(A psalm by David.)
A Prayer for Protection from Enemies
1 Fight my enemies, Lord!
Attack my attackers!
2 Shield me and help me.
3 Aim your spear at everyone
who hunts me down,
but promise to save me.

4 Let all who want to kill me
be disgraced
and put to shame.
Chase away and confuse
all who plan to harm me.
5 Send your angel after them
and let them be like straw
in the wind.
6 Make them run in the dark
on a slippery road,
as your angel chases them.
7 I did them no harm,
but they hid a net
to trap me,
and they dug a deep pit
to catch and kill me.
8 Surprise them with disaster!
Trap them in their own nets
and let them fall and rot
in the pits they have dug.

9 I will celebrate and be joyful
because you, Lord,
have saved me.
10 Every bone in my body
will shout:
“No one is like the Lord!”
You protect the helpless
from those in power;
you save the poor and needy
from those who hurt them.

11 Liars accuse me of crimes
I know nothing about.
12 They repay evil for good,
and I feel all alone.
13 When they were sick,
I wore sackcloth
and went without food.
I truly prayed for them,
14 as I would for a friend
or a relative.
I was in sorrow and mourned,
as I would for my mother.

15 I have stumbled,
and worthless liars
I don't even know
surround me and sneer.
16 Worthless people make fun
and never stop laughing.
17 But all you do is watch!
When will you do something?
Save me from the attack
of those vicious lions.
18 And when your people meet,
I will praise you
and thank you, Lord,
in front of them all.

19 Don't let my brutal enemies
be glad because of me.
They hate me for no reason.
Don't let them wink
behind my back.
20 They say hurtful things,
and they lie to people
who want to live in peace.
21 They are quick to accuse me.
They say, “You did it!
We saw you ourselves.”

22 You see everything, Lord!
Please don't keep silent
or stay so far away.
23 Fight to defend me, Lord God,
24 and prove that I am right
by your standards.
Don't let them laugh at me
25 or say to each other,
“Now we've got what we want!
We'll gobble him up!”

26 Disappoint and confuse
all who are glad
to see me in trouble;
disgrace and embarrass
my proud enemies who say to me,
“You are nothing!”

27 Let all who want me to win
be happy and joyful.
From now on let them say,
“The Lord is wonderful!
God is glad when all goes well
for his servant.”
28 Then I will shout all day,
“Praise the Lord God!
He did what was right.”
Mätu ta Ŋgaopa rota
1 Nyedreŋbi ànya se kabe edreŋbi mamile mi, Äye OPI,
ago miye kyila ànya se kayibe kyila oye mabe be.
2 Miru ŋgaruotaro miro ndi lakazà kyila robe
ago nyikyi ma opane.
3 Miru äzu miro kusu ndi koloŋwa kyila robe
kyilaoyeza ànya se kabe oso mavo be.
Nyiti ta märi mikye: “Ma ni opa'ba miro.”
4 Mi'ba ànya se kayibe ojo ma ufune
ṛo opene ṛe ago o'bane driupi ro!
Mi'ba ànya se kayibe taäyi malomvo
ṛo mina ozane kovole ago ṛo gburune!
5 Mi'ba ànya a'done oso turu oli kabe onjana ronye,
oso malaika OPI ro kabe oso ànya vo ronye!
6 Mi'ba liti ànyaro ṛo a'done uniro ago toretorero
ondro malaika OPI ro kate ànya lanja owo!

7 Ànya 'beyi abari te märi teinye ta ako
ago 'diyi 'bu te o'deza märi teinye ta ako.
8 Oko eperena ànya 'da teinye ànyari tana uniako,
äruna ànya 'da abari se ànya ko'bebe ya,
ago o'denayi 'da ago tufunayi iyi 'da!

9 'Dooko ma'dona 'da yai'dwesi ta OPI rota;
ma'dona 'da riyä ro ŋgaopa ndaro ta.
10 Matana 'da makye:
“A'di ni oso mi ronye ya, Äye OPI
mi se nya mbaraako'ba opa ni 'dise mbarabe risi
ago lemeri'bai opa ni lidri se
kabe ànya eza risi ono.”

11 Ànya se kayi tazevoedre kowesi iyi ŋgayite kuru;
ànya ka ma eji ta ŋgase mäni ko rota.
12 Ànya logoyi ṛo takozi ayani vo takado ro ya märi;
ma te rriti ya.
13 Oko ondro ànya ko'dete adravo ro,
maso boŋgo guniya rote malomvo;
meta ma te ŋgaonya ako.
Mämätute drî maro ediediro vuru
14 oso mabe mätu bereazi kode ädrupi maro ta ronye;
mugu abate liyi be ago tusu si
oso 'diaza se kabe endre ndaro liyi ronye.

15 Oko ondro ma'dete rriti ya anya otoyikala te malomvo ago guyi ma te;
lidri se kätina mäni ko lo'dayi mate teinye edreako.
16 Ànya guyi ma te 'dolo ro ndra ago kayi ozionya malomvo.

17 Mindrena ma toto mi si tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya OPI?
Mipa ma ni ŋgagota ànyaro yasi
ago ni ibii iyi risi.
18 'Dooko mayena aro'boya 'da miri tu kalakoto 'desi rosi.
Kalaombi 'desi lowa roya
märäṛuna mi 'da.

19 Mi'ba kyila'baazii maro konya ciri ko mädri
ago ànya se yana osoro malomvo
teinye lämiako iyi kugu ma ko.

20 Ànya atayi takado ko
oko kayi koweoga ayani
lidri se kulu taliatokpe be lomvo.
21 Ànya treyite mädri ekye
“Dia wo, màndre ŋgase miyebe te.”
22 Mindre ta ono te, Äye OPI.
Nya'do ko titiiti ro!
OPI nya'do ko lozo ni malomvosi.
23 Miŋga ago nyikyi ma gagane,
lu maro ago OPI maro.
24 Nyaka'da a'do taenjiako maro,
Äye OPI, Lu maro taŋgye miro si,
ago mi'ba kyila'baazii maro konya ciri ko mädri.
25 Mi'ba ànya katayiko iyivoya ekye
“Màye ŋgase màlebe te!
Mä̀fu nda te.”
26 Mi'ba ànya se kayibe a'do riyä ro tu rriti
maro rosi 'do driupiro ago ŋgagburu ya!
Mi'ba ànya se kayibe iyi eŋga ndra mädrisi
'do driupi ro ago oroako.

27 Mi'ba ànya se koleyi ndi ma ondrene taenjiako'ba
ro 'do koyeyi riyä ago ka'doyi yai'dwesi
ago katayi rri ekye;
“OPI ni 'desi para, nda orivoya yai'dwesi takado ma ruindu'ba ndaro robe.”
28 'Dooko mitina takado miro tana ndi
ago märäṛuna mi ndi kitu zwi.