Micaiah Warns King Ahab of Israel
(1 Kings 22.1-28)
1 Jehoshaphat was now very rich and famous. He signed a treaty with King Ahab of Israel by arranging the marriage of his son and Ahab's daughter.
2 One day, Jehoshaphat went to visit Ahab in his capital city of Samaria. Ahab slaughtered sheep and cattle and prepared a big feast to honor Jehoshaphat and the officials with him. Ahab talked about attacking the city of Ramoth in Gilead, 3 and finally asked, “Jehoshaphat, would you go with me to attack Ramoth?”
“Yes,” Jehoshaphat answered. “My army is at your command. 4 But first let's ask the Lord what to do.”
5 Ahab sent for 400 prophets and asked, “Should I attack the city of Ramoth?”
“Yes!” the prophets answered. “God will help you capture the city.”
6 But Jehoshaphat said, “Just to make sure, is there another of the Lord's prophets we can ask?”
7 “We could ask Micaiah son of Imlah,” Ahab said. “But I hate Micaiah. He always has bad news for me.”
“Don't say that!” Jehoshaphat replied. 8 Then Ahab sent someone to bring Micaiah as soon as possible.
9 All this time, Ahab and Jehoshaphat were dressed in their royal robes and were seated on their thrones at the threshing place near the gate of Samaria, listening to the prophets tell them what the Lord had said.
10 Zedekiah son of Chenaanah was one of the prophets. He had made some horns out of iron and shouted, “Ahab, the Lord says you will attack the Syrians like a bull with iron horns and wipe them out!”
11 All the prophets agreed that Ahab should attack the Syrians at Ramoth and promised that the Lord would help him defeat them.
12 Meanwhile, the messenger who went to get Micaiah whispered, “Micaiah, all the prophets have good news for Ahab. Now go and say the same thing.”
13 “I'll say whatever the living Lord my God tells me to say,” Micaiah replied.
14 Then Micaiah went up to Ahab, who asked, “Micaiah, should we attack Ramoth?”
“Yes!” Micaiah answered. “The Lord will help you capture the city.”
15 Ahab shouted, “Micaiah, I've told you over and over to tell me the truth! What does the Lord really say?”
16 Micaiah answered, “In a vision I saw Israelite soldiers wandering around, lost in the hills like sheep without a shepherd. The Lord said, ‘These troops have no leader. They should go home and not fight.’ ”
17 Ahab turned to Jehoshaphat and said, “I told you he would bring me bad news!”
18 Micaiah replied:
I then saw the Lord seated on his throne with every creature in heaven gathered around him. 19 The Lord asked, “Who can trick Ahab and make him go to Ramoth where he will be killed?”
They talked about it for a while, 20 then finally a spirit came forward and said to the Lord, “I can trick Ahab.”
“How?” the Lord asked.
21 “I'll make Ahab's prophets lie to him.”
“Good!” the Lord replied. “Now go and do it. You will be successful.”
22 Ahab, this is exactly what has happened. The Lord made all your prophets lie to you, and he knows you will soon be destroyed.
23 Zedekiah walked over and slapped Micaiah on the face. Then he asked, “Do you really think the Lord would speak to you and not to me?”
24 Micaiah answered, “You'll find out on the day you have to hide in the back room of some house.”
25 Ahab shouted, “Arrest Micaiah! Take him to Prince Joash and Governor Amon of Samaria. 26 Tell them to put him in prison and to give him nothing but bread and water until I come back safely.”
27 Micaiah said, “If you do come back, I was wrong about what the Lord wanted me to say.” Then he told the crowd, “Don't forget what I said!”
Ahab Dies at Ramoth
(1 Kings 22.29-35)
28 Ahab and Jehoshaphat led their armies to Ramoth in Gilead. 29 Before they went into battle, Ahab said, “Jehoshaphat, I'll disguise myself, but you wear your royal robe.” Ahab disguised himself and went into battle.
30 The king of Syria had ordered his chariot commanders to attack only Ahab. 31 So when they saw Jehoshaphat in his robe, they thought he was Ahab and started to attack him. But Jehoshaphat prayed, and the Lord made the Syrian soldiers stop. 32 And when they realized he wasn't Ahab, they left him alone.
33 However, during the fighting a soldier shot an arrow without even aiming, and it hit Ahab between two pieces of his armor. He shouted to his chariot driver, “I've been hit! Get me out of here!”
34 The fighting lasted all day, with Ahab propped up in his chariot so he could see the Syrian troops. He stayed there until evening, and by sundown he was dead.
Nebi Mikaya ka Miomba Ozo Aba ri
(1 'Bädri'bai 22:1-28)
1 Ondro Yosapata 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro ka'dote ŋgadriamba be ago likuekye oko, nda ratate katidri ndaro ri ruogyene katidri Aba 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro robe. 2 Ndroa azaka vosi oko nda oyite Aba re 'bakici Samaria ya. Aba tufu timele ndi ti be te amba karama onyaza, Yosapata ndi lidri se nda be kai be orozana. Nda ojote Yosapata o'bane rudro'bene nda be 'bakici Ramota se Gilada ya ana gotane. 3 Nda ejitate ekye: “Inye'do moyina ndi mibe Ramota Gilada gotane ya?”
Yosapata logotate ekye: Ma orivoya nja ondro nya'dote nja owo, ago kyila'bai maro kpa inye. Modro'beruna ndi ami be. 4 'Dooko nda ugu atate ekye: “Oko käti ono mi'de meji OPI lutu.”
5 'Dooko Aba zi nebii te, vona cini orivoya oso kama su (400), eji ànya te ekye: “Inye'do moyi ri Ramota Gilada gotane kode moyi ko ya?” Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Nyoyi ri gotane. Lu ozona ŋgaopeṛe ndi miri.”
6 Oko Yosapata ejitate ekye: “Inye'do nebi OPI ro aza te i'do noŋwa meji OPI robe nda si ya?”
7 Aba zatadrite ekye: “Mano alodi aza drigba orivoya, Mikaya ŋgwa Imela ro. Oko ya maro orivoya osoro nda lomvo, tana nda äŋgu takado aza ko ta maro ta; oko ondoalo alo takozi ayani.” Yosapata logotate ekye: “Nyata ko oso inye.”
8 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Aba zi dri'ba alodi vure ro aza te, ago ititate ndäri oyine Mikaya ŋgwa Imela ro ezine ndri.
9 'Bädri'bai ritu kai, soyi boŋgo runduṛuro ànyaro 'bädri'ba rote ago riyite giti ànyaro drisi, kaladri ya lototi tesi dereŋwa Samaria ro kala, 'dooko nebii cini orivoya taäŋguvoya ànya mile. 10 Alodi aza ànyaro ävuruna Zedekia ŋgwa Kenana ro, ede koyi logoro te, ago atate Aba ri ekye: “OPI atani nonye ekye: ‘Misona Siria'bai ndi koyi kwoi si ago mipena ànya ndi kpeye ṛe?’ ” 11 Ago nebii cini azaka atayi kpa oso inye. Ànya ekye: “Nyoyi ri Ramota Gilada ya ago mipena ŋga ndi ṛe, OPI ozona ŋgaopeṛe ndi miri.”
12 'Dooko dri'ba se koyibe Mikaya uzi ana atate ndäri ekye: “Mindre nebii cini äŋguyitate kadoro 'bädri'ba ri; ni kado mi'ba ata miro ka'do kpa oso ata ànyaro ronye.”
13 Oko Mikaya zatadrite ekye: “Ävuru OPI lidriidriro rosi, matana ndi tase Lu maro kabe itina märi 'do ayani!”
14 Ondro nda kikyite 'Bädri'ba Aba kandra oko, 'bädri'ba eji nda te ekye: “Mikaya inye'do mòyi ri 'Bädri'ba Yosapata be Ramota Gilada gotane kode mòyi ko ya?”
Mikaya zatadrite ekye: “Nyoyi ri gotane! Endaro mipena ŋga ndi ṛe. OPI ozona ŋgaopeṛe ndi ämiri.”
15 Oko Aba logotate ndäri ekye: “Ondro nyate ata märi ävuru OPI roya, nyiti taŋgye ayani märi! Ma'dote atavoya miri inye perena modaya?”
16 Mikaya zatadrite ekye: “Mandre kyila'bai Yisaraele ro pererute lutu drisi oso timele se lekye'ba ako ronye. Ago meri OPI te atavoya ekye: ‘Lidri kwoi teinye dri'ba ako; mi'ba ànya koyiyi 'bäru liatokpero.’ ”
17 Aba atate Yosapata ri ekye: “Miti tana ṛoko miri makye nda äŋgu takado aza ṛoko ta maro ta, oko ondoalo alo takozi ayani!”
18 Mikaya ugu atate ekye: “Ka'do inye nyeri ata OPI ro! Mandre OPI rite giti ndaro dri vo'buyakuru ya, malaika be edrevoya nda lomvosi. 19 OPI ejitate ekye: ‘A'di odona Aba ni nda koyi robe ago äfu robe Ramota Gilada ya ya?’ Malaika ruka ata ṛo ta azaka ago azaka ata ro ta to azaka, 20 madale tori aza efote mileya, ago ishwete OPI re, ago atate ekye: ‘Modona nda ni.’ OPI ejitate ekye: ‘Eŋwanyeya?’ 21 Tori logotate ekye: ‘Moyina ago ma'bana nebii cini Aba ro 'da kowe ogone.’ 'Dooko OPI atate ekye: ‘Nyoyi ago nyodo nda. Ago miyena ndi kadoro.’ ”
22 'Dooko Mikaya nde tate ekye: “Dia mindre. OPI 'ba nebii miro te kowe ogane miri wo. Oko se nda 'batate nya oye drio'bene odra be!”
23 'Dooko nebi Zedekia kyite Mikaya re 'bi biṛi ndaro te, ago ejitate ekye: “Tori OPI ro oyi ni maresi itube ukyine atane miri ya?”
24 Ago Mikaya logotate ekye: “Tuse ondro micite ruda'done zoya kundu yasi ya oko nyusuna vona 'da.”
25 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Aba atate alodi aza otaozo'bai ndaro ro ri ekye: “Miru Mikaya ago nyugu nda Amona, wari'ba 'bakici ro re, ago Yoasa ŋgwa 'bädri'ba ro re. 26 Nyata ànyari nda ovone kamba ya ago ozo ŋgaonya ndi gyi be ndäri madale mego lutu londro ro.”
27 Mikaya atate ekye: “Ondro ka'do nyego gite londroro, 'dooko OPI ata kote ni ma si!” Ago nda atate ekye: “Ami cini nyeri ta gi matabe ono!”
Odra Aba ro
(1 'Bädri'bai 22:29-35)
28 'Dooko Aba 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ndi Yosapata 'Bädri'ba Yuda robe oyiyite 'bakici Ramota gotane Gilada ya. 29 Aba atate Yosapata ri ekye: Ondro màte oci kyila ya oko, motozana andivo maro 'da to, oko miso boŋgo miro 'bädri'ba ro. 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro toza andivo ndaro te to; ago cite kyila ya.
30 'Bädri'ba Siria ro ozo ota te otaozo'bai arabia ndaro ro ri ko 'di to aza gotane oko toto 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ayani. 31 'Dooko ondro ànya kondreyi Yosapata te oko, ànya cini komayibe ekye nda ni 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro owo. Ago ànya zayi mite nda gotane. Oko Yosapata trete, ago OPI Lu pa nda te ago zakala ŋgagota'bai rote ni nda resi. 32 Otaozo'bai arabia ro ndreyite anjioko nda ko ni 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro owo, ta'dota ànya soyi kote nda vo. 33 Caoko, kandrakado ro, kyila'ba alodi aza Siria'ba ro 'bo Aba 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro te ätu si 'dete gya dusuvo ŋga kyila oyero kätäti gagaro ndi vo vurusi gagaro be ya. Ta'doro nda trete arabia opi'ba ndaro ri ekye: Ä'bo mate! Mizaru ago nyeŋgye mi ni kyila yasi! 34 Ondro kyila kemete rriti oko 'Bädri'ba Aba ätirute arabia ndaro ya, zamite Siria'bai driro. Tandrolero oko nda drate.