Jewish religion, because they were now afraid of the Jews.
Atate Yudai ri Ogo Kyilaoyene
1 Tu gi ana si 'Bädri'ba Asuerosa ozo ŋga cini Amana kyila'baazi Yudai ro rote toko 'bädri'ba ro Esetera ri. Ago Moredekai ecite 'bädri'ba kandra tana Esetera iti diri ànyaro Moredekai be te 'bädri'ba ri. 2 'Bädri'ba ru mäŋgusi ndaro 'desiro se nda kurube ni Amana rigyesi ana te ago ozote Moredekai ri. Esetera 'ba Moredekai te drikaca be lakazà Amana ro dri.
3 'Dooko Esetera atate 'bädri'ba ri kpa to'di, anya 'dete nda pa ago lo'barute ndäri miendre si tase koziro Amana Agaga'ba korabe ndi tase nda käyibe Yudai lomvo ana onane. 4 'Bädri'ba eŋga dofo logo läguläguro rote Esetera ri, 5 ndi anya ŋgate kuru edrete 'bädri'ba kandra ago atate ekye: “Ondro ka'do tana kusi mi 'bädri'ba gindi, ago ondro ka'do ya miro kuni gindi malomvo ago ondro tase ono kalendre gindi kadoro miri ago ondro nya'do gyindi yai'dwesi mabe oko, mi'ba egyi waraga aza ta tase Amana Agaga'ba ŋgwa Amedata ro korabe Yudai se wari cini yasi tufuza 'do a'bi drina robe. 6 Marina gwo riti se kabe ikyi lidri maro dri ondrene misi etaya? Kode marina gwo tufu 'didiri maro ro ondrene misi etaya?”
7 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Asuerosa atate toko 'bädri'ba ro Esetera ndi Moredekai se Yuda ro ana be ri ekye: “Mindre, mozo ŋga cini Amana ro te Esetera ri ago ayi ndate ce kacaro dri ta tase nda korabe Yudai lomvo ana rota. 8 Minina ndi waraga egyine oso tana kusi mibe ronye ta Yudai rota ävuru ma 'bädri'ba rosi, ago midi mäŋgusi 'bädri'ba ro taka'daro driigye, tana ota se egyite ävuru 'bädri'ba rosi ago ädita mäŋgwusi taka'daro 'bädri'ba rosi änina kote forone.”
9 Ago äzi egyi'ba 'bädri'ba rote tu ana si u'du 'buteritu fonätu imba nina imba Sivana rosi, ago egyi ota te oso se Moredekai kota be ronye ta Yudai rota. Ago azote 'desii ri, wari'bai ndi dri'bai losi ro be ri wari cini yasi etoni India ya le Kusa ya, wari kama alo 'buteritu fonjidrieri (127) yasi, egyite wari alo alo ri taegyi modo ànyaro rosi ago egyite lidri alo alo ri kala modo ànyaro rosi, Yudai ri egyi kpate taegyi modo ànyaro ro ndi kala ànyaro be si. 10 Egyi waraga ana te ävuru 'Bädri'ba Asuerosa rosi ago ädite mäŋgusi taka'daro 'bädri'ba rosi, ago azo waraga te lazo'bai se kayibe lämu farasii umuekyero se ṛo losi ro 'bädri'ba ro ago ecate kägyi 'bädri'ba ro ya iyi si.
11 Waraga se kwoi si 'bädri'ba ozo tate Yudai 'bakici cini yasi ri rudro'bene ago andivo ànyaro gagane. Ondro ka'do kyila'bai wari aza ro kode lidri aza se kogota ànya te kyila oyene ànya be, ànyari kyila oyene ànya be ago ànya tolone ago tufune 'ditoko ànyaro be ndi ŋgàga ànyaro be kpeye le ädu ya ago ŋga ànyaro urune. 12 Tase ono a'done u'du alo si, wari cini Asuerosa ro yasi u'du 'butealo fonätu imba 'butealo foritu, imba Adara rosi. 13 Gyere waraga se egyibe kwoi ṛo tana ayone ota ro wari cini yasi ago ayone lidri cini ri ago Yudai ri a'done nja tu gi ana si kyila oyene kyila'baazii ànyaro yibe. 14 Ago ota 'bädri'ba rosi umu'bai tuyite farasii umuekye losi ro 'bädri'ba ro drisi ago muyite foroforo ota 'bädri'ba ro ronye; ago ayo ota ono kpate 'bakici 'desi Susa ya.
15 Ago Moredekai fote tesi ni 'bädri'ba kandra si boŋgo runduṛuro 'bädri'ba ro lu'buliro ndi onjero be, ago ndi tagyia 'desi logo läguläguro be ago boŋgo ovoro liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro lärimiro, ago lidri cini 'bakici Susa ya treyite ago a'doyite riyä ro. 16 Yudai se lau kai a'doyite yai'dwesi, riyä ro ago orooro ro. 17 'Bakici cini ndi wari cini se äzi ota 'bädri'ba robe kigyesi iyi yasi, Yudai a'doyite yai'dwe si ago riyä ro, ànya yeyi loli riyä ro ndi karama be te. Ago amba lidri ro 'bayi andivo ànyaro te a'done Yudai ro, tana ànya a'doyite turi ro ni Yudai ri.