Edom's Pride and Punishment
a message about Edom,
and this is what we heard:
“I, the Lord, have sent
a messenger
with orders for the nations
to attack Edom.”

2 The Lord said to Edom:
I will make you the weakest
and most despised nation.
3 You live in a mountain fortress,
because your pride
makes you feel safe from attack,
but you are mistaken.
4 I will still bring you down,
even if you fly higher
than an eagle
or nest among the stars.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

5 If thieves break in at night,
they steal
only what they want.
And people who harvest grapes
always leave some unpicked.
But, Edom, you are doomed!
6 Everything you treasure most
will be taken from you.
7 Your allies can't be trusted.
They will force you out
of your own country.
And your best friends
will trick and trap you,
even before you know it.

8 Edom, when this happens,
I, the Lord, will destroy
all your marvelous wisdom.
9 Warriors from the city of Teman
will be terrified,
and you descendants of Esau
will be wiped out.
The Lord Condemns Edom's Cruelty
10 You were cruel to your relatives,
the descendants of Jacob.
Now you will be destroyed,
disgraced forever.
11 You stood there and watched
as foreigners entered Jerusalem
and took what they wanted.
In fact, you were no better
than those foreigners.

12 Why did you celebrate
when such a dreadful disaster
struck your relatives?
Why were you so pleased
when everyone in Judah
was suffering?
13 They are my people,
and you were cruel to them.
You went through their towns,
sneering and stealing
whatever was left.
14 In their time of torment,
you ambushed refugees
and handed them over
to their attackers.
The Lord Will Judge the Nations
15 The day is coming
when I, the Lord,
will judge the nations.
And, Edom, you will pay in full
for what you have done.

16 I forced the people of Judah
to drink the wine of my anger
on my sacred mountain.
Soon the neighboring nations
must drink their fill—
then vanish without a trace.
Victory for Israel
17 The Lord's people who escape
will go to Mount Zion,
and it will be holy.
Then Jacob's descendants
will capture the land of those
who took their land.
18 Israel will be a fire,
and Edom will be straw
going up in flames.
The Lord has spoken!

19 The people of Israel
who live in the Southern Desert
will take the land of Edom.
Those who live in the hills
will capture Philistia,
Ephraim, and Samaria.
And the tribe of Benjamin
will conquer Gilead.

20 Those who return from captivity
will control Phoenicia
as far as Zarephath.
Captives from Jerusalem
who were taken to Sepharad
will capture the towns
of the Southern Desert.
21 Those the Lord has saved
will live on Mount Zion
and rule over Edom.
Then the kingdom will belong
to the Lord.
1 Ono ni taäŋgu Obadaya ro: OPI Mbarapara ka atani ta Edoma rota ekye.
OPI Ezana Edoma ndi
Mèri lazo OPI rote,
ago nda ezo lazo'ba ndaro te tu'dei re lazobe ekye:
“Nyà'do nja! Mì'de mòyi kyila oye Edoma be!”
2 OPI ka ata Edoma ri ekye:
“Ma'bana mi 'da a'dona mbara ako tu'dei azi lako;
'dicini mawona mi 'da.
3 Driuŋgyi miro odo mi te.
Mise nyabe ori kogbo luutu ro lako;
'ba miro orivoya le kuru 'bereŋwa dri,
ago ta'doro nya ata andivo miro ri mikye,
‘A'di esena ma ni vuru ya?’
4 'Ba miro ka'do gica le kuru
oso zo ägyiribi ro ronye,
ago zo miro ka'do ca le orivoya 'bi'bii lako,
caoko mesena mi 'da vuru.

5 “Ondro kugu'bai kikyiyi bete midri,
kode ŋgatopa'bai kikyite ŋgäkyi si,
ànya kayi toto ŋgase ànya koleyibe uruna ayani.
Lidri kate doŋgoi kono ro topina,
ondoalo ànya kayi volena e'be.
Oko kyila'baazii amiro yo ami te ṛo waṛi.
6 Otopa ŋga zelevoi Esau ro rote,
otopa lakazà amiro te.
7 Bereazii cini amiro odoyi ami te;
ànya siyi ami te tesi ni 'bädri amiro yasi.
Lidri se koriyibe liatokpe ami yibe iyi yauono peyi ami te ṛe.
Bereazii se miyita be ànya ya iyi 'beyi abari te ämiri;
oko ämiri vona usune i'do.”

8 OPI ekye: “Tuse ma oyebe Edoma ezane sina si,
mutufuna lidri tauniuniro ànyaro 'da
ago mayona tavouni cini ànyaro 'da waṛi.
9 Lidri Temana ro kyila oyero a'dona 'da turituriro,
ago utufuna kyila'bai cini Edoma ya 'da.
Tase Abe Edoma Eza tana ro
10 “Tana mìye ädrupii amiro, zelevoi Yakoba rote siomba si,
nya'dona 'da driupi ro ago utufuna ami 'da äduako.
11 Tuse kyila'baazii kabe dereŋwai ànyaro perena si nyèdrete pere;
se ànya ŋgyiyi ŋgadriamba Yerusalema rote
ago leweyite ànyavoya.
Nyà'dote orivoya koziro oso atrai kai ronye.
12 Beṛo ko aba ämiri voondrene ädrupii amiro se Yuda ya ana drisi
tu gi ànyaro kandrakozi ro ana si.
Beṛo ko aba ämiri a'done riyä ro
tu gi ànya perero ana si.
Beṛo ko aba ämiri ànya ugune
tu rriti ro ànyaro si.
13 Beṛo ko aba ämiri ocine 'bakici lidri maro roya
tu rriti ro ànyaro si.
Beṛo ko aba amiri voondrene rriti ànyaro drisi tu rriti ro anyaro si.
Beṛo ko aba ŋgaamba ànyaro topane
tu rriti ro ànyaro si.
14 Beṛo ko aba ämiri edrene drilewevo liti ro yasi
ànya se kabe ojo voopane kai urune.
Beṛo ko aba ämiri ànya ozone kyila'baazi ànyaro rigye
tu rriti ro ànyaro si.
Lu Opena Vure Tu'dei ro ndi
15 “Tu ma OPI ro te orivoya loto ti tu'dei cini ri.
Tase koziro miyebe ono
ayena kpa ayani andivo miro ri.
Ŋgase koziro miyebe 'do ogo orina gyi loto midri.
16 Lidri maro mvuyi ŋga osoro taezaro rote
ni lutu alokado maro dri.
Oko tu'dei se cini gbikyi iyi umvunayi kpa 'da
ànya umvunayi 'da ndra;
ànya umvunayi 'da cini ago okyenayi 'da kpeye.
Ŋgaopeṛe Yisaraele ro
17 “Oko azakana opana vo 'da 'bereŋwa Zaiona dri,
ago anya a'dona 'da vo alokado ro.
Zelevoi Yakoba ro uruna wari se
ṛo ànyaro drimbi ro ono 'da.
18 Zelevoi Yakoba ro a'dona 'da oso asi ronye,
ago zelevoi Yosepa ro a'dona 'da oso asilele ronye;
zelevoi Esau ro a'dona 'da oso kyekyepa ronye,
ànya tufuna lidri Esau ro 'da
oso asi kabe kyekyepa uje 'do ronye.
Ago 'diaza opanavo ko ni zelevoi Esau ro lakosi.
Ma OPI, mata ni.

19 “Lidri maro ni ŋgäṛiŋwa Yuda roya urunayi Edoma 'da;
ànya se ni aŋgoyasi lutu pasi iyi urunayi Filisitia 'da;
Lidri Yisaraele ro urunayi 'bädri Eperaima ro
ndi Samaria robe 'da drimbi ro;
lidri Benjamina ro urunayi Gilada 'da.
20 Kyila'bai se ärube midiro ni mä'dudri Yisaraele roya
egonayi ago urunayi Foenesia 'da
ndi osana gwo le Zarefata ya.
'Dise ärube midiro ni Yerusalema yasi se orivoya Saredisa ya
urunayi 'ba'desii ŋgäṛiŋwa Yuda ro drisi 'da.
21 Lidri 'diope'bai ṛe utunayi 'da Zaiona dri
ago mirinayi Edoma 'da.
Ago OPI andivona a'dona 'da 'bädri'ba ro.”