The Lord's Victory over the Nations
from Bozrah in Edom
with clothes stained red?
Who is this hero marching
in his glorious uniform?

“It's me, the Lord!
I have won the battle,
and I can save you!”

2 What are those red spots?
Your clothes look stained
from trampling on grapes.

3 “I alone trampled the grapes!
None of the nations helped.
I trampled nations in my anger
and stained my clothes
with their blood.
4 I did this because I wanted
to take revenge—
the time had come
to rescue my people.
5 No one was there to help me
or to give support;
my mighty arm won the battle,
strengthened by my anger.
6 In my fury I trampled on nations
and made them drunk;
their blood poured out
everywhere on earth.”
The Lord's Goodness to His People
7 I will tell about the kind deeds
the Lord has done.
They deserve praise!
The Lord has shown mercy
to the people of Israel;
he has been kind and good.

8 The Lord rescued his people,
and said, “They are mine.
They won't betray me.”
9 It troubled the Lord
to see them in trouble,
and his angel saved them.
The Lord was truly merciful,
so he rescued his people.
He took them in his arms
and carried them all those years.

10 Then the Lord's people
turned against him and made
his Holy Spirit sad.
So he became their enemy
and attacked them.
11 But his people remembered
what had happened
during the time of Moses.
Didn't the Lord bring them
and their leaders
safely through the sea?
Didn't he give them
his Holy Spirit?
12 The glorious power of the Lord
marched beside Moses.
The Lord will be praised forever
for dividing the sea.
13 He led his people across
like horses running wild
without stumbling.
14 His Spirit gave them rest,
just as cattle find rest
when led into a valley.
The name of the Lord was praised
for doing these things.
A Prayer for Mercy and Help
15 Please, Lord, look down
from your holy and glorious
home in the heavens
and see what's going on.
Have you lost interest?
Where is your power?
Show that you care about us
and have mercy!
16 Our ancestors Abraham and Jacob
have both rejected us.
But you are still our Father;
you have been our protector
since ancient times.

17 Why did you make us turn away
from you, our Lord?
Why did you make us want
to disobey you?
Please change your mind!
We are your servants,
your very own people.
18 For a little while,
your temple belonged to us;
and now our enemies
have torn it down.
19 We act as though you
had never ruled us
or called us your people.
Ŋgaopeṛe OPI ro Tu'dei Dri
1 “Ka eziikyi ni Edoma ya 'bakici Bozera ro yasi boŋgo okaro be 'do a'di owo ya? 'Di gi koso boŋgo liŋgyiekye be ago ka aba mbarasi ndi aṛi be 'do a'di owo ya?”
“'Do orivoya OPI owo, ka takado ayo, nda orivoya mbara be 'diopane.”
2 “Tana e'di boŋgo ndaro a'do gwo okaro, oso boŋgo 'dise kabe doŋgo kono ro ozwana vino ro 'do ro ronye niya?”
3 OPI ka tadrioza ekye: “Tana mazwa tu'dei te oso doŋgo kono ro ronye iṛe, ago 'diaza ikyi kote ma opane. Mazwa ànya te kyila si ago matote pa si, kari ànyaro ŋga ni malomvo ni enji boŋgo maro kpeye no. 4 Ma'ba tu 'diezaro te; ago tu lidri maro opaza esate. 5 Mandre vote oko 'diaza te i'do ma opane, malaro te tana 'diaza pa ma kote. Oko mbara maro ŋgaopene ṛe ago kyila maro pa mate. 6 Mato tu'dei cini te pa si ago motowa ànya te jinyijinyi kyila si. Meda kari adri ànyaro rote gyini dri.”
A'dokado OPI ro Yisaraele ri
7 Mitina ta ŋgalu 'duro OPI ro ro tana ndi;
märäṛuna nda ndi ta tase cini nda koyebe ämäri ono rota,
ndi takado se nda koyebe Yisaraele ri.
Ta yauni ndaro ndi ŋgalu 'duro ndaro be rota.
8 OPI atate ekye: “Ànya orivoya lidri maro; ànya uninayi ko ma odone.” Tana ta'doro nda pa ànya te. 9 Rueza cini ànyaro ya, nda ezaru kpate, ago nda ezo malaika ndaro te ago pa ànya te. Nda pa ànya te ŋgalu ndi yauni ndaro be si. Tu kyeno ana ya nda ndrevo ànyaro te ondoalo, 10 caoko ànya ogboyite nda be ago 'bayi tori alokado ndaro te a'done tusuro amba. Ta'dota OPI a'dote kyila'baazi ro ànyari ago nda modo ye kyila te ànya yibe.
11 Oko ondro ànya kogo kusuyi tase kyeno, tu cini se Musa, ruindu'ba OPI ro rosi ana tana te oko, ànya ejiyitate ekye: “Yauono OPI se kopa lidri ndaro be ndi dri'bai lidri ndaro robe ni gyi'desi yasi ono gaŋwaroya? Opi se koso tori ndaro be ànya lako ono gaŋwaroya? 12 OPI se koye ta 'desiro be Musa si, kolonyi ya gyi'desi robe ànya milesi liku äduako ozoza andivo ndaro ri ono gaŋgwaroya?”
13 OPI lepe ànya te, gyi ociekye yasi oso doŋgyii vocowaro ronye, caoko ànya 'de kote alona. 14 OPI ozo loli te lidri ndaro ri, oso abe tii ezi lowo kado vodelero ya 'do ronye. Nda lepe lidri ndaro te ago ezi taoro te ävuru ndaro ri.
Mätu ta Yauni ndi ta Ŋgaopa robe ta
15 OPI, mindrevo vuru ämädri ni vo'buyakuru yasi, ni vose miribe kigye a'do alokado ndi a'do 'desi miro be ya ana yasi. Tavousu gyuru miro ndi mbara miro be gaŋwaroya? Miru ŋgalu miro ndi yauni miro be teni ama resi. 16 Tana mi ni täpi amaro. Zutui amaro Abarayama ndi Yakoba be kuniyi ama ca ko oko, mi OPI, mi ni täpi amaro, ago opa'ba amaro ṛoni tu kyeno si. 17 Mi'ba ama gwo vujena ni liti miro yasi etaya? Mi'ba ya amaro gwo uŋgyine ndi ndi mà'de gwo orine mi oroako etaya? Nyego kovole ta ruindu'bai miro kwoi rota, ta lidri se ka'doyibe ondoalo miro ono rota.
18 Lidri miro riyite vo alokado miro ya, tuna toto fere, oko yauono kyila'baazii ànyaro toyi vo alokado miro te pà si. 19 Mà'dote osoago mi ko miri'ba amaro, osoago ama ko lidri miro.