Job's Reply to Zophar
If You Want To Offer Comfort
1 Job said:
2 If you want to offer comfort,
then listen to me.
3 And when I have finished,
you can start your insults
all over again.
4 My complaint is against God;
that's why I am impatient.
5 Just looking at me is enough
to make you sick,
6 and the very thought of myself
fills me with disgust.

7 Why do evil people live so long
and gain such power?
8 Why are they allowed to see
their children grow up?
9 They have no worries at home,
and God never punishes them.
10 Their cattle have lots of calves
without ever losing one;
11 their children play and dance
safely by themselves.
12 These people sing and celebrate
to the sound of tambourines,
small harps, and flutes,
13 and they are successful,
without a worry,
until the day they die.
Leave Us Alone!
14 Those who are evil say
to God All-Powerful,
“Leave us alone! Don't bother us
with your teachings.
15 What do we gain from praying
and worshiping you?
16 We succeeded all on our own.”
And so, I keep away from them
and their evil schemes.

17 How often does God become angry
and send disaster and darkness
to punish sinners?
18 How often does he strike them
like a windstorm
that scatters straw?

19 You say, “God will punish
those sinners' children
in place of those sinners.”
But I say, “Let him punish
those sinners themselves
until they really feel it.
20 Let God All-Powerful force them
to drink their own destruction
from the cup of his anger.
21 Because after they are dead,
they won't care what happens
to their children.”
Who Can Tell God What To Do?
22 Who can tell God what to do?
He judges powerful rulers.
* 23 Some of us die prosperous,
24 enjoying good health,
25 while others die in poverty,
having known only pain.
26 But we all end up dead,
beneath a blanket of worms.

27 My friends, I know that you
are plotting against me.
28 You ask, “Where is the home
of that important person
who does so much evil?”

29 Everyone, near and far, agrees
30 that those who do wrong
never suffer disaster,
when God becomes angry.
31 No one points out their sin
or punishes them.
32 Then at their funerals,
they are highly praised;
33 the earth welcomes them home,
while crowds mourn.

34 But empty, meaningless words
are the comfort you offer me.
Tadrioza Eyobo ro: Kandrakozi Lidri Kozi ro Änirote Ŋgye
1 Eyobo zatadrite ekye:
2 Nyeri ta maro liyaro, ago mi'ba ka'do ŋgai'dwe ro ro miri.
3 Nyedre dri mi'ba mata,
ago ondro mande ata te oko, mi'de gwo ugune 'dolo ro.

4 Inye'do driovi maro ono lidri be ya?
Ma a'do yaiŋgyi be etaya?
5 Mindrevo mädri, ago nya'do lä'bilä'biro
midri titiro.
6 Ondro marite tase ka'dobe märi ono tana usune oko,
tana wiri mate, ago mälä'bi ro agbigbi.

7 Tana e'di takozi'bai ka ori mada,
odene le ode ago a'done ŋgaamba be niya?
8 Ànya orivoya ŋgàga be,
ago ànya ndreyi kwozoi ànyaro te ombavoya.
9 Ànya tiyite 'ba ànyaro ya turiakosi;
ago Lu ezi taezaro kote ànya dri.
10 Ti cini ànyaro ka liti
ago kayi uti rritiako.
11 Ŋgàga ànyaro kayi lämu ago kayi oji oso timele ronye.
12 Ànya kayi loŋgo oŋgo ondro ate lekyembe o'bi kudi be owo ago kayi riya oye ondro ate yeṛi ovo owo.
13 Takozi'bai riyite ori riyä ro si
ago ànya drayite liaro rueza ako.

14 Takozi'bai kayi ata Lu ri ànya e'bene iṛe;
ànya leyi ko ole ndaro unine ori ànyaro oriza.
15 Ànya ekye, Lu Mbarapara a'di owo iyi ri ruindune ndäri ya?
Ago ondro yamätu ndate oko yusuna edi kadoro ya?
16 Ànya kusuyi irobe ekye ŋgadriamba iro 'do i'bani, mbara andivo iro rosi,
oko liti tausuro takozi'bai ro 'do ma lozo ni kigyesi.

17 Inye'do izwe ŋgaeyi takozi'ba ro ṛo ko ya?
Inye'do ànya 'bedri ko rriti be ya?
Inye'do Lu eza takozi'ba ṛoko kyila si ya?
18 Nda nja ànya ṛoko lozo oso oli kabe kyekyepa uŋgyi,
kode oso oligbiriṛibe kabe turu uŋgyi ronye ya?

19 Nyà ata mikye Lu ka takozi täpii ro etana
ŋgwai ànyaro ezazana.
Mi'ba Lu keza takozi'bai andivona ayani;
tana ànya kuniyi robe.
20 Mi'ba takozi'bai kondreyi taezaro ànyaro modona mi ànyaro si;
mi'ba ànya ketembeyi kyila Lu Mbarapara ro.
21 Ondro tu ànyaro oriro kokyete oko,
inye'do ànya usu ta gindi katidri se ànya ke'bebe kovole 'do ta ya?
22 Inye'do 'diaza unina gindi Lu embane ya?
Nda se kabe ni 'dise 'desiro kai vurena opena ono.

23 Lidri rukä kayi odra jiŋgyiri ro,
ànya kayi odra liyaro ago yai'dwesi.
24 Lomvo ànyaro oshweoshwe ro,
ago kowa ànyaro jiŋgiriro.
25 Azakana kayi odra tusu 'desi ya;
teinye ori kado aza ako.
26 Oko odra ànyaro cini ojorere ago ase ànya te;
kyiri tite kpeye lomvo ànyaro yasi.

27 Mäni tavousu se nyà'dobe sina ono te,
ago tavoora amiro se mìlebe ma oyene koziro 'do
28 Nyà taeji mikye: zo mano se 'desiro gaŋgwaroya?
Zo boŋgoro mano se koye taundiro be 'do ro gaŋwaroya?
29 Inye'do nyèji lidri se kayibe aba 'do ṛo ko ya?
Inye'do mìma tase ànya kego kitiyibe 'do ko ya?
30 Tase ekye Lu ka mano takozi'ba opa tu rriti rosi,
ago apa ndate tuse Lu be kyilaro si.
31 A'di eṛona taloye mano se takozi'ba ro 'do ro ni nda dri,
kode a'di logona tase nda koyebe 'do vona ni ya?
32 Ondro äŋgyi nda te vo avo osero ya oko,
'budri ndaro akwa lomvona te.
33 Gyini se äkute nda dri ana orivoya kadoro ndäri,
lidri cini sote ndavo;
ago ànya se kälävube kati ni nda risi ana orivoya otiako,

34 Oko nyà ma i'dwe ata se takaciako ono si eŋwanyeya?
Tadrioza se cini nyàbe ozana ono orivoya kowe yi.