Wisdom Gives a Feast
1 Wisdom has built her house
with its seven columns.
2 She has prepared the meat
and set out the wine.
Her feast is ready.

3 She has sent her servant women
to announce her invitation
from the highest hills:
4 “Everyone who is ignorant
or foolish is invited!
5 All of you are welcome
to my meat and wine.
6 If you want to live,
give up your foolishness
and let understanding
guide your steps.”
True Wisdom
7 Correct a worthless bragger,
and all you will get
are insults and injuries.
8 Any bragger you correct
will only hate you.
But if you correct someone
who has common sense,
you will be loved.
9 If you have good sense,
instruction will help you
to have even better sense.
And if you live right,
education will help you
to know even more.

10 Respect and obey the Lord!
This is the beginning
of wisdom.
To have understanding,
you must know the Holy God.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
11 I am Wisdom. If you follow me,
you will live a long time.
12 Good sense is good for you,
but if you brag,
you hurt yourself.
A Foolish Invitation
13 Stupidity is reckless,
senseless, and foolish.
14 She sits in front of her house
and on the highest hills
in the town.
15 She shouts to everyone
who passes by,
16 “If you are stupid,
come on inside!”
And to every fool she says,
17 “Stolen water tastes best,
and the food you eat in secret
tastes best of all.”
18 None who listen to Stupidity
understand that her guests
are as good as dead.
Tavouni ndi Tauniako be
1 Tavouni orivoya oso toko se be zo iro te ago edre läŋgyiri na te njidrieri 'do ronye. 2 Anya olo koronya 'ba ro aza te karama na oyeza, enja vino te, ago raa tara'biza te aree. 3 Anya zo ruindu'bai 'ditoko ro anyaro te ŋgwaazii läzine ni vo 'desiro 'bakici ro yasi ekye: 4 “'Dise tauniako ono, kikyi ri noŋwa!” Ago anya ka ata mano se amamaro ri ekye: 5 “Nyikyi, ŋgaonya maro onyane ago vino se menjabe ono umvune. 6 Nye'be a'do tauniako'ba ro 'do, miri robe lidriidriro. Nyaba liti tauni ro yasi ayani.”
7 Milebe 'dise driuŋgyi'ba ro lukune, olo'dana mi ṛo lo'da. Ago ondro milebe 'dise koziro lotone, ayena mi ṛo koziro. 8 Nyuluku 'dise driuŋgyi'ba ro 'do ko alona, ukyi ya ndaro oso 'da milomvo. Oko ondro ka'do nyuluku te 'dise tavouni'ba ro 'do ayani, nda lu na mi ndi. 9 Nyemba 'dise tavouni'ba ro 'do 'dooko nda a'dona ndi tavouni'ba ro ndra. Nyemba 'dise taŋgye'ba ro 'do 'dooko nda a'dona ndi tauni be ndra driyaro.
10 OPI turi ni etovo tauni ro yi. Ondro ka'do mini nda se Alokado ono bete, minina tazevo cini ndi. 11 Tavouni o'bana mi ndi orine mada ago ndroa miro a'dona ndi amba. 12 Nya'dote tavouni be mi modo nyusuna kandrakadona ni, ago ondro migatezo, mi modo nyezaruna ni.
13 A'do amaamaro laba oso toko se ata'baro, tauniako ago driupiako 'do ronye. 14 Anya ka ori alo käläsi zo anyaro ro kala kode votoŋgo 'ba'desi ro yasi, 15 ago ka ànya se kayibe lävu liti drisi, se kayibe ta to ànyaro ro usuna ayani iyi uzina ekye: 16 “'Dise tauniako ono kikyi ri noŋwa!” Ago anya ka ata mano se amamaro ri ekye: 17 “Gyi se ukugube kugu 'do ndeṛi ni ago ambata se ukuguna kugu 'do ndeṛi ni ndra.” 18 Caoko lidri ni ko ekye 'dise kabe oci zo anyaro ya 'do ka odra odra, niyi ko anjioko ŋgwazii anyaro te gyuru le 'bädri avo roya.