Jeremiah Speaks in the Temple
(Jeremiah 26.1-6)
1-3 The Lord told me to stand by the gate of the temple and tell the people who were going in that the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, had said:
Pay attention, people of Judah! Change your ways and start living right, then I will let you keep on living in your own country. 4 Don't fool yourselves! My temple is here in Jerusalem, but that doesn't mean I will protect you. 5 I will keep you safe only if you change your ways and are fair and honest with each other. 6 Stop taking advantage of foreigners, orphans, and widows. Don't kill innocent people. And stop worshiping other gods. 7 Then I will let you enjoy a long life in this land I gave your ancestors.
8 But just look at what is happening! You put your trust in worthless lies. 9 You steal and murder; you lie in court and are unfaithful in marriage. You worship idols and offer incense to Baal, when these gods have never done anything for you. 10 And then you come into my temple and worship me! Do you think I will protect you so that you can go on sinning? 11 You are thieves, and you have made my temple your hideout. But I've seen everything you have done.
12 Go to Shiloh, where my sacred tent once stood. Take a look at what I did there. My people Israel sinned, and so I destroyed Shiloh!
13 While you have been sinning, I have been trying to talk to you, but you refuse to listen. 14 Don't think this temple will protect you. Long ago I told your ancestors to build it and worship me here, but now I have decided to tear it down, just as I destroyed Shiloh. 15 And as for you, people of Judah, I'm going to send you away from my land, just as I sent away the people of Ephraim and the other northern tribes.
Punishment for Worshiping Other Gods
16 Jeremiah, don't pray for these people! I, the Lord, would refuse to listen. 17 Do you see what the people of Judah are doing in their towns and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 Children gather firewood, their fathers build fires, and their mothers mix dough to bake bread for the goddess they call the Queen of Heaven. They even offer wine sacrifices to other gods, just to insult me. 19 But they are not only insulting me; they are also harming themselves by doing these shameful things.
20 And now, I, the Lord All-Powerful, will flood Judah with my fiery anger until nothing is left—no people or animals, no trees or crops.
It Is Useless To Offer Sacrifices
21 The Lord told me to say to the people of Judah:
I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, but I won't accept sacrifices from you. So don't even bother bringing them to me. You might as well just cook the meat for yourselves.
22 At the time I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, I didn't command them to offer sacrifices to me. 23 Instead, I told them, “If you listen to me and do what I tell you, I will be your God, you will be my people, and all will go well for you.” 24 But your ancestors refused to listen. They were stubborn, and whenever I wanted them to go one way, they always went the other. 25 Ever since your ancestors left Egypt, I have been sending my servants the prophets to speak for me. 26 But you have ignored me and become even more stubborn and sinful than your ancestors ever were!
Slaughter Valley
The Lord said:
27 Jeremiah, no matter what you do, the people won't listen. 28 So you must say to them:
People of Judah, I am the Lord your God, but you have refused to obey me, and you didn't change when I punished you. And now, you no longer even pretend to be faithful to me.

29 Shave your head bald
and throw away the hair.
Sing a funeral song
on top of a barren hill.
You people have made me angry,
and I have abandoned you.

30 You have disobeyed me by putting your disgusting idols in my temple, and now the temple itself is disgusting to me. 31 At Topheth in Hinnom Valley you have built altars where you kill your children and burn them as sacrifices to other gods. I would never think of telling you to do this. 32 So watch out! Someday that place will no longer be called Topheth or Hinnom Valley. It will be called Slaughter Valley, because you will bury your dead there until you run out of room, 33 and then bodies will lie scattered on the ground. Birds and wild animals will come and eat, and no one will be around to scare them off. 34 When I am finished with your land, there will be deathly silence in the empty ruins of Jerusalem and the towns of Judah—no happy voices, no sounds of parties or wedding celebrations.
Yeremaya ka Taope Yekalu ya
1 OPI atate Yeremaya ri ekye: 2 “Nyoyi nyedre dereŋwa Yekalu roya, ago nyayo ta ono mikye; nyèri ta OPI ro ami lidri cini Yuda ro se kabe eci dereŋwai yasi OPI mätune iyi. OPI Mbaraekye Lu Yisaraele ro ekye, 3 nyä̀läpi liti se nyàbe ori kigyesi ndi ŋgase cini nyàbe loyena iyi robe, 'dooko ma'bana ami ndi orine 'du noŋwa. 4 Mìma ko ata se ŋgaodo ro ono ya se ekye: ‘Ama orivoya londro ro! Tana ono orivoya Yekalu OPI ro, ono orivoya Yekalu OPI ro, ono orivoya Yekalu OPI ro 'do!’
5 “Nyède liti ori amiro ro ago nyè'be ŋgase cini nyàbe loyena ono. Mìye taŋgye ayani azi ri. 6 Nyè'be atrai, kyemvoi, ndi ävuzii be eza, ca 'dise taenjiako iyi tufuna ni wari ono yasi. Nyè'be lui azaka mätuna, tana 'do enjina ori amiro ni. 7 Ondro ka'do nyä̀läpi ta amiro iyi te, 'dooko ma'bana mìrina ndi 'duro noŋwa wari se mozobe zutui amiro ri 'duro ono ya.
8 “Mindre, nyà ta amiro oyina ata se cini awi ŋgaodoro kwoi ya. 9 Nyà ŋga kugu, nyà 'ditufu, nyà taoye ago kode toko drisi, nyà ruäṛu kowe si, nyà tori olo Bala ri, ago nyà lui se mìni kätina ko iyi mätuna. 10 Nyà edrena makandra, Yekalu modo maro ya, ago nyà ata mìkye: ‘Ama orivoya londroro! Londroro ŋgase ya maro osoro lomvoigye kwoi loyene.’ 11 Inye'do nyùsu amiro be Yekalu maro orivoya vo ruda'do ro ŋgatopa'bai roya? Mandre tase nyàbe loyena ono te. 12 Nyòyi Silo ya, vose käti manjibe ma mätuzana kigye ono ya, ago mìndre tase mayebe rigye ta takozi lidri maro Yisaraele ro rota ono. 13 Tana nyòloye takozi se cini kwoi te, ago mata ca ämiri kpekpe, mìgazo tana erine. Mäzi ami ca nyèpe kote. 14 Ka'do inye, tase mayebe Silo ri ono mayena kpa inye Yekalu maro ono ri, se mìyi tabe kigye ono. Tase mayebe Silo ri ono, mayena kpa inye vose mozobe zutui amiro ri ago ämiri ono ya noŋwa. 15 Manjana ami 'da ni mile maro yasi oso manja 'didiri amiro, lidri Yisaraele ro be ronye. Ma, OPI, matani.”
Taoroako Lidri ro
16 OPI atate märi ekye: “Yeremaya, nyämätu ko lidri kwoi ta. Nyiliyi ko ago nyämätu ko ta ànyaro ta; nyolo'baru ko märi, tana mänina ko ta miro erine. 17 Inye'do mindre tase ànya kayibe loyena 'bakicii Yuda ro yasi ago litiŋwai Yerusalema ro drisi iyi koya? 18 Ŋgàga ka tiza koto, manoàgo ka asi ede, ago 'ditoko ka kyira oŋga gyi si o'bene ambata ro lu tokoro se ànya kuzibe 'Bädri'ba Tokoro vo'buyakuru ro ana ri. Ago ànya kayi kpa ŋgapäṛi vino ro osona lui azaka ri, ma o'baza a'done kyilaro. 19 Oko inye'do ma ni 'dise ànya kayibe yana eŋga owoya? Ànya kayi andivo ànyaro wirina ayani. 20 Ka'do inye, ma OPI Mbarapara medana kyila kozipara maro 'da vo ono dri. Medana 'da lidri dri ago kpa koronyai dri, ago ca kpa ice ndi ŋgaluru be dri. Kyila maro lesina vo 'da oso asi ronye se änina ko izwene.”
21 OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro ka atani nonye ekye: “Ami lidri maro, nyà ŋgapäṛi ozaro adrona tori oloro dri ago nyà izana onyana. 22 Tuse molofo zutui amiro be ni Ezipeto ya ana si, mozo ota kote zutui amiro ri ta tori ozaro kode beti tori oloro aza rota, 23 Oko mozo ota ono te ànyari makye: ‘Mìro ota maro, 'dooko ma'dona ndi Lu amiro ago nyà'dona ndi lidri maro. Mìro ota maro ago ànya ka'doyi robe lidri maro. Ago mititate ànyari orine tana ŋga cini ka'do robe kadoro ämiri.’ 24 Caoko ànya royi kote ago gayi bi kote tana ya. Ànya go yeyi ṛo tase taeriako ro ndi ya undiro ànyaro kusube ànyari oyene 'do ayani. Ànya zayi kundu te märi ago ezayi mi kote mare. 25 Eto ṛoni tuse zutui amiro kefoyibe ni Ezipeto yasi ana si madale tu gi ono si, mugu ruindu'bai maro nebii ezona te amire kpe kpe. 26 Caoko 'diaza eri tana kote ago ga bi kote tana ya. Mìgo, nyà'do ṛo taeriako ndrani zutui amiro ri.
27 “Ta'dota, Yeremaya, nyatana ata se cini kwoi ndi lidri maro ri, oko ànya uninayi ko ta miro erine; mizina ànya ndi, oko ànya uninayi ko epene miri. 28 Nyiti ta ànyari mikye tu'de ànyaro ro ma, se OPI Lu ànyaro ono ko, ago leyi ta 'dilotoro ko. Ta a'doro 'diri 'do kyete, ca ata tana kote tona.
Takozi Amba Oye Vodelero Inoma roya
29 “Mìlo drikyiri amiro ago mìvo cowa,
ami lidri Yerusalema ro.
Mì'be kuku driku'du'du lutui ro yasi,
tana Ma, OPI, orivoya kyilaro,
ago maga lidri maro tezo.
30 “Lidri Yuda ro yetate koziro ma mile. Ànya 'bayi lui awi ànyaro se ya maro osoro lomvoigye ono te, Yekalu maro ya ago enjiyite. 31 Ànya beyi vo tori oloro se äzibe Tofeta ana te, Vodelero Inoma roya, ŋgwàagoro ndi ndiriŋwa ànyaro be lovoza asi ya tori ro. Oko se mozo ota kote ànyari oyene oso inye, ago tana ci kpa kote drî maro ya. 32 Ka'do inye, tu esana 'da se änina kote vo ana uzine Tofeta kode Vodelero Inoma ro tona, oko äzina te Vodelero 'Ditufu ro. Ànya osenayi lidri 'da lau tana vo to aza a'dona 'da i'do ànya oseza. 33 Avoi ànyaro a'dona 'da ŋgaonya arii ndi koronyai vocowa robe ro, ago 'diaza unina ko ànya terone umune. 34 Ma'bana kporo riyä ro ndi a'doro yai'dwesi be ago kporo riyä karama lagyeogyero ro 'da okyene ni 'bakicii Yuda ro ndi litiŋwai Yerusalema robe yasi tana wari ana a'dona 'da tandro ro.