King Nebuchadnezzar's Gold Statue
1 King Nebuchadnezzar ordered a gold statue to be built 27 meters high and nearly 3 meters wide. He had it set up in Dura Valley near the city of Babylon, 2 and he commanded his governors, advisors, treasurers, judges, and his other officials to come from everywhere in his kingdom to the dedication of the statue. 3 So all of them came and stood in front of it.
4 Then an official stood up and announced:
People of every nation and race, now listen to the king's command! 5 Trumpets, flutes, harps, and all other kinds of musical instruments will soon start playing. When you hear the music, you must bow down and worship the statue that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. 6 Anyone who refuses will at once be thrown into a flaming furnace.
7 As soon as the people heard the music, they bowed down and worshiped the gold statue that the king had set up.
8 Some Babylonians used this as a chance to accuse the Jews to King Nebuchadnezzar. 9 They said, “Your Majesty, we hope you live forever! 10 You commanded everyone to bow down and worship the gold statue when the music played. 11 And you said that anyone who did not bow down and worship it would be thrown into a flaming furnace. 12 Sir, you appointed three men to high positions in Babylon Province, but they have disobeyed you. Those Jews, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, refuse to worship your gods and the statue you have set up.”
13 King Nebuchadnezzar was furious. So he sent for the three young men and said, 14 “I hear that you refuse to worship my gods and the gold statue I have set up. 15 Now I am going to give you one more chance. If you bow down and worship the statue when you hear the music, everything will be all right. But if you don't, you will at once be thrown into a flaming furnace. No god can save you from me.”
16 The three men replied, “Your Majesty, we don't need to defend ourselves. 17 The God we worship can save us from you and your flaming furnace. 18 But even if he doesn't, we still won't worship your gods and the gold statue you have set up.”
19 Nebuchadnezzar's face twisted with anger at the three men. And he ordered the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than usual. 20 Next, he commanded some of his strongest soldiers to tie up the men and throw them into the flaming furnace. 21-23 The king wanted it done at that very moment. So the soldiers tied up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and threw them into the flaming furnace with all of their clothes still on, including their turbans. The fire was so hot that flames leaped out and killed the soldiers.
24 Suddenly the king jumped up and shouted, “Weren't only three men tied up and thrown into the fire?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” his officers answered.
25 “But I see four men walking around in the fire,” the king replied. “None of them is tied up or harmed, and the fourth one looks like a god.”
26 Nebuchadnezzar went closer to the flaming furnace and said to the three young men, “You servants of the Most High God, come out at once!”
They came out, 27 and the king's high officials, governors, and advisors all crowded around them. The men were not burned, their hair wasn't scorched, and their clothes didn't even smell like smoke. 28 King Nebuchadnezzar said:
Praise their God for sending an angel to rescue his servants! They trusted their God and refused to obey my commands. Yes, they chose to die rather than to worship or serve any god except their own. 29 And I won't allow people of any nation or race to say anything against their God. Anyone who does will be chopped up and their houses will be torn down, because no other god has such great power to save.
30 After this happened, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to even higher positions in Babylon Province.
Nebukadenezara Ta 'Dicini te Logo Läguläguro Edeedero Mätune
1 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara ede beti aza te logo läguläguro si, ogwana kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonjidrieri ago käkpuna kadrakadra na nätu. Nda edrete vorriro Dura roya wari Babelona roya. 2 Ago Nebukadenezara zi dri'bai ndaro losi ro te ikyine cini voaloya, opii, wari'bai, tavoata'bai parata voondre'bai, vureope'bai, kundueŋga'bai vureope'bai ro, ndi lidri se cini drikaca be wari yasi ana be kalaombine ŋgaedeedero se 'bädri'ba Nebukadenezara kedrebe ana äṛune. 3 Ondro dri'bai losi ro se cini kwoi kotoyikalate ago kedreyite mile ŋgaedeedero se Nebukadenezara ro ana äṛune oko, 4 taayo'ba ayotate ṛeṛe ekye: “Ami lidri tu'de cini ro, beti toto ndi kala toto robe ono, ono ni tase alebe ämiri oyene owo! 5 Ondro ka'do nyèri kporo toro'ba ro, yeṛi ro, kudi ro, äṛibiro ro, lekyembe ro, cekuṛe ro ndi ŋga dritoto cini loŋgo oŋgoro be te oko, be ämiri o'dene militi si vuru, ŋgaedeedero logo läguläguro se 'bädri'ba Nebukadenezara kedrebe ono mätune. 6 'Dise ko'de kote militi si vuru ago kämätu kote avona ndi dori asi nyende ya.” 7 Ta'doro, dori ondro lidri cini keriyi kporo ŋga dritoto cini loŋgo oŋgoro kwoi rote oko, lidri cini tu'dei beti toto ro ndi kala toto robe ändiyite vuru ago mätuyi ŋgaedeedero logo läguläguro se 'bädri'ba Nebukadenezara kedrebe kuru ana te.
Ikicu Beraazii Nätu Daniele rote ta Taoroako rota
8 Tu ana si rukä Babelona'bai ro ikyiyite ago kicuyi Yudai te. 9 Ànya atayite 'bädri'ba Nebukadenezara ri ekye: “Mi 'bädri'ba miri ndi madaro. 10 Mi 'bädri'ba nyozo ota te, se anjioko ondro lidri cini keriyi kporo ŋga dritoto loŋgo oŋgoro te oko, ànyari ändine vuru ŋgaedeedero logo läguläguro mätune; 11 ago ondro 'diaza alo ko'de kote militi si vuru ago kämätu kote anjioko beṛo nda ovone asi nyende ya. 12 Yauono Yudai azaka orivoya se nyaka'dabe dri'ba losiro wari Babelona ro dri kwoi, Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be. Lidri kwoi royi ota mi 'bädri'ba ro ko. Ànya ändiyi kote lui miro ri ca mätuyi ŋgaedeedero logo läguläguro se nyedrebe ana kote.”
13 Ta ono ta, 'bädri'ba ŋgate kyilaro zo lazo te Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be vo, ago ezi ànya te nda kandra. 14 Nda eji ànya te ekye: “Sadaraka, Mesaka ago Abedenego, inye'do ndi orivoya endaro mìgazo ruindune lui maro ri, ago mìgazo ŋgaedeedero logo läguläguro se medrebe ana mätune ya? 15 Yauono, ondro ka'do nyèri kporo toro'ba ro, yeṛi ro, kudi ro, äṛibiro ro, lekyembe ro, cekuṛe ro ndi ŋga dritoto loŋgo oŋgoro be te oko mì'de militi si vuru ago nyä̀mätu ŋgaedeedero se medrebe ono, 'dooko a'dona ndi kado. Oko ondro mìgatezo mätune, 'dooko beṛo ami ovone dori asi nyende ya; ago kode lu eŋwani unina ni ami opane ni märigye siya?”
16 Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be zayitadri 'bädri'ba rote ekye: “'Desi Nebukadenezara, mänina ko taeji miro ta ta ono rota tadrina ozane. 17 Ondro ka'do avo ama te asi nyende ya, Lu amaro, se màbe ruindu ndäri ono orivoya mbara be ama opane ni asi nyendero yasi ago opana ama ndi ni mbara mi 'bädri'ba ro yasi. 18 Oko ondro ka'do nda kopa ama ca ko, miri unine nonye 'bädri'ba endaro ämäri ruindune lui miro ri i'do kode ŋgaedeedero se nyedrebe ana mätune i'do.”
Aye Vure Beraazii Nätu Daniele ro rote Ufune
19 Ata se kwoi eŋga ya 'bädri'ba Nebukadenezara rote a'done kyilaro ndra, ago mi ndaro tozarute to Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be ondrevoya. Nda ozotate lidri ndaro ri asi nyendero odrone emena ri a'done perena njidrieri ndrani se kabe a'do ondoalo 'do drisi. 20 Nda ta kyila'bai azaka se mbara be para kyila'bai ndaro lako iyi te Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be embene, ago ànya ovone asi nyende ya. 21 'Dooko embe mano kwoi te boŋgo kätäti ro, boŋgo runduṛuro, tagyia ndi boŋgoi osoro azaka be si ago avo ànya te asi nyende ya. 22 Tana oso 'bädri'ba kozo ota be ändä ronye, eme asi nyendero ro a'dote kozipara, ago lidri se kuŋgyiyi Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be kai leko asi ro fu ànya te. 23 'Dooko avo màno se nätu Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be te embeembero asi nyende ya.
24 'Dooko Nebukadenezara a'dote larolaro ro ago ŋgate ndriŋwa kuru. Nda atate tavoata'bai ndaro ri ekye: “Sedri inye'do màvo lidri ṛo ko nätu embeembero asi nyende ya ya?” Ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Endaro ndi inye 'bädri'ba.” 25 'Dooko nda atate ekye: “Oko mandre lidri su embeako abavoya asi yasi ago asi je ànya kote; ago lisuna ana a'dona laba oso ŋgwa lui ro ronye.”
Onji Lidri Nätu kai te ago Eŋgate 'Desiro
26 'Dooko Nebukadenezara oyite lototi käläsi asi nyendero ro kala ago zi läzi te ekye: Sadaraka! Mesaka! Abedenego! Ruindu'bai Lu Fopara ro! Nyèfo tesi! Nyìkyi noŋwa! Dori ànya efoyite ni asi nyende yasi. 27 Ago opii, wari'bai, kundueŋga'bai wari'bai ro, ndi tavoata'bai 'bädri'ba robe otoyikalate voaloya ago ndreyite anjioko asi a'dote teinye mbaraako lidri nätu kai ujene. Ca drikyiri ànyaro eŋgoru kote, boŋgo ànyaro sina gboto kpa ko, ago äŋgu tägyi kätu ro kpa ko ànya lomvo.
28 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara atate ekye: “Nyä̀räṛu Lu Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be ro! Nda ezo malaika ndaro te ago pa ruindu'bai ndaro se komatabe nda ya kwoi te. Ànya royi ota ma 'bädri'ba ro kote, ago ozoyi adri ànyaro te ndrani ruindune ago lu aza mätune drisi e'be gialo Lu modo ànyaro ayani.
29 “Ka'do inye ma ota ozo 'diaza se tu'de beti toto ro, kode kala toto ata'bà aza kata ta aza te taoroakosi Lu Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be ro lomvo, otowana nda ndi jinyijinyi, ago a'bana zo ndaro ndi a'done tandroro. Tana lu aza i'do mbara be 'di opane oso inye.”
30 'Dooko 'bädri'ba eŋga Sadaraka, Mesaka ndi Abedenego be te 'dèsiro wari Babelona roya.