The Nations Will Be Judged
1 Everyone of every nation,
the entire earth,
and all its creatures,
come here and listen!
2 The Lord is terribly angry
with the nations;
he has condemned them
to be slaughtered.
3 Their dead bodies will be left
to rot and stink;
their blood will flow
down the mountains.
4 Each star will disappear—
the sky will roll up
like a scroll.
Everything in the sky
will dry up and wilt
like leaves on a vine
or fruit on a tree.
Trouble for Edom
has done what it wants
to the skies above,
it will come down on Edom,
the nation that the Lord
has doomed for destruction.

6 The sword of the Lord
is covered with blood
from lambs and goats,
together with fat
from kidneys of rams.
This is because the Lord
will slaughter many people
and make a sacrifice of them
in the city of Bozrah
and everywhere else
in Edom.
7 Edom's leaders are wild oxen.
They are powerful bulls,
but they will die
with the others.
Their country will be soaked
with their own blood,
and its soil made fertile
with their own fat.

8 The Lord has chosen
the year and the day,
when he will take revenge
and come to Zion's defense.
9 Edom's streams will turn into tar
and its soil into sulfur—
then the whole country
will go up in flames.
10 It will burn night and day
and never stop smoking.
Edom will be a desert,
generation after generation;
no one will ever travel
through that land.
11 Owls, hawks, and wild animals
will make it their home.
God will leave it in ruins,
merely a pile of rocks.
The End of Edom
12 Edom will be called
“Kingdom of Nothing.”
Its rulers will also be nothing.
13 Its palaces and fortresses
will be covered with thorns;
only wolves and ostriches
will make their home there.
14 Wildcats and hyenas
will hunt together,
demons will scream to demons,
and creatures of the night
will live among the ruins.
15 Owls will nest there
to raise their young
among its shadows,
while families of vultures
circle around.

16 In The Book of the Lord
you can search and find
where it is written,
“The Lord brought together
all of his creatures
by the power of his Spirit.
Not one is missing.”
17 The Lord has decided
where they each should live;
they will be there forever,
generation after generation.
Lu Ezana Kyila'baazii ndaro 'da
1 Nyishwe ti, ami lidri tu'dei cini ro ta ono erine ago nyèri ta. Mì'ba vo 'bädri ro cu ndi 'dicini se kabe ori kigye be keriyi ta ono. 2 OPI orivoya kyilaro tu'dei cini be ago kyila'bai cini ànyaro be. Nda ozotate ànya tufune. 3 Avo ànyaro osene i'do, ago tägyi avo ànyaro ro uŋguna ndi amba lau; ago 'bereŋwai a'dona ndi okaro ni kari ri. 4 Kitu, imba, ndi 'bi'bii be alana 'da. Vokuru eparuna 'da oso buku se roṛoroṛo ro 'do ronye, ago 'bi'bii layina 'da oso kyibi kono ro kode kyi'du ro kabe layi a'bo'bo'bo 'do ronye.
5 OPI ede bando ndaro te nja vo'buyakuru ya, ago yauono ka oyete lidri Edoma ro togane, lidri se nda kozotabe tufune iyi. 6 Kari ondena lomvo bando OPI ro ro 'da ago vo ombiombi obena si bando ndaro ro 'da lwi, kari timele ndi indri be ro ago voombiombi se koṛomoci timele ro lomvosi iyi obena si na ndi. OPI olona tori ndaro 'da 'bakici Bozera ya; nda tufuna 'di 'da amba wari Edoma roya. 7 Utufuna lidri 'da oso abe udru ndi 'daŋgoi ombato'diro tufuna ronye, ago wari ànyaro a'dona 'da kindrwi ni kari ri ago ido uduna drî gyini ro 'da. 8 Tana OPI 'ba tu te votaro logoza, votaro logoza ta Zaiona rota.
9 Goloŋwai Edoma ro tozaruna 'da äṛize ro, ago gyini 'bolotona tozaruna 'da bäruti ro. 'Bädri ana ujena 'da kpeye oso äṛize ronye. 10 Ujena 'da kitu ndi ŋgäkyi cini be si, ago kätuna ofona 'da äduako. Wari ana a'dona vo awiro madale kovole'bai amba lävuna gwo, ago 'diaza ri ogone abane kigyesi te i'do tona. 11 Ärii ndi kowai yibe abana teni nasi, bivui ndi korogaa yibe orina teni wari ana ya. OPI ogo o'bana 'da kpa to'dina vo awi ro, oso ka'dobe teinye dri 'bädri o'baako ana ronye. 12 'Diaza unina ko 'bädri ana mirine, ago dri'bai anyaro oyinayi 'da ni nasi. 13 Kukyi ombana 'da zoi na dri, ago ori ndi likyiya yibe lombana 'da tiṛi mbaraekye na lomvosi, ago kobai ndi bivu yibe orinayi teni kigyesi. 14 Koronyai vocowa ro la'benayi teni kigyesi muyi yibe, ago demonai ayonayi drî 'da azi ri kigyesi. Koronyai ŋgäkyi ro ikyina 'da lau vouṛibe loliza. 15 Bivui omonayi zo ànyaro 'da, utinayi 'bwo ànyaro 'da, teganayi ŋgwai ànyaro 'da, ago ecanayi ànya 'da kigye lau. Koyii otonayi kala 'da lau ba miaziro.
16 Mìṛi ago mìzi ta ni buku OPI ro yasi ta ŋga lidriidriŋwai rota se ekye: Alo aza ŋga lidriidriŋwà kwoi ro ri ruopene i'do, ago a'done miazi ako i'do. Tana OPI ozotate a'done inye; nda andivona ezina ànya 'da voaloya. 17 OPI modo ka oye ni wari lonyine ànyari ago ka oye ni ozone ànya ri. Ànya orinayi 'da wari ana ya äduako madale kovole'bai amba lävuna gwo.