The City of Tyre Will Be Punished
1 This is a message from distant islands about the city of Tyre:

Cry, you seagoing ships!
Tyre and its houses
lie in ruins.
2 Mourn in silence,
you shop owners of Sidon,
you people on the coast.
Your sailors crossed oceans,
making your city rich.
3 Your merchants sailed the seas,
making you wealthy by trading
with nation after nation.
They brought back grain
that grew along the Nile.
4 Sidon, you are a mighty fortress
built along the sea.
But you will be disgraced
like a married woman
who never had children.

5 When Egypt hears about Tyre,
it will tremble.
6 All of you along the coast
had better cry and sail
far across the ocean.
7 Can this be the happy city
that has stood for centuries?
Its people have spread
to distant lands;
8 its merchants were kings
honored all over the world.
Who planned to destroy Tyre?
9 The Lord All-Powerful planned it
to bring shame and disgrace
to those who are honored
by everyone on earth.
10 People of Tyre,
your harbor is destroyed!
You will have to become farmers
just like the Egyptians.
Tyre Will Be Forgotten
11 The Lord's hand has reached
across the sea,
upsetting the nations.
He has given a command
to destroy fortresses
in the land of Canaan.
12 The Lord has said
to the people of Sidon,
“Your celebrating is over—
you are crushed.
Even if you escape to Cyprus,
you won't find peace.”

13 Look what the Assyrians have done to Babylonia! They have attacked, destroying every palace in the land. Now wild animals live among the ruins. 14 Not a fortress will be left standing, so tell all the seagoing ships to mourn.
15 The city of Tyre will be forgotten for 70 years, which is the lifetime of a king. Then Tyre will be like that evil woman in the song:

16 You're gone and forgotten,
you evil woman!
So strut through the town,
singing and playing
your favorite tune
to be remembered again.

17 At the end of those 70 years, the Lord will let Tyre get back into business. The city will be like a woman who sells her body to everyone of every nation on earth, 18 but none of what is earned will be kept in the city. That money will belong to the Lord, and it will be used to buy more than enough food and good clothes for those who worship the Lord.
Lazo ta Foenesia rota
1 Lazo ono orivoya ta Tura rota. Nyìlivu liyi be, ami se nyàbe ele toŋbo ŋgalogye'bai ro si ono! Tana epere zoi ago vo edrero toŋboi amiro ro Tura ya te; Ondro toŋboi amiro kate ego ni Saiporosi yasi oko, nyùsu lazona te. 2 Nyà'do titiro ami se nyàbe ori roŋga dri, ami ŋgalogye'bai Sidona ro! Mìzo lidri te gyi tasi ago ànya diyite 3 gyi'desi tasi inya se kombabe Ezipeto ya Naile kala ana ogyene ago logyene ago losi oyene sina tu'dei cini be.
4 'Bakici Sidona ro, nya'do driupiro! Täṛii gyi'desi ndi gyibebelebe robe kayi ata ekye: “Maṛo teinye ŋgàga ako ago mäti ŋgwa ṛo ko. Meca ŋgwàagoro kode ndiriŋwa ro ko'de.”
5 Ondro lazo Tura perero kosate Ezipeto ya oko, Ezipeto'bai a'dona 'da tusu ro.
6 Nyojo ozane Sepaina ya, nyìlivu liyi be, ami lidri Foenesia ro! 7 Inye'do ono gi 'bakici se riyäekye, se etote ṛo kyeno ono owo ya? Inye'do ono gi 'bakici se kozo lidri be orine lozo ono owo ya? 8 A'di raa tase cini ono ni ezine Tura, 'bakici se liŋgyiekye, se ŋgalogye'ba nai ni opii ago lidri orooro ro yi 'bädri ya ono dri ya? 9 OPI Mbaraekye raa ta ono ni, tana ko'ba driuŋgyi ànyaro ta tase cini ànya koyeyibe rota ono kokye robe ago ologo lidri orooro ànyaro robe vuru.
10 Nyòyi teri amba wari amiro ya oso Naile kabe oga ronye, ami lidri se nyàbe ori Sepaina ya kwoi! Tana 'diaza te i'do tona ami lagane. 11 OPI eŋga drì ndaro te kuru gyi'desi dri ago kanda 'bädri cini se abe mirina 'bädri'ba si te. OPI ozotate ta Foenesia rota anjioko tiṛinai perene. 12 Ami lidri Sidona ro se abe ezana ono, riyä miro kyete. Ondro mìmu gica le Saiporosi ya, minina ko voopane londroro.
13 (Mìndre wari Babelona'bai ro kadri! Asaria'bai 'bayi koronyai vocowa rote voondene kigyesi ànya beyi tiṛiwiṛa drina umuro ni, ago togayi tiṛi 'di gagaro na ni, ago 'bayi 'bakici ana ni tandro ro.)
14 Nyìlivu liyi be, ami ŋgalogye'bai se nyàbe udi gyibebelebe drisi kwoi! Tana 'bakici se nyätirube driigye ono eperete.
15 Tu ana kesate oko ijena ta Tura ro 'da ndroa na 'butenjidrieri (70), oso tu oriro 'bädri'ba aza alo ro ronye. Ondro ndroa 'butenjidrieri (70) 'do kokyete oko, aŋgona Tura 'da loŋgo si oso abe ronyi'ba oŋgo ronye ekye:
16 Miru lekyembe miro, nyaba gbikyi 'ba'desi lomvosi,
mi ronyi'ba se tana jete ono!
Nyoji ago miŋgo loŋgo miro ogoza lidri eziza kpa to'dina kovole.
17 Ondro ndroa se 'butenjidrieri (70) ana kokyete oko, OPI oyina ta Tura ro 'da ago Tura ogone 'da ŋga iro logyene, anya ozona andivo anyaro 'da ronyi loyene 'bädri cini se abe mirina 'bädri'ba si iyi be päläti si. 18 Parata se anya kabe usuna ŋgalogye si 'do adina 'da to OPI ri. Anyari ombane azana dri dämbine i'do, oko agyena ŋgaonya ndi boŋgo kado be 'da parata na 'do si ànya se kayibe OPI mätu ri.