Edom Will Be a Wasteland
2 Ezekiel, son of man, condemn the people of Edom 3 and say to them:

I, the Lord God,
am now your enemy!
And I will turn your nation
into an empty wasteland,
4 leaving your towns in ruins.
Your land will be a desert,
and then you will know
that I am the Lord.

5 People of Edom, not only have you been Israel's longtime enemy, you simply watched when disaster wiped out its people as punishment for their sins. 6 And so, as surely as I am the living Lord God, you are guilty of murder and must be put to death. 7 I will destroy your nation and kill anyone who travels through it. 8 Dead bodies will cover your mountains and fill up your valleys, 9 and your land will lie in ruins forever. No one will live in your towns ever again. You will know that I am the Lord.
10 You thought the nations of Judah and Israel belonged to you, and that you could take over their territory. But I am their God, 11 and as surely as I live, I will punish you for treating my people with anger and hatred. Then they will know that I, the Lord, am punishing you! 12 And you will finally realize that I heard you laugh at their destruction and say their land was yours to take. 13 You even insulted me, but I heard it all.
14 Everyone on earth will celebrate when I destroy you, 15 just as you celebrated when Israel was destroyed. Your nation of Edom will be nothing but a wasteland. Then everyone will know that I am the Lord.
Taezaro Lu ro Edoma ri
1 OPI atate märi ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindrevo 'bereŋwa Edoma driro ago nyayo ta koziro lomvoigye. 3 Nyiti tase ma, OPI Mbarapara mabe atana ono se ekye:
“Ma orivoya kyilaro mibe 'bereŋwa Edoma ro!
Ma'bina mi 'da,
ago ma'bana ami 'da a'done vocowa ro ago awi.
4 Me'bena 'bakicii miro 'da tandro ro,
ago wari miro a'dona 'da voawi ro;
'dooko minina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
5 “Nya'dote kyila'baazi 'duro Yisaraele ro ago mi'ba lidri anyaro te tufune tu rritiro ànyaro si, ago tu ädu rueza ànyaro rosi. 6 Ta'dota, endaro oso ma, OPI Mbarapara mabe Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, ma'bana mi'da odrane, odra lanjana mi 'da, tana mi orivoya taenji 'ditufu robe, ta'doro odra osona ndi mivo. 7 Ma'bana 'bädri lutu ro Edoma ro 'da a'done voawi ro ago tandroro ago mutufuna 'dicini se kayibe aba kigyesi iyi ndi. 8 Ma'bana drî 'bereŋwai ro 'da a'done kpeye avo be, ago avo 'dise utufube kyila ya iyi ro a'dona 'da twi lutui, vodelei ndi 'bo'boŋwai cini be yasi. 9 Ma'bana mi 'da a'done tandro ro 'duro, ago 'diaza ri ogo orine 'bakicii miro ya te i'do tona. 'Dooko minina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
10 “Nyatate mikye tu'dei se ritu, Yuda ndi Yisaraele be, tro wari ànyaro yibe orivoya yiro ago ya'dona ni kuzupi ànyaro, ma, Opi, ma'do gica ni Lu ànyaro ono owo. 11 Ta'dota, endaro oso ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe ni Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, mayena ta 'da miri ta kyila miro, yagäru miro, ndi yaoso miro se miyebe lidri maro ri rota. Yisaraele'bai uninayi ma 'da ondro mate mi eza owo. 12 'Dooko minina 'da anjioko ma, OPI, meri mite atavoya koziro 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro lomvo mikye; ànya te orivoya tandro ro ago ozote miri ànya urune. 13 Merite nyatate kyila si, driuŋgyi si ago koziro malomvo.”
14 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Ma'bana mi 'da a'done tandro ro ndra 'bädri cini ri a'dozana riyä si. 15 Tana oso nya'dobe riyäro ta pere Yisaraele ro tandroro rota ronye, mayena mi 'da koziro. 'Bereŋwai Seira ro, ndi wari cini Edoma robe, a'dona 'da tandro ro. 'Dooko 'dicini unina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”