1 Earth and Sky,
listen to what I say!
2 Israel, I will teach you.
My words will be like gentle rain
on tender young plants,
or like dew on the grass.

3 Join with me in praising
the wonderful name
of the Lord our God.
4 The Lord is a mighty rock,
and he never does wrong.
God can always be trusted
to bring justice.
5 But you lie and cheat
and are unfaithful to him.
You have disgraced yourselves
and are no longer worthy
to be his children.
6 Israel, the Lord is your Father,
the one who created you,
but you repaid him
by being foolish.
7 Think about past generations.
Ask your parents
or any of your elders.
They will tell you
8 that God Most High
gave land to every nation.
He assigned a guardian angel
to each of them,
9 but the Lord himself
takes care of Israel.

10 Israel, the Lord discovered you
in a barren desert
filled with howling winds.
God became your fortress,
protecting you as though
you were his own eyes.
11 The Lord was like an eagle
teaching its young to fly,
always ready to swoop down
and catch them on its back.
12 Israel, the Lord led you,
and without the aid
of a foreign god,
13 he helped you
capture the land.
Your fields were rich
with grain.
Olive trees grew
in your stony soil,
and honey was found
among the rocks.
14 Your flocks and herds
produced milk and yogurt,
and you got choice meat
from your sheep and goats
that grazed in Bashan.
Your wheat was the finest,
and you drank the best wine.

15 Israel, you grew fat and rebelled
against God, your Creator
you rejected the Mighty Rock,
your only place of safety.
16 You made God jealous and angry
by worshiping disgusting idols
and foreign gods.
17 You offered sacrifices
to demons, those useless gods
that never helped you,
new gods that your ancestors
never worshiped.
18 You turned away
from God, your Creator;
you forgot the Mighty Rock,
the source of your life.
19 You were the Lord's children,
but you made him angry.
Then he rejected you 20 and said,
“You are unfaithful
and can't be trusted.
So I won't answer your prayers;
I'll just watch and see
what happens to you.
21 You worshiped worthless idols,
and made me jealous
and angry!
Now I will send a cruel
and worthless nation
to make you jealous and angry.

22 “My people, I will breathe out fire
that sends you down
to the world of the dead.
It will scorch your farmlands
and burn deep down
under the mountains.
23 I'll send disaster after disaster
to strike you like arrows.
24 You'll be struck by starvation
and deadly diseases,
by the fangs of wild animals
and poisonous snakes.
25 Young and old alike
will be killed in the streets
and terrified at home.

26 “I wanted to scatter you,
so no one would remember
that you had ever lived.
27 But I dreaded the sound
of your enemies saying,
‘We defeated Israel with no help
from the Lord.’ ”

28 People of Israel,
that's what the Lord
has said to you.
But you don't have good sense,
and you never listen
to advice.
29 If you did, you could see
where you are headed.
30 How could one enemy soldier
chase a thousand
of Israel's troops?
Or how could two of theirs
pursue ten thousand of ours?
It can only happen if the Lord
stops protecting Israel
and lets the enemy win.
31 Even our enemies know
that only our God
is a Mighty Rock.

32 Our enemies are grapevines
rooted in the fields
of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The grapes they produce
are full of bitter poison;
33 their wine is more deadly
than cobra venom.
34 But the Lord has written
a list of their sins
and locked it in his vault.
35 Soon our enemies will get
what they deserve
suddenly they will slip,
and total disaster
will quickly follow.

36 When only a few
of the Lord's people remain,
when their strength is gone,
and some of them are slaves,
the Lord will feel sorry for them
and give them justice.

37 But first the Lord will say,
“You ran for safety to other gods—
couldn't they help you?
38 You offered them wine
and your best sacrifices.
Can't those gods help you now
or give you protection?
39 Don't you understand?
I am the only God;
there are no others.
I am the one who takes life
and gives it again.
I punished you with suffering.
But now I will heal you,
and nothing can stop me!

40 “I make this solemn promise:
Just as I live forever,
41 I will take revenge
on my hateful enemies.
I will sharpen my sword
and let it flash
like lightning.
42 My arrows will get drunk
on enemy blood;
my sword will taste the flesh
and the blood of the enemy.
It will kill prisoners,
and cut off the heads
of their leaders.”

43 Tell the heavens to celebrate
and all gods to bow down
to the Lord,
because he will take revenge
on those hateful enemies
who killed his people.
He will forgive the sins of Israel
and purify their land.

44-45 Moses spoke the words of the song so that all the Israelites could hear, and Joshua helped him. When Moses had finished, 46 he said, “Always remember this song I have taught you today. And let it be a warning that you must teach your children to obey everything written in The Book of God's Law. 47 The Law isn't empty words. It can give you a long life in the land that you are going to take.”
Moses Will See the Land
48 Later that day the Lord said to Moses:
49 Go up into the Abarim Mountain range here in Moab across the Jordan River valley from Jericho. And when you reach the top of Mount Nebo, you will be able to see the land of Canaan, which I am giving to Israel. 50 Then you will die and be buried on the mountaintop, just as your brother Aaron died and was buried on Mount Hor. 51 Both of you were unfaithful to me at Meribah Spring near Kadesh in the Zin Desert. I am God, but there in front of the Israelites, you did not treat me with the honor and respect I deserve. 52 So I will give the land to the people of Israel, but you will only get to see it from a distance.
1 Vokuru nyeri tase mabe atana ono,
Mi'ba 'bädri keri ata maro.
2 Ŋgaembaro maro u'dina 'da oso 'bu ronye
ata maro lotina 'da oso nduruṛi ronye,
oso 'bu kabe logyi
käyi dri 'do ronye,
ago oso 'bu kabe u'di agba luru dri 'do ronye.
3 Tana märäṛuna ävuru OPI ro 'da,
Nyäräṛu a'do 'desipara Lu amaro ro.

4 “OPI ni gaga'ba yi, losi ndaro cini ŋgye,
liti cini ndaro orivoya ŋgye;
Lu orivoya 'diri ago ŋgye;
nda orivoya ŋgye ago kado.
5 Oko miye taundiro te nda lomvo, nyojo ko a'done lidri ndaro
ago ami orivoya tu'de se takozi amba be ago ŋgaodoekye yi.
6 Inye'do ono ni liti se ämiri taoyene OPI ri kigyesi owo ya?
Ami lidri amama, ago tavouniako ono.
Nda orivoya täpi amiro, ago o'ba'ba amiro,
nda 'ba ami ni a'done tu'de ro.

7 “Miyi ta tase kälävube ana ro, nyusu ta tuse kyeno kai ro;
nyeji täpi miro tana ro, 'dooko nda opena tana ndi miri.
Nyeji agoàmbago amiro ago itinayi tana ndi miri;
8 Nda se 'Desi Fopara ono ozo wari ni tu'dei cini ri;
nda lewe lidri ni orine kigye;
nda si kishwe ni a'do oti lidri Yisaraele ro ro voro.
9 Oko Opi nji lidri te andivo ndaro ri;
nda nji zelevoi Yakoba ro te.

10 “Nda usu ànya te abavoya vo cowa yasi,
vo cowa se rri awi, siŋgwa ro.
Nda gaga ànya te ago ti ta ànyaro te,
oso nda kabe mi keci andivo ndaro ro tana otina ronye.
11 Oso ägyiribi kabe ŋgwai anyaro embana oŋgane,
ago kabe ŋgwai ndaro okona kufu ndaro ya ronye,
OPI ka Yisaraele äti kpa oso inye ni o'devoya.
12 OPI ka lidri ndaro lepena toto ni iṛe
teinye ŋgaopa lu atrai ro ako.

13 “Nda 'ba ànya te abane vose toŋgoro iyi yasi,
ago ànya nyayi ŋgase kabe owa lowo ya iyi te.
Nda 'ba anya mbeyi epe teni luutui yasi;
ago ice ido ro ànyaro ka omba gyini se kuni cokoworo be 'do yasi.
14 Ti ànyaro ka leyi muruṛu ozo ago indri ànyaro ka leyi ozo;
ànya a'doyite timele, indri, ndi ti Basana yasi be,
kaaza kadopara, ndi vino topetopero be.

15 “Lidri OPI ro a'dote ŋgaamba be, oko ànya orivoya ogbo'bai;
ànya loshweyi tawi ago tisiyi iyi te twi ŋgaonya si.
Ànya e'beyi Lu O'ba'ba ànyaro te
ago gayi opa'ba mbaraekye ànyaro tezo.
16 Lu awi ànyaro eko ya OPI rote;
tase undiro ànya koyebe iyi 'ba nda te kyilaro.
17 Ànya loyi tori te lui se ko ŋgye 'do ri,
lui se ànya niyi kote alona,
lui se efobe to'diro se zutui ànyaro ro kote alona ana.
18 Ànya ijeyi ta Opa'ba ànyaro rote, se ni opa'ba mbaraekye ànyaro ana,
Anya ijeyi ta Lu se kozo adri ni ànyari rote.

19 “Ondro OPI kondre tase ono te oko, nda a'dote kyilaro
ago ga ŋgwàagoro ndi ndiriŋwa ndaro be tezo.
20 Ago nda ekye: ‘Mänina kote ànya opane,
tana mandre tase kabe a'do ànyari 'do robe,
tana ànya orivoya lidri se taeriako, ago ta'diri ako.
21 Ànya 'bayi mate kyilaro lui se ko endaro lui yi 'do si,
ànya ekoyi ya maro te ŋgase ànyaro ànya kedeyibe lui ro 'do si.
Ka'do inye ma'bana tu'de aza 'da ànya o'bane kyilaro;
mekona ya ànyaro 'da tu'de aza se tauniako 'do si.
22 Kyila maro lekona 'da oso asi ronye
ago ujena ŋgase cini 'bädri ya iyi 'da.
Osana kpa le 'bädri avo roya
ago mazana zevoi 'bereŋwai ro 'da.

23 “ ‘Mezina rueza okyeako ndi ànya dri
ago mä'bona ätu cini maro 'da ànya dri.
24 Ànya todrana 'da ni täbiri ndi driu'bo be ri;
ànya todrana 'da ni adravo koziro ri.
Mazona koronyai vo cowa ro 'da ànya tosine,
ago ini se äṛi be iyi osina ànya 'da.
25 Kyila o'bana lidri todrana 'da litiŋwai drisi;
turi a'dona 'da 'bai yasi,
agoànji ndi ndiriŋwa be todrana 'da;
ago ŋgwà giṛiŋwa ndi agoàmbago be e'bene i'do.
26 Makye aba mutufuna ànya ro kpeye,
ukyi 'diaza ogo oyi ta ànyaro 'da.
27 Oko mänina ko kyila'baazii ànyaro o'bane driuŋgyine
ukyi ànya ata 'da ekye yipe lidri maro ni ṛe,
Oko ma Opi, makaŋwa ànya ni.’

28 “Yisaraele orivoya tu'de se tavousuako yi;
ànya orivoya teinye tavouniako alona.
29 Ànya ka'do gwo tavouni be ànya uninayi tase ape ànya be ṛe tana ro ono tana ndi;
ànya uninayi tase kabe oye a'done ànyari ana tana ndi.
30 Tana e'di mano alodi pe 'di kutualo gwo ni ṛe,
ago toto 'di ritu 'ba kutu 'butealo gwo ni umune ya?
Tana OPI Lu ànyaro e'be ànya te;
ago Lu mbaraekye ànyaro ozo ànya ni.
31 Kyila'baazii ànyaro niyite anjioko lui modo ànyaro ro orivoya mbaraako,
ko mbaraekye oso Lu Yisaraele ro ronye.
32 Kyila'baazii ànyaro orivoya koziro oso Sodomo ronye ago oso Gomora ronye,
ànya oso kono se kabe owa osoro ago doŋgo na äṛiro 'do ronye,
33 oso vino se abe edena ni äṛi ini ro yasi 'do ronye,
oso äṛi ini ŋbuŋbu ro ronye.

34 “OPI yi tase kyila'baazii ànyaro koyebe ana tana te;
nda ka dri tuna ŋgye na kote ànya ezazana.
35 OPI logona votaro ni ago ezana ànya ni;
tu esana 'da ànyari o'deza;
tu ànya perero te orivoya lototi;
tu ànyaro rueza ro esate.
36 OPI opana lidri ndaro 'da.
Nda a'dona 'da yauni be ruindu'bai ndaro ri;
ondro nda kondre mbara ànyaro kokyete,
ago nda kondrete ŋgaopa ka'do te i'do ànyari owo.
37 'Dooko OPI ejina lidri ndaro 'da ekye: Lui amiro gaŋwaro ya?
‘Lui mbaraekye se miyi ta be kigye iyi gaŋwaro ya?
38 Se nyeca be ido ŋgase milobe tori ro rosi
ago nyozo vino be ànyari umvune iyi.
Yauono mi'ba ànya kikyiyi ami opane;
mi'ba ànya kimuyi ami gagane.

39 “ ‘Ma, toto ni Lu yi;
lu aza tona i'do.
Ma 'di ufu ni ago ma 'di adri ni, ma 'di oga ni äträ laza be, ago ma edena ni,
'diaza i'do 'diopane ni märigyesi.
40 Tana endaro oso mabe Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye,
meŋga dri maro te ago mäṛuru te
41 anjioko melena si bando lekoekye maro ro ndi
mandre taŋgye oyedri robe.
Mologona votaro 'da kyila'baazii maro ri
ago mezana ànya se yana kosobe malomvo kai 'da.
42 Ätu maro umvuna kari ànyaro 'da,
ago bando maro tufuna lidri 'da
'Dise kabe kyila oye mabe märi aza alona e'bene i'do;
ca 'dise ä'bote laza be iyi ndi se ärube kamba'bai ro iyi be todrana kpa.’

43 “Tu'de cini, beṛo ämiri lidri OPI ro räṛune,
tana nda tufuna 'dise cini kabe ànya tufu 'do ndi.
Nda ka votaro logo logo kyila'baazii ndaro ri
ago nda ka takozi wari ro ago lidri ndaro ro onana.”

44 Musa ndi Yosua ŋgwa Nuna robe ikyiyi ago go ziyi ata loŋgo ono rote aree lidri Yisaraele ro ri erine.
Ŋgaemba Ädu Musa ro
45 Ondro Musa konde ŋgaemba cini Lu ro kwoi ozona te lidri cini Yisaraele ro ri oko, 46 nda atate ekye: “Mì'ba mi amiro komba kado, mìro ota se cini mozobe ämiri ondro ono kadoro. Nyèdele ànya ŋgàga amiro ri, tana ànya koroyi ŋgaemba cini Lu ro robe 'diriro. 47 Tana ata ŋgaemba ono ro kwoi ko ta awi yi, oko orivoya adri modo amiro. Mìro ànya 'dooko mirina ndi madaro wari se Golo Yaradene tasi nyà oyebe ukyi urune ana ya.”
48 Ago OPI atate Musa ri tu gi alo ana si ekye: 49 “Nyoyi 'Bereŋwa Abarima ro ago mitu 'Bereŋwa Nebo dri se orivoya wari Moaba roya se käwumibe Yeriko be ana ya; ago mindrevo 'bädri Kanana ro se ma oyebe ozone lidri Yisaraele ro ri ana dri. 50 Tana nya oye odrane 'bereŋwa ana dri oso Arona ädrupi miro kodrabe 'Bereŋwa Hora dri ago asebe ana ronye, 51 tana ami riti nyà'do kote 'diriro märi lidri Yisaraele ro mile. Tuse ami be gyi Meriba ro kala, loto 'ba'desi Kadesa ro se vo cowa Zima roya ana lomvo ana si, mìro ma kote lidri Yisaraele ro milesi. 52 Mindrena wari se ana te pere si, oko miri ocine wari se mabe ozona lidri Yisaraele ro ri ana ya te i'do.”