Israel's Enemies Will Be Punished
from the Lord:
His eyes are on everyone,
especially the tribes
of Israel.
So he pronounces judgment
against the cities
of Hadrach and Damascus.
2 Judgment will also fall
on the nearby city
of Hamath,
as well as on Tyre and Sidon,
whose people are clever.
3 Tyre has built a fortress
and piled up silver and gold,
as though they were dust
or mud from the streets.
4 Now the Lord will punish Tyre
with poverty;
he will sink its ships
and send it up in flames.

5 Both Ashkelon and Gaza
will tremble with fear;
Ekron will lose all hope.
Gaza's king will be killed,
and Ashkelon emptied
of its people.
6 A mob of half-breeds
will settle in Ashdod,
and the Lord himself
will rob Philistia of pride.

7 No longer will the Philistines
eat meat with blood in it
or any unclean food.
They will become part
of the people of our God
from the tribe of Judah.
And God will accept
the people of Ekron,
as he did the Jebusites.

8 God says, “I will stand guard
to protect my temple from those
who come to attack.
I know what's happening,
and no one will mistreat
my people ever again.”
The Lord Tells about the Coming King
9 Everyone in Jerusalem,
celebrate and shout!
Your king has won a victory,
and he is coming to you.
He is humble
and rides on a donkey;
he comes on the colt
of a donkey.
10 I, the Lord, will take away
war chariots and horses
from Israel and Jerusalem.
Bows that were made for battle
will be broken.
I will bring peace to nations,
and your king will rule
from sea to sea.
His kingdom will reach
from the Euphrates River
across the earth.
The Lord Promises To Rescue Captives
11 When I made a sacred agreement
with you, my people,
we sealed it with blood.
Now some of you are captives
in waterless pits,
but I will come to your rescue
12 and offer you hope.
Return to your fortress,
because today I will reward you
with twice what you had.
13 I will use Judah as my bow
and Israel as my arrow.
I will take the people of Zion
as my sword
and attack the Greeks.
The Lord Will Protect His People
14 Like a cloud, the Lord God
will appear over his people,
and his arrows will flash
like lightning.
God will sound his trumpet
and attack in a whirlwind
from the south.
15 The Lord All-Powerful
will protect his people,
and they will trample down
the sharpshooters
and their slingshots.
They will drink and get rowdy;
they will be as full as a bowl
at the time of sacrifice.

16 The Lord God will save them
on that day,
because they are his people,
and they will shine on his land
like jewels in a crown.
17 How lovely they will be.
Young people will grow there
like grain in a field
or grapes in a vineyard.
Tu'dei se 'Batiazi ro Vurena Opena
1 Ono ni lazo OPI ro owo: Nda ayota taezaro rote wari Adaraka ro ndi 'bakici Damaseka robe dri. Tana ko gialo toto 'bakalai Yisaraele ro ayani ndaro, oko 'bakici 'desi Siria ro kpa orivoya OPI ro. 2 Amata se kishwedrina orivoya Adaraka be 'do, kpa orivoya ndaro, ago 'bakici Tura ndi Sidona robe, ndi tavouni cini ànyaro be kpa ndaro. 3 Tura be lomvo iro te gbikyi tiṛi si, ago adro kala mo'di ndi logo läguläguro robe te donjo oso durufu litidri ro ronye! 4 Oko OPI anana ŋgase cini ànya ka'dobe sina ono 'da. Adana ŋgadriamba anyaro 'da gyi'desi ya, ago azana 'bakici ono 'da asi si.
5 'Bakici Asekelona ro ondrena ta ono 'da ago a'dona 'da turituriro, 'Bakici Gaza ro ondrena kpa 'da ago tana luna ndi amba lomvoigye. Ekerona a'dona kpa inye, tana mio'ba anyaro ugburute. Äfuna 'bädri'ba Gaza ro 'da ago Asekelona a'dona 'da lidri ako. 6 Lidri drî toto orina 'da Asedodo ya. OPI ekye: “Mologona driuŋgyi Filisitia'bai ro 'da vuru. 7 Ànyari iza se cini kari orivoya kigye 'do onyane te i'do alona, ndi ŋgaonya azaka se undiro iyi be, lidri anjoko se ke'bebe lidriidriro iyi a'dona 'da rukä lidri maro ro, ago a'dona 'da käläsikala alo aza 'bakala Yuda ro ro. Ago Ekerona a'dona 'da rukä lidri maro ro, oso Jebusa'bai ka'dobe ronye. 8 Ma'dona 'da gaga'ba Yerusalema ro ukyi kyila'bai lävu 'da kigyesi. 'Dieza'bai ri ogone lidri maro ezane te i'do tana mandre rueza lidri maro rote.”
'Bädri'ba Tu Mileya ro
9 Miye riyä ri amba lidri Zaiona ro!
Mitre riyä si ami lidri Yerusalema ro!
Mindre, 'bädri'ba amiro ka eziikyi amire!
Nda ka ikyi mbara be ago ŋgaopeṛe be,
oko mäwuako ago ka ugu umu doŋgyi si,
doŋgyi 'boroŋwa si.
10 OPI ekye:
“Manana arabia kyila ro 'da ni Yisaraele yasi
ago märuna farasii kyila oyero 'da ni Yerusalema yasi;
ago kusu se kyila oyero iyi
otoŋgona 'da.
'Bädri'ba amiro o'bana taliatokpe 'da tu'dei lako;
nda mirina vo 'da ni gyi'desi kala le gyi'desi kala,
ni Golo Eferata kala le ädu 'bädri roya.”
Logo Lidri Lu ro ro
11 OPI ekye:
“Tana ta tao'baro maro
se ma'babe ami yibe
kari tori oloro si ono rota,
monjina kamba'bai amiro ndi dritairo
ni 'bu se gyi ako a'doro midiro ono ro yasi.
12 Nyègo ri vo rugagaro amiro ya ami kamba'bai se mio'ba be ono,
nyègo vose amiro oriro londroro ono ya.
Ondro ono ma taiti ämiri, mago mozona ŋga 'da ämiri ndra perena ritu.
13 Ma'bana Yuda 'da a'dona oso kusu maro ronye
ago Yisaraele a'dona 'da oso ätu na ronye.
Ma'bana lidri Zaiona ro 'da a'done oso bando kyila'bai ro ronye,
kyila oyene lidri Giriki robe.”

14 'Dooko OPI efona 'da lidri ndaro dri;
nda u'bona ätu ndaro umuna 'da oso leko 'busi ro ronye,
OPI Mbarapara ovona cekuṛe 'da;
nda olina 'da oli gbiriṛibe
ŋgäṛiŋwadriro si.
15 OPI Mbaraekye gagana lidri ndaro 'da;
ago ànya tufunayi kyila'baazii ànyaro 'da.
Ànya totrenayi 'da oso wa fu ànya ni,
ago kari kyila'baazii ànyaro ro orona 'da;
ago udina 'da oso kari tori oloro se
abe osona vo tori oloro dri doo si 'do ronye.

16 Tu ana si OPI Lu ànyaro opana ànya 'da,
oso lekye'ba ronye.
Ànya läguna 'da wari ndaro ya
oso logo läguläguro tagia ro ronye.
17 Wari ana a'dona kadoro ago liŋgyiekye!
Lidri ombato'diro ombana 'da mbara ro
inya ndi vino to'di be si.