Job Continues
Young People Now Insult Me
1 Young people now insult me,
although their fathers
would have been a disgrace
to my sheep dogs.
2 And those who insult me
are helpless themselves.
3 They must claw the desert sand
in the dark for something
to satisfy their hunger.
4 They gather tasteless shrubs
for food and firewood,
5 and they are run out of towns,
as though they were thieves.
6 Their only homes are ditches
or holes between rocks,
7 where they bray like donkeys
gathering around shrubs.
8 And like senseless donkeys
they are chased away.
Those Worthless Nobodies
9 Those worthless nobodies
make up jokes and songs
to disgrace me.
10 They are hateful
and keep their distance,
even while spitting
in my direction.
11 God has destroyed me,
and so they don't care
what they do.
12 Their attacks never stop,
though I am defenseless,
and my feet are trapped.
13 Without any help,
they prevent my escape,
destroying me completely
14 and leaving me crushed.
15 Terror has me surrounded;
my reputation and my riches
have vanished like a cloud.
I Am Sick at Heart
16 I am sick at heart!
Pain has taken its toll.
17 Night chews on my bones,
causing endless torment,
18 and God has shrunk my skin,
choking me to death.
19 I have been thrown in the dirt
and now am dirt myself.
20 I beg God for help,
but there is no answer;
and when I stand up,
he simply stares.
21 God has turned brutal,
22 stirring up a windstorm
to toss me about.
23 Soon he will send me home
to the world of the dead,
where we all must go.

24 No one refuses help to others,
when disaster strikes.
25 I mourned for the poor
and those who suffered.
26 But when I beg for relief
and light,
all I receive are disaster
and darkness.
27 My stomach is tied in knots;
pain is my daily companion.
28 My days are dark and gloomy
and in the city council
I stand and cry out,
29 making mournful sounds
like jackals and owls.
30 My skin is so parched,
that it peels right off,
and my bones are burning.
31 My only songs are sorrow
and sadness.
1 Oko yauono lidri se agoànji ro pari ni märi kwoi kayite oji masi!
Se täpii ànyaro male ko o'bane kokyei maro se kabe timele maro lekye iyi vona ondrene.
Inye'do kode mbara ànyaro märi e'di ya?
2 Ànya orivoya gboko lidri se mbarana kyete iyi ro,
ànya se te tipari mbaraako ono.
3 Ni lemeri ri ago täbiri ri
ànya kayi paji se kowite 'do onyana ayani,
ŋgäkyi si, vocowa yasi, vose tandro ro yasi.
4 Ànya otoyi ŋgaluruŋwà vocowa ro azaka te ago nyayite,
ca paji jaŋgariya ro ànya nyayi kpa te!
5 Anja ànya teni lidri lakosi,
ugu totrete ànya vo oso abe ugu totre kugui vo 'do ronye.
6 Ànya riyite goloŋwai se yana awi 'do yasi,
'buŋwà se gyini ya ago luutu lomvosi iyi yasi.
7 Ànya liyiyite vocowa yasi
ago mbiyikalate voaloya ce kumvuŋwà zelesi.
8 Gboko se takaciako ago liku kado ako iyi
anja ànya te tesi ni wari ana yasi.

9 Yauono ànya kayi moṛi oŋgo malomvo;
ma'dote ŋga lapidriopi ro ànyari.
10 Ànya ndreyi ma te ŋga kozi ronye;
ànya ishweyi kote ti malomvo,
ago ànya ikyi kayi kpa toovo mi maro ya.
11 Tana Lu totri mbaravo maro te ago logo ma te mäyuro,
ànya yeyi ŋgase ànya kolebe te märi.
12 Lowa ono ka drî maro umuna gotane;
ànya 'beyi abari te märi,
ànya gotayi mate tana ànya le ma ufune.
13 Ànya loyi drî maro te ŋbi, ànya ojoyite ma ufune;
ago 'diaza i'do drî ànyaro otane.
14 Ànya ŋgoyivote tiṛi se ma gagaro ana yasi
ago vose kalaŋgobe ana yasi ànya ladayite mädri.
15 Turi so mate;
ago taoro se abe oyena märi lävute oso oli ronye,
ago ŋgaamba maro kyete oso 'dikolo ronye.

16 Yauono adri maro te ti efone
rriti 'dete mädri.
17 Ŋgäkyi si kowa cini maro ka luwu;
ago luwu se malomvo ono dri kote alona.
18 Lu ru ma te kyila si kyembe boŋgo maro ro yasi
ago biṛi mate oso boŋgo ronye.
19 Lu vo ma te vuru koro ya;
ago ma'dote oso durufu ago torofo ronye.

20 Ma driayo miri, caoko mizatadri maro kote alona;
ago ma mätu oko, miti tana kote.
21 Nya'dote siomba be märi;
nya ma eza mbara amba miro si.
22 Mi'ba mate oli ri uŋgyine; ago oli ri oyine sina,
mi'ba ma te pelene oligbiriṛi be yasi.
23 Mäni ndi mile ma ugune odra ya,
se ni vose a'bate lidri cini ri ono owo.
24 Endaro 'diaza ni ko mano se te rriti ya oyene koziro,
ondro ka'do nda ka rulo'ba ta ŋgaopa rota.
25 Inye'do miliyi ṛoko lidri se rriti ya iyi ta
ago ma'do ṛoko tusuro ta ànya se ati'bai ro rota ya?
26 Oko ondro ma'ba mi te ŋgakado ta, ŋgakozi ikyi ṛoni,
ago ondro marite ŋgaeyi kotene ŋgätini ikyi ṛoni.
27 Milo'be kye ya maro te, ago edre kote;
tu rueza ro esate mädri.
28 Ma aba vouni yasi, teinye ŋgaeyi kitu ro ako;
medre kuru lowa lako ago ma driayo ta ŋgaopa rota.
29 Driayo maro si malaba te oso koba ronye
ago oso bereazi aricoro ro ronye.
30 Lomvo kyiri maro nite dubäni ago ka liwi;
ago emete zwiṛi ni driu'bo ri.
31 Kudi maro kate loŋgo tusuro o'bina ayani,
Kyeno ma loŋgo riyä ro erina aya,
ago yeṛi maro ka toto liyi kuku o'be'ba ro ovona ayani.