The Tent in Heaven
1 The first promise included rules for worship and a tent for worship here on earth. 2 The first part of the tent was called the holy place, and a lampstand, a table, and the sacred loaves of bread were kept there.
3 Behind the curtain was the most holy place. 4 The gold altar for burning incense was in this holy place. The gold-covered sacred chest was also there, and inside it were three things. First, there was a gold jar filled with manna. Then there was Aaron's walking stick that sprouted. Finally, there were the flat stones with the Ten Commandments written on them. 5 On top of the chest were the glorious creatures with wings opened out above the place of mercy.
Now isn't the time to go into detail about these things. 6 But this is how everything was when the priests went each day into the first part of the tent to do their duties. 7 However, only the high priest could go into the second part of the tent, and he went in only once a year. Each time he carried blood to offer for his sins and for any sins that the people had committed without meaning to.
8 All of this is the Holy Spirit's way of saying no one could enter the most holy place while the tent was still the place of worship. 9 This also has a meaning for today. It shows we cannot make our consciences clear by offering gifts and sacrifices. 10 These rules are merely about such things as eating and drinking and ceremonies for washing ourselves. And rules about physical things will last only until the time comes to change them for something better.
11 Christ came as the high priest of the good things that are now here. He also went into a much better tent that wasn't made by humans and that doesn't belong to this world. 12 Then Christ went once for all into the most holy place and freed us from sin forever. He did this by offering his own blood instead of the blood of goats and bulls.
13 According to the Law of Moses, those people who become unclean are not fit to worship God. Yet they will be considered clean, if they are sprinkled with the blood of goats and bulls and with the ashes of a sacrificed calf. 14 But Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God. This is why his blood is much more powerful and makes our consciences clear. Now we can serve the living God and no longer do things that lead to death.
15 Christ died to rescue those who had sinned and broken the old agreement. Now he brings his chosen ones a new agreement with its guarantee of God's eternal blessings! 16 In fact, making an agreement of this kind is like writing a will. This is because the one who makes the will must die before it is of any use. 17 In other words, a will doesn't go into effect as long as the one who made it is still alive.
18 Blood was also used to put the first agreement into effect. 19 Moses told the people all the Law said they must do. Then he used red wool and a hyssop plant to sprinkle the people and the book of the Law with the blood of bulls and goats and with water. 20 He told the people, “With this blood God makes his agreement with you.” 21 Moses also sprinkled blood on the tent and on everything else used in worship. 22 The Law says that almost everything must be sprinkled with blood, and no sins can be forgiven unless blood is offered.
Christ's Great Sacrifice
23 These things are only copies of what is in heaven, and so they had to be made holy by these ceremonies. But the real things in heaven must be made holy by something better. 24 This is why Christ did not go into a tent made by humans and was only a copy of the real one. Instead, he went into heaven and is now there with God to help us.
25 Christ did not have to offer himself many times. He wasn't like a high priest who goes into the most holy place each year to offer the blood of an animal. 26 If he had offered himself every year, he would have suffered many times since the creation of the world. But instead, near the end of time he offered himself once and for all, so he could be a sacrifice that does away with sin.
27 We die only once, and then we are judged. 28 So Christ died only once to take away the sins of many people. But when he comes again, it will not be to take away sin. He will come to save everyone who is waiting for him.
Mätu 'Bädri ro ndi Vo'buyakuru robe
1 Tao'baro käti orivoya ota mätu robe ago lidri ede vo mätu ro kpate. 2 Eŋga mutuguṛi te kuru, se tesisi na, äzite Vo Alokado, ŋga asi edrero ndi tara'biza ambata se ozote Lu ri be orivoya kigye. 3 Boŋgo ṛiri oyioyiro kundusi mutuguṛi orivoya se äzite Vo Alokado Fondra. 4 Vo tori oloro läguläguro ŋga ŋgutruro ozaro ago Sänduku Tao'baro lomvona o'bio'biro logo läguläguro si ago lakaza läguläguro mana be orivoya kigye, dofo Arona ro se kyibii roote driigye, ago kuni kalakparo ritu se egyi ota te driigye be orivoya kigye. 5 Beti malaikai kufube orivoya Sänduku dri ka a'do Lu ro lototi ka'dana, kufu ànyaro lararute vose abe 'di e'be ta takozi rota kigye dri. Oko yauono ko orivoya tuse ta ŋga kwoi tazevona edrero sirosiro owo.
6 Ono ni ora se ara ŋga kai be owo. Kohanii ka oyi mutuguṛi tesisi ya tu cini si kama ànyaro oyene, 7 oko Kohani Fopara kaoyi toto ni ya mutuguṛi yasi roya, ago nda ka oyi toto perena alo ndroa alo ya. Nda ru kari se nda kabe ozona Lu ri ta andivo ndaro rota ago ta takozii se lidri koyebe teinye vona usuako rota. 8 Tori Alokado ka ŋgaemba ṛo ŋbelero tase cini arabe kwoi si anjioko liti ociro Vo Alokado Fondra ya äpi drigba ko'de, Ondro ka'do Mutuguṛi tesisi dri gi'du edrevo ya owo. 9 Ono ni orivoya taka'daro se kabe tu yauono ka'dana owo. Anjioko ŋgapäṛi ndi koronya se abe olona Lu ri unina ko ya mätu'bai ro o'bane wäṛiro, 10 tana ànya toto ŋgaonya ndi ŋgaumvu be ro, ago ŋgaojoro la'bi dritoto robe. Kwoi cini orivoya ota tesisi lomvo ro yi, se a'bate madale Lu ozona ota to'di lutu.
11 Oko Kristo ikyi ṛote Kohani Fopara ro ŋgase kadoro se ṛote orivoya nja noŋwa ro. Mutuguṛi se nda kabe ruindu kigye orivoya foparandra ago ŋgye ko orivoya mutuguṛi se lidri kedebe ni yi, anjioko ko telesi ŋgase a'bate 'bädri ya ono ro. 12 Ondro Kristo kocite mutuguṛi ya perena alodi ṛo 'dicini ta Vo Alokado Fondra ya oko, nda ru kari indri ro ndi 'daŋgoi robe kote ozone tori oloro ro; oko, nda rute kari modo ndaro ro ayani se ozo adri äduako te ämäri. 13 Kari indrii ndi 'daŋgoi ndi torofoi tiŋwà se azabe robe uluvute lidri se undiro drisi, tana äwäṛi ànya robe a'do undiro ànyaro onaza. 14 Ono orivoya ta endaro yi, ande tana te kari Kristo rosi! Tori äduako si nda ozo andivo ndaro te kpeye oso tori olo ŋgye ronye Lu ri. Kari ndaro wäṛina ya amaro 'da ni taawi risi, tana mìnduru robe Lu lidriidriro ri.
15 Tana ta ono ro Kristo ni 'dise kabe Tao'baro To'di ora, tana ànya se äzite Lu si ka'do robe äṛu äduako se Lu ko'ba tana be ana be. Ayena ta ono ndi tana odra a'dote se kabe lidri o'ba dritai ro ni takozi se ànya koyeyibe tuse tao'baro käti bedri losi oyevoya ana si.
16 Ta kalapäṛi rota orivoya kado tana ka'dazana anjioko lidri se koye anya be drate, 17 tana kalapäṛi orivoya ta awi yi ondro ka'do nda se koyebe orivoya lidriidriro owo, ayena tana toto odra ndaro vosi. 18 Ndi inye tao'baro se käti ayete toto oye kari rosi. 19 Käti, Musa petate lidri ri oso tase cini arabe Ota ya ronye. 'Dooko nda ru kari 'daŋgoi ndi indrii be rote, dro'bete gyi be, ago luvute buku Ota ro dri ndi lidri cini be, luvute to'bi ice se äzibe usopa rosi ndi kodo okaro be si. 20 Nda atate ekye: “Ono ni kari se tao'baro se Lu kota ami be orone owo.” 21 Liti alo ono yasi Musa luvu kari kpate Mutuguṛi Tao'baro dri, ago ŋgase cini abe losi oye sina vo mätu roya dri. 22 Ndi endaro oso ta Ota ro ronye vo ŋgacini ro äwäṛite kari si, ago e'be 'di te ta takozi rota toto ondro kari korote owo.
Olo Kristo ro Oso Tori Oloro ronye Kani Takozii Ona Zwi
23 Ŋgase kai, se orivoya kojoyi ta beti vo'buyakuru robe etosi te ṛo wäṛine liti ana yasi. Oko ŋgà vo'buyakuru ro andivo ànyaro le toriolo kadopara. 24 Tana Kristo ci kote Vo Alokado se lidri kedebe ni ya, se ni orivoya beti modo se endaro ro. Nda oyite vo'buyakuru andivona ya, se yauono nda ka'darute vo amaro ya Lu kandra. 25 Kohani Fopara Yudai ro ka oci Vo Alokado Fondra ya ndroa cini si kari koronyai 'ba ro robe. Oko Kristo ci kote andivo ndaro ozone perena amba, 26 aba ka'do gwo inye nda rite ṛo ruezane perena amba ṛo cu tu o'ba 'bädri ro rosi. Oko; yauono ondro ndroa cini tuna ro kate ugu okye oko, nda ka'darute perena alo ṛo tiṛi, takozi onaza andivo ndaro olona si. 27 Beṛo 'dicini ri odrane perena alo, ago ono vosi vurena opene Lu si. 28 Kpa oso inye ozo Kristo kpate olone tori ro perena alo takozii lidri amba ro onaza. Nda ka'daruna 'da pere ṛiri si, kote ta takozi rota, oko ànya se kabe ugu nda kwote kai opane ayani.