Joshua Gives Out the Rest of the Land
1 After Israel had captured the land, they met at Shiloh and set up the sacred tent. 2 There were still seven tribes without any land, 3-7 so Joshua told the people:
The Judah tribe has already settled in its land in the south, and the Joseph tribes have settled in their land in the north. The tribes of Gad, Reuben, and East Manasseh already have the land that the Lord's servant Moses gave them east of the Jordan River. And the people of Levi won't receive land like the other tribes. Instead, they will serve the Lord as priests.
But the rest of you haven't done a thing to take over any land. The Lord God who was worshiped by your ancestors has given you the land, and now it's time to go ahead and settle there.
Seven tribes still don't have any land. Each of these tribes should choose three men, and I'll send them to explore the remaining land. They will divide it into seven regions, write a description of each region, and bring these descriptions back to me. I will find out from the Lord our God what region each tribe should get.
8 Just before the men left camp, Joshua repeated their orders: “Explore the land and write a description of it. Then come back to Shiloh, and I will find out from the Lord how to divide the land.”
9 The men left and went across the land, dividing it into seven regions. They wrote down a description of each region, town by town, and returned to Joshua at the camp at Shiloh. 10 Joshua found out from the Lord how to divide the land, and he told the tribes what the Lord had decided.
Benjamin's Land
11 Benjamin was the first tribe chosen to receive land. The region for its clans lay between the Judah tribe on the south and the Joseph tribes on the north. 12 Benjamin's northern border started at the Jordan River and went up the ridge north of Jericho, then on west into the hill country as far as the Beth-Aven Desert. 13-14 From there it went to Luz, which is now called Bethel. The border ran along the ridge south of Luz, then went to Ataroth-Orech and on as far as the mountain south of Lower Beth-Horon. At that point it turned south and became the western border. It went as far south as Kiriath-Baal, a town in Judah now called Kiriath-Jearim.
15 Benjamin's southern border started at the edge of Kiriath-Jearim and went east to the ruins and on to Nephtoah Spring. 16 From there it went to the bottom of the hill at the northern end of Rephaim Valley. The other side of this hill faces Hinnom Valley, which is on the land that slopes south from Jerusalem. The border went down through Hinnom Valley until it reached Enrogel.
17 At Enrogel the border curved north and went to Enshemesh and on east to Geliloth, which is across the valley from Adummim Pass. Then it went down to the Monument of Bohan, who belonged to the Reuben tribe. 18 The border ran along the hillside north of Beth-Arabah, then down into the Jordan River valley. 19 Inside the valley it went south as far as the northern hillside of Beth-Hoglah. The last section of the border went from there to the northern end of the Dead Sea, at the mouth of the Jordan River. 20 The Jordan River itself was Benjamin's eastern border.
These were the borders of Benjamin's tribal land, where the clans of Benjamin lived.
21-24 One region of Benjamin's tribal land had twelve towns with their surrounding villages. Those towns were Jericho, Beth-Hoglah, Emek-Keziz, Beth-Arabah, Zemaraim, Bethel, Avvim, Parah, Ophrah, Chephar-Ammoni, Ophni, and Geba.
25-28 In the other region there were the following 14 towns with their surrounding villages: Gibeon, Ramah, Beeroth, Mizpeh, Chephirah, Mozah, Rekem, Irpeel, Taralah, Zelah, Haeleph, Gibeah, Kiriath-Jearim, and Jerusalem, which is also called Jebusite Town.
These regions are the tribal lands of Benjamin.
Lonyi Anjoko Wari ro
1 Ondro ànya kuruyi wari te oko, lowa cini Yisaraele ro mbikalate Silo ya, ago otoyi Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro rote lau. Ànya ruyi wari cini kai te. 2 Oko 'bakalai lidri Yisaraele ro ro e'be drigba njidrieri se ozo wari dri ko ànyari. 3 Ta'dota Yosua atate lidri Yisaraele ro ri ekye: “Nyàoye orine tuna dri mu'du eŋwanye teinye ociako ago wari se OPI, Lu zutui amiro ro, kozobe ämiri ono uruako ya? 4 Nyòzo lidri märi ba nätu nätu ni 'bakala alo alo yasi, mazo ànya robe abane wari cini yasi, ànya kukyiyi robe vo wari se ànya kolebe urune ànyari 'do ro a'dona ka'dane taegyi si. 'Dooko ànyari egone ndi mare. 5 Ago ànyari wari ana lonyine njidrieri; lidri Yuda ro orina iro gi wari iro ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ya, ago lidri Yosepa ro orina iro gi wari iro mä'dudrisi ya. 6 Nyègyi a'do lonyivona njidrieri 'do ro, ago nyèzi märi. 'Dooko mavona vodo 'da OPI Lu amaro kandra ta amiro ta. 7 Caoko, Lewe'bai, ri a'done vo be ami lako i'do, tana ŋga ànyaro anjioko ruindune kohanii ro OPI ri. 'Bakalai Gada, Rubena, ndi telesi 'bakala Manase ro 'buzelesi be ruyi wari ànyaro ṛote nja 'buzele Golo Yaradene ro yasi, se Musa ruindu'ba OPI ro kozobe ànyari ana.”
8 Ndi mànoago kai oyiyite a'do wari cini ro egyine oso Yosua kozo ŋgaemba na be ànyari ronye ekye: “Nyòyi vo wari cini ro yasi ago nyègyi a'dona. 'Dooko nyègo ndi mare, ago mejina OPI 'da Silo ya noŋwa ta amiro ta vodo ovo si.” 9 Ta'dota mànoago kai oyiyite wari cini yasi ago egyiyi lonyina se ànya kolonyiyibe njidrieri ana te, rayi 'ba'desi nai te ba siro siro. 'Dooko ànya egoyite Yosua re gawa ya Silo ya. 10 Yosua vo vodo te OPI ejiza ta ànyaro ta ago lonyi wari te anjoko 'bakalai Yisaraele ro se ke'bebe kai ri ba alo alo.
Wari se Ozobe Benjamina ri
11 Wari se ozobe käti ni wari katidrii 'bakala Benjamina ro ro. Wari ànyaro 'dete lakole 'bakala Yuda ro ndi 'bakala Yosepa robe roya. 12 Ogone mä'dudrisi kishwe ànyaro etote ni Golo Yaradene si; 'dooko oyigwo le vodele ro se Yeriko ro mä'dudrisi ya ugu oyigwo aŋgwoyaro 'bädri lutu ro yasi le vocowa Betavena roya. 13 'Dooko kishwe oyite ŋgäṛiŋwadri vodelero Luza roya (anjioko ni Betele), 'dooko le Atarota Adara ya, ugu oyigwo 'bereŋwa drisi ŋgäṛiŋwadri Bete Orona ro Vurulesi yasi. 14 'Dooko kishwe go lepite vo telesi aza yasi, zarute ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi lama telesi aŋgoyasi 'bereŋwa ono ro yasi miäwuäwu ro Bete Orona be ago ugu oyigwo Kiriyata Bala (anjioko Kiriyata Jerima) ya, se orivoya 'bakici 'bakala Yuda ro ro. 'Doni kishwe se ogone aŋgoyasi owo. 15 Kishwe ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi etote ni sidri Kiriyata Jerima ro yasi ago oyite le aŋgoya ro Gyilegwavo Nefetoa roya. 16 'Dooko kishwe ugu oyigwo vuru ro le 'bereŋwa se äwu mi be Vodelero Inoma robe ana pa, ogone sidri ädu Vodelero Refaima roya. 'Dooko oyite ŋgäṛiŋwadri Vodelero Inoma ro yasi, ŋgäṛiŋwadri votoŋgo Jebusa'bai ro, Enerogela driro ana ya. 17 'Dooko go lepigwo mä'dudri le Enesemesa ya, ago le Gelilota ya, se orivoya miäwuäwuro Lävuvo Adumima robe. 'Dooko kishwe ugu oyigwo vurulero Kuni Bohana roya (Bohana orivoya ŋgwa Rubena ro) 18 ago lävugwo mä'dudri votoŋgo Beta Arabe ro se Vodelero Yaradene roya ana ya. Ndi cigwo vodelero ya, 19 lävugwo mä'dudri votoŋgo Beta Ogela ro ya ago kyi kyete cuku Gyi'desi Täyiro ro mä'dudrisi ya ocivo Golo Yaradene ro kigye ana ya. 'Doni kishwe se ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi owo. 20 Golo Yaradene ni kishwe 'buzelesi owo. Kwoi ni kishwe wari se katidrii 'bakala Benjamina ro kurube 'duro ànyari owo.
21 'Bakicii se katidrii 'bakala Benjamina ro ro ni Yeriko, Beta Ogela, Emeka Keziza, 22 Beta Araba, Zemaraima, Betele, 23 Avima, Para, Ofera, 24 Kefaramoni, Ofeni, ndi Geba be: 'bakicii orivoya 'butealo foritu, ndi 'ba'desii se gbikyi lomvoigyesi iyi be. 25 Ago Gibeona, Rama, Berota, 26 Mizepa, Kefira, Moza, 27 Rekema, Irepela, Tarala, 28 Zela, Alefa, Jebusa, (anjioko ni Yerusalema), Gibea, ndi Kiriyata Jerima be: 'bakicii orivoya 'butealo fosu, ndi 'ba'desii se gbikyi lomvoigyesi iyi be. Kwoi ni wari se katidrii 'bakala Benjamina ro kurube 'duro ànyari owo.