1 Then the bones of the dead kings of Judah and their officials will be dug up, along with the bones of the priests, the prophets, and everyone else in Jerusalem 2 who loved and worshiped the sun, moon, and stars. These bones will be scattered and left lying on the ground like trash, where the sun and moon and stars can shine on them.
3 Some of you people of Judah will be left alive, but I will force you to go to foreign countries, and you will wish you were dead. I, the Lord God All-Powerful, have spoken.
The People Took the Wrong Road
4 The Lord said:

People of Jerusalem,
when you stumble and fall,
you get back up,
and if you take a wrong road,
you turn around and go back.
5 So why do you refuse
to come back to me?
Why do you hold so tightly
to your false gods?

6 I listen carefully,
but none of you admit
that you've done wrong.
Without a second thought,
you run down the wrong road
like horses running blindly
into battle.

7 Storks, doves, swallows,
and thrushes
all know when it's time
to fly away for the winter
and when to come back.
But you, my people,
don't know what I demand.
8 You say, “We are wise
because we have the teachings
and laws of the Lord.”
But I say that your teachers
have turned my words
into lies!
9 Your wise men
have rejected what I say,
and so they have no wisdom.
Now they will be trapped
and put to shame;
they won't know what to do.
10 I'll give their wives and fields
to strangers.

Everyone is greedy and dishonest,
whether poor or rich.
Even the prophets and priests
cannot be trusted.
11 All they ever offer
to my deeply wounded people
are empty hopes for peace.
12 They should be ashamed
of the way they live,
but they don't even blush.
And so, when I punish Judah,
they will end up on the ground,
dead like everyone else.
13 I will wipe them out.
They are vines without grapes;
fig trees without figs or leaves.
They have not done a thing
that I told them!
I, the Lord, have spoken.
The People and Their Punishment
14 The people of Judah
say to each other,
“What are we waiting for?
Let's run to a town with walls
and die there.
We rebelled against the Lord,
and we were sentenced to die
by drinking poison.
15 We had hoped for peace
and a time of healing,
but all we got was terror.
16 Our enemies have reached
the town of Dan in the north,
and the snorting of their horses
makes us tremble with fear.
The enemy will destroy Jerusalem
and our entire nation.
No one will survive.”

17 “Watch out!” the Lord says.
“I'm sending poisonous snakes
to attack you,
and no one can stop them.”
Jeremiah Mourns for His People
18 I'm burdened with sorrow
and feel like giving up.
19 In a foreign land
my people are crying.
Listen! You'll hear them say,
“Has the Lord deserted Zion?
Is he no longer its king?”

I hear the Lord reply,
“Why did you make me angry
by worshiping useless idols?”

20 The people complain,
“Spring and summer
have come and gone,
but still the Lord
hasn't rescued us.”

21 My people are crushed,
and so is my heart.
I am horrified and mourn.
22 If medicine and doctors
may be found in Gilead,
why aren't my people healed?
1 “Tu ana ya ewena kowai 'bädri'bai ndi dri'bai losi ro Yuda ro ro, ndi kowai kohanii robe, nebii ro, ndi lidri azaka se koriyibe Yerusalema ya kai ro 'da ni 'budrii yasi. 2 Alarina ànya 'da ŋgaeyi kitu, imba ndi 'bi'bii robe yasi, ŋgase lidri kwoi kuluyibe ago kinduruyibe rigye, ago kayibe oso voigye ago kämätuyibe iyi. Änina ko kala kowa na iyi ro otone ago osene, oko e'bena ànya 'da oso ŋga aŋgwa ronye gyini drisi. 3 Ago lidri tu'de se undiro ono ro se kopavobe lidridriro iyi, se kayibe ori vose mepere ànya be kigyesi iyi yasi iyi, olenayi te odrane odra ayani ni orine lidriidriro ri. Ma OPI Mbaraekye, matani.”
Takozi ndi Taezaro be
4 OPI atate märi atane lidri ndaro ri ekye: “Ondro 'diaza ko'dete vuru oko, inye'do nda go ŋga ko kuru ya? Ondro ka'do 'diaza kujebe ni liti drisi, inye'do nda ego ko kovole ya? 5 Ka'do inye, tana e'di ami lidri maro, mìnaru teni maresi teinye egoako kovole niya? Nyà lebe lui awi kowero lomvo ago mìgazo egone kovole mare. 6 Meritate liyaro taoti si, caoko nyàta taŋgye kote. Alodi aza amiro etadri kote ni takozi ndaro yasi; ago ejita kote ekye: ‘Maye e'diyi koziro ya?’ 'Dicini oyite liti nda modo ro yasi, oso farasi kabe vooŋgo kyila ya 'do ronye. 7 Ca wala ni tuse anyaro egoza ndi; tu'bui, kye'boe'boŋwai, ndi kaaonyamai yibe niyi tu ànyaro oyiza ndi. Oko, lidri maro, niyi ota ma OPI ro ko. 8 Nyàtana eŋwanye mìkye iyi orivoya tavouni be, ago mìkye yìni ota maro ndi ya? Mindre, egyi'bai se ta'diriako iyi läpiyi ota te a'done kowero. 9 A'ba lidri tavouni'bai amiro te driupiro; ànya te lä'bilä'biro ago 'deyite abari ya. Ànya gayi ata maro tezo; ka'do inye tavouni se ànya ka'doyibe sina yauono e'diya? 10 Ta'dota mozona 'ditoko ànyaro 'da lidri azaka ri ago mozona ämvu ànyaro 'da 'dise kope ànyabe ṛe iyi ri. 'Dicini, 'desiro ndi giṛiŋwà ro be, kayi ojo drinju'du usune ta'diriako si. Ca nebii ndi kohanii be kayi lidri oco. 11 Ànya kayi ojo laza lidri maro ro edene oso ŋgaawi ronye. Ànya kayi ata ekye: ‘Ŋga cini orivoya liatokpe,’ oko se ŋga cini a'do ko liatokpe ro. 12 Inye'do ànya a'do gindi driupiro tase undiro ànya koyeyibe ono tana roya? Hwa, ànya a'doyi kote driupiro cu alona; ànya niyi kpa ko a'done mi nyäswänyäswäro be! Ta'doro ànya o'dena 'da oso 'diazaka ko'debe ronye; ondro meza ànya te oko, ädu ànyaro te ni wo. Ma OPI, matani.
13 “Motona kala lidri maro ro 'da, oso abe ŋga jalia ro kotona ronye oko kono ànyaro a'dona teinye doŋgo ako; ago doŋgo kyi'du ro a'dona i'do ce kyi'du ro ànyaro dri; ca kyibi nai owina kpa. Ta'doro ŋgase mozobe ànyari äruna 'da ni ànya rigyesi.”
14 Lidri OPI ro kayi taeji ekye: “Tana e'di màri gwo 'du niya? Nyìkyi, mòyi robe 'bakicii se obeobero tiṛi si iyi yasi, màdra robe lau. Tana OPI Lu amaro pe vure amaro te odrane; nda ozo gyi äṛi ro te ämäri umvune, tana màye takozi te nda lomvo. 15 Mà'ba mite taliatokpe ta oko takadona te i'do, tu 'diedero ta, oko turi go ikyi ṛoni vona ya. 16 Yauono eri kporo komvo osi farasii kyila'baazii amaro ro te 'bakici Dana ya; ago màte kporo gbiriṛi farasii ànyaro ro erina. Wari ono te kpeye lä'bilä'biro. Kyila'baazii amaro ikyiyite wari amaro perene ndi ŋgase cini kigye ono be, 'bakici amaro ndi lidri na be.”
17 “Mìndre!” OPI ka ata ekye: “Ma oye inii ozone ami lako, inii äṛiekyero se änina ko leyene tetedri si, ago ànya osina ami 'da.”
Tusu Yeremaya ro ta Lidri ndaro rota
18 Änina ko tusu maro i'dwene;
mate orivoya adravoro ya ya.
19 Nyeri dri! Ma liyi lidri maro ro erina
gbikyi ni wari cini ono yasi ekye:
“Inye'do OPI te i'do Zaiona ya ya?
Inye'do 'bädri'ba Zaiona ro te i'do lau ya?”
OPI, Lu 'bädri'ba ànyaro ka talogo ekye:
“Mì'debe ma o'bane kyilaro lui awi amiro mätuna si
ago lui edeedero atra ro si etaya?”
20 Lidri ka totre ekye:
“Duru kyete, tu jalia ro lävute,
caoko apa ama kote.”

21 Ta rueza lidri maro rota, ya maro lesite;
ma kuku o'be; tana mate cu orivoya lä'bilä'biro.
22 Inye'do kyere i'do Gilada ya ya?
Inye'do 'diede'bai i'do lau ya?
Ka'do inye, tana e'di, ede lidri maro ko niya?