1 The Lord said to Moses:
Go back to the king. I have made him and his officials stubborn, so that I could work these miracles. 2 I did this because I want you to tell your children and your grandchildren about my miracles and about my harsh treatment of the Egyptians. Then all of you will know that I am the Lord.
3 Moses and Aaron went to the king and told him that the Lord God of the Hebrews had said:
How long will you stubbornly refuse to obey? Release my people so they can worship me. 4 Do this by tomorrow, or I will cover your country with so many locusts 5 that you won't be able to see the ground. Most of your crops were ruined by the hailstones, but these locusts will destroy what little is left, including the trees. 6 Your palace, the homes of your officials, and all the other houses in Egypt will overflow with more locusts than have ever been seen in this country.
After Moses left the palace, 7 the king's officials asked, “Your Majesty, how much longer is this man going to be a troublemaker? Why don't you let the people leave, so they can worship the Lord their God? Don't you know that Egypt is a disaster?”
8 The king had Moses and Aaron brought back, and he said, “All right, you may go and worship the Lord your God. But first tell me who will be going.”
9 “Everyone, young and old,” Moses answered. “We will even take our sheep, goats, and cattle, because we want to hold a celebration in honor of the Lord.”
10 The king replied, “The Lord had better watch over you on the day I let you leave with your families! You're up to no good. 11 Do you want to worship the Lord? All right, take only the men and go.” Then Moses and Aaron were chased out of the palace.
12 The Lord told Moses, “Stretch your arm toward Egypt. Swarms of locusts will come and eat everything left by the hail.”
13 Moses held out his walking stick, and the Lord sent an east wind that blew across Egypt the rest of the day and all that night. By morning, locusts 14 were swarming everywhere. Never before had there been so many locusts in Egypt, and never again will there be so many. 15 The ground was black with locusts, and they ate everything left on the trees and in the fields. Nothing green remained in Egypt—not a tree or a plant.
16 At once the king sent for Moses and Aaron. He told them, “I have sinned against the Lord your God and against you. 17 Forgive me one more time and ask the Lord to stop these insects from killing every living plant.”
18 Moses left the palace and prayed. 19 Then the Lord sent a strong west wind that swept the locusts into the Red Sea. Not one locust was left anywhere in Egypt, 20 but the Lord made the king so stubborn that he still refused to let the Israelites go.
21 The Lord said to Moses, “Stretch your arm toward the sky, and everything will be covered with darkness thick enough to touch.” 22 Moses stretched his arm toward the sky, and Egypt was covered with darkness for three days. 23 During that time, the Egyptians could not see each other or leave their homes, but there was light where the Israelites lived.
24 The king sent for Moses and told him, “Go worship the Lord! And take your families with you. Just leave your sheep, goats, and cattle.”
25 “No!” Moses replied. “You must let us offer sacrifices to the Lord our God, 26 and we won't know which animals we will need until we get there. That's why we can't leave even one of them here.”
27 This time the Lord made the king so stubborn 28 that he said to Moses, “Get out and stay out! If you ever come back, you're dead!”
29 “Have it your way,” Moses answered. “You won't see me again.”
Taezaro Tombi si
1 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyoyi ago mindre 'bädri'ba. Ma'ba ya ndaro te uŋgyine, ndi ya dri'bai losi ro ndaro robe, tana maka'da rubä maro kwoi robe ànya lako, 2 tana nyìti tana robe erine ŋgwai amiro ri ndi kwozoi amiro be anjioko meza Ezipeto'bai te. Ago nyìti ta rubä se maye be ànya lako ono ro, tana ami cini mìni robe anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
3 'Dooko Musa ndi Arona be oyiyite 'bädri'ba re, ago atayite ndäri ekye: “OPI Lu Ebere'bai ro kani ata nonye ekye: ‘Miganazo andivo miro logone vuru märi tuna mu'du eŋgwanyeya? Mi'ba lidri maro koyi; tana ànya kämätuyi ma robe. 4 Ondro ka'do migatezo ànya o'bane oyine, mindre, ondo 'do mezina tombi 'da 'bädri miro ya. 5 Ànya takonayi 'bädri ṛo takyi ago 'diaza alo unina ko 'bädri ondrene. Ago ŋgase ke'bebe miri 'busiya vosi ànya onyana 'da, ànya onyana ice cini se kabe omba ämvui amiro yasi iyi 'da. 6 Ago ànya ogana 'da twi zo'desi miri ro miro ya ago kpa zoi cini dri'bai losi ro miro ro ndi Ezipeto'bai robe yasi, se ca zutui amiro ndreyi kätina kote, ṛoni tuse äti ànya be 'bädri ya si le tu ondro ono ya.’ ” 'Dooko Musa zamite ago oyite ni 'bädri'ba resi.
7 Ago dri'bai losi ro 'bädri'ba ro atayite ndäri ekye: “Mano ono kaoye rriti ozone ämäri tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya? Mi'ba Yisaraele'bai koyi tana ànya kämätuyi OPI Lu ànyaro robe. Inye'do mini ko anjioko epere Ezipeto te ya?”
8 'Dooko ologo Musa ndi Arona be te kovole 'bädri'ba re; ago nda atate ànyari ekye: “Nyòyina ndi OPI, Lu amiro mätune oko a'diyi ri ni oyine ya?”
9 Ago Musa zatadrite ekye: “Mòyina ṛo kpeye ŋgagaŋwai ndi lidri 'desi amaro be. Mä̀runa ŋgwàagoro ndi ndiriŋwa amaro be, mä̀runa timele amaro indrii ndi tii amaro be kpa, tana be ämäri karama oyene OPI oroza.”
10 'Bädri'ba atate ànyari ekye: “Ma ruäṛu OPI si märi ami o'bane oyine 'ditoko amiro ndi ŋgwai amiro yibe i'do. Ṛo orivoya endaro nyà taäyi ogbone. 11 Hwa! Mànoago oyina toto ni OPI mätune, tana 'do ṛoni ŋgase nyàbe taeji ta ro owo.” Ago anja Musa ndi Arona be teni 'bädri'ba kandra si.
12 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyeŋga drí miro kuru 'bädri Ezipeto ro dri tombi eziza, ànya kikyiyi robe 'bädri Ezipeto ro dri, ago konyayi ŋgase cini kabe ombaomba ago ŋgase cini 'busiya ke'bebe ana robe.” 13 'Dooko Musa eŋga dofo ndaro te, ago OPI 'ba oli ni 'buzelesi te usine 'bädri dri tu ana si zwi ago ŋgäkyi ana si raa. Ago ondro vokiwite oko oli se ana ezi tombi te. 14 Ànya ikyite lowa ro, ago riyite 'bädri cini Ezipeto ro dri. Omvo lowa tombi ro ro oso ana ronye andre kätina ko alona, se ca ogo ondrene i'do oso nanye. 15 Ànya tako dri gyini rote kpurukuṛu madale a'dote uniro ni ànya ri. Ago ànya nya ŋgase cini 'busiya ke'bebe kai te, ndi tro doŋgoi se cini ice drisi be. Ŋgaluru aza e'be kote ce aza dri ca ŋga kyikyi'di ro aza wari cini Ezipeto ro yasi.
16 'Dooko 'bädri'ba zi Musa ndi Arona be te ndrindri ago atate ekye: “Maye takozi te OPI Lu amiro lomvo, ago ami lomvo. 17 Ka'do inye, molo'baru ämiri, nyè'be ma takozi maro ta, toto pere alo ono si. Nyä̀mätu OPI Lu amiro ri taezaro gi ka 'di ufuufu ono onane ni mädrisi.” 18 Ago Musa fote tesi ni 'bädri'ba resi, ago mätute OPI ri. 19 Ago OPI läpi oli 'buzele rote oli mbaraekye aŋgoyasi ro ro ago ŋgyi tombii te ago da ànya te le Gyi'desi Okaro ya. Tombi aza alona e'be kote 'bädri Ezipeto roya. 20 Oko OPI 'ba ya 'bädri'ba rote a'done 'du uŋgyiuŋgyi ro ago nda lekote Yisaraele'bai o'bane oyine.
Taezaro Ŋgätini si
21 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyeŋga drí miro vokuru yaro tana ŋgätini gbiṛikyiri ro katako 'bädri Ezipeto ro robe, ŋgätini se oye tämbine.” 22 Ndi Musa eŋga drí iro te kuru vokuru yaro, ago ŋgätini gbiṛikyiri ro a'dote 'bädri cini Ezipeto ro yasi u'duna nätu. 23 Ezipeto'bai niyi kote azi ànyaro ondrene, ca 'diaza ŋga kote ni vo iro yasi u'duna nätu. Oko lidri cini Yisaraele ro a'doyite ŋgaeyi be vose ànya koriyibe kigye ana ya.
24 'Dooko 'bädri'ba zi Musa te ago atate ekye: “Nyòyi OPI mätune; ca ŋgwai amiro ndi 'ditoko amiro koyiyi ami yibe. Oko timele amiro, indrii ndi tii be beṛo orine noŋwa.”
25 Oko Musa zatadrite ekye: “Ka'do inye mi andivo nyozo koronyai 'ba ro ämäri olone torii oloro ro ago ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro OPI Lu amaro ri. 26 Beṛo ämäri koronyai 'ba ro amaro urune ama yibe ko aza alona e'bene kovole. Tana andivo amaro beṛo ni koronyai 'ba ro se OPI Lu amaro mätune sina onjine. Ago mä̀nina ko unine kode moye koronyai eŋgwani olone ayani ndäri tori ro, madale màsana lutu lau.”
27 Oko OPI 'ba ya 'bädri'ba rote uŋgyiuŋgyi ro, ago nda lekote ànya o'bane oyine. 28 'Dooko 'bädri'ba atate Musa ri ekye: “Minaru ni mare si! Mi'ba mago mandre mi ko tona! Tuse moyebe mi ondrene sina si midrana ndi!”
29 Ago Musa zatadrite ekye: “Oso nyatabe 'do ronye, miri ogone ma ondrene i'do tona.”