The Lord Speaks
From Out of a Storm
1 From out of a storm,
the Lord said to Job:
2 Why do you talk so much
when you know so little?
3 Now get ready to face me!
Can you answer
the questions I ask?
4 How did I lay the foundation
for the earth?
Were you there?
5 Doubtless you know who decided
its length and width.
6 What supports the foundation?
Who placed the cornerstone,
7 while morning stars sang,
and angels rejoiced?

8 When the ocean was born,
I set its boundaries
9 and wrapped it in blankets
of thickest fog.
10 Then I built a wall around it,
locked the gates, 11 and said,
“Your powerful waves stop here!
They can go no farther.”
Did You Ever Tell the Sun To Rise?
12 Did you ever tell the sun to rise?
And did it obey?
13 Did it take hold of the earth
and shake out the wicked
like dust from a rug?
14 Early dawn outlines the hills
like stitches on clothing
or sketches on clay.
15 But its light is too much
for those who are evil,
and their power is broken.

16 Job, have you ever walked
on the ocean floor?
17 Have you seen the gate
to the world of the dead?
18 And how large is the earth?
Tell me, if you know!

19 Where is the home of light,
and where does darkness live?
20 Can you lead them home?
21 I'm certain you must be able to,
since you were already born
when I created everything.

22 Have you been to the places
where I keep snow and hail,
23 until I use them to punish
and conquer nations?
24 From where does lightning leap,
or the east wind blow?
25 Who carves out a path
for thunderstorms?
Who sends torrents of rain
26 on empty deserts
where no one lives?
27 Rain that changes barren land
to meadows green with grass.
28 Who is the father of the dew
and of the rain?
29 Who gives birth to the sleet
and the frost
30 that fall in winter,
when streams and lakes
freeze solid as a rock?
Can You Arrange Stars?
31 Can you arrange stars in groups
such as Orion
and the Pleiades?
32 Do you control the stars
or set in place the Big Dipper
and the Little Dipper?
33 Do you know the laws
that govern the heavens,
and can you make them rule
the earth?
34 Can you order the clouds
to send a downpour,
35 or will lightning flash
at your command?
36 Did you teach birds to know
that rain or floods
are on their way?
37 Can you count the clouds
or pour out their water
38 on the dry, lumpy soil?

39 When lions are hungry,
do you help them hunt?
40 Do you send an animal
into their den?
41 And when starving young ravens
cry out to me for food,
do you satisfy their hunger?
OPI ka Tadri Eyobo ro Ozana
1 'Dooko OPI zatadri Eyobo te ni oligbiriṛibe yasi ekye:
2 Mi a'di owo tavouni maro tana ejine tauniako,
ata awi miro 'do siya?
3 Miŋga kuru oso lidri ronye
ma oye mi ejine,
ago miza taeji maro tadrina.
4 Inye'do mabe 'bädri o'ba mi eŋwaroya?
Ondro ka'do mini tazevona te nyiti tana märi.
5 A'di raa tana ni 'desina ri a'done mu'du inye ya?
A'di ojo ŋga ŋgaojoro ni andriya driigyesi ya?
Inye'do mini tadriozana cini te ya?
6 Änju kotopa 'bädri ro e'di driya?
A'di lala kuni ŋgoŋgo driro 'bädri ro niya?
7 'Buzevoosi tu ana rosi 'bi'bii voiwivo ro koŋgoyi loŋgo te troalo oko,
'di vo'buyakuru ro treyite riyä si.

8 A'di se woromi gyi'desi ro ni
tuse kereṛobe ni gyini yasi ana niya?
9 Mede 'dikolo te gyi'desi takoza
ago mabaṛi anya te vouni gbiṛikyiri si.
10 Masi kishwe ni gyi'desi ri
ago mase gbolo dereŋwà na ro ni anda.
11 Ago matate rigye makye: “Äduna iga koyi kote mileya!
Beṛo gbulä mbaraekye miro ri edrene noŋwa.”
12 Eyobo, inye'do ṛoni ori miro si
mi'ba 'buzevo ndi osine ya?
Ago nyaka'da vo ni voiwivo riya?
13 Inye'do nyozo ota ndi 'buzevoosi ri gyini ätine sidri yasi ya?
ago nyakanda takozi'bai ndi ni kigyesi ya?
14 'Buzevo osi kani 'bädri toza oso taegyi se egyite
ludri lomvo ronye,
ago wurä 'bädri te oso boŋgo ronye.
15 Ŋgaeyi kitu ro lägu tawi takozi'bai ri
ago ka ànya laga zo ni ta oyevoya mbarasi.

16 Inye'do mici ndi utivo täṛi gyi'desi roya
kode nyaba ndi gyibebelebero zelesi ya?
17 Inye'do aka'da dereŋwai odra ro ndi miri
kode mindre dereŋwai vouni 'bädri odra ro ro ndi ya?
18 Inye'do mi gibe tausu aza be,
'desi 'bädri ro mu'du eŋwanyeya?
Mizatadri maro ondro mini ta cini ndi owo.

19 Mini vose ŋgaeyi kabe ori kigye ndi ya?
kode vouni ka eto ni eŋwaroya?
20 Minina gindi ànya ugune orivo ànyaro yasi ya?
Mini liti 'ba ànyaro ro ndi ya?
21 Mänibe minina ndi, tana 'dooko äti mi teṛo
ago midete tipari!

22 Inye'do mici ndi ya gbuṛu,
se abe siya o'ba kigye 'do roya,
kode mindre ya gbuṛu se abe 'busiya o'ba kigye ana ro ndi ya?
23 Ma'ba ànya ni a'done ta tu rritiro ta,
ago tu kyila ro ndi u'du kyila oyero be rota.
24 Inye'do vose kitu kabe efo ni kigye,
kode vose oli 'buzelesi kabe eli ni kigyesi 'do gaŋwaroya?

25 A'di 'di vo golondrero ni 'bu dikyi ri u'diza kigyesi
ago a'di ede liti ni uhweza 'bu ri ya?
26 A'di kani 'bu o'ba u'dine vose lidri i'do kigye ya
ago vo rriro se lidri ri ko kigye yasi ya?
27 A'di kani gyi oda wari se ṛatararo gyiako ya,
käyi 'degwo ombane kigye ya?
28 Inye'do 'bu ndi orivoya täpi be,
kode a'di ti nduruṛi ni ya?
29 Siya efoni ya a'di ro ya,
ago endre siya i'dwe ro
30 se kani gyi toza ṛatara ro oso kuni ronye,
ago kani gyi'desi o'ba otrone ono ro ni a'diya?

31 Minina gindi minyiminyi embene troalo
kode nyonjina iba se kembe dorooro be ndi ya?
32 Minina gindi 'bi'bii lepene tuna ya kode
minina gindi 'bi'bi Mänyisile 'Desi ndi Giṛiŋwana yibe lepene ya?
33 Inye'do mini ota se kabe vokuru miri gindi,
ago mini ndi 'bädri mirine sina ya?

34 Minina gindi ota ayone 'dikoloi ri
ago mi'bana gyi 'bu ànyaro ro uduna mi ndi ya?
35 Inye'do mizona sionyi 'bu ro ndi,
ago ànya ikyi atanayi ndi miri ekye:
“Ama begi ono ya?”
36 A'di ka ta iti ni ari cucuṛu ri ekye Naile kaoyete ogane,
kode a'di ka ta iti ni gogo ri ekye 'bu kaoye u'dine ya?
37 A'di ni tavouni be se unina ndi 'dikolo otine
ago a'di kani kurukyiniro gyi ro vokuru ro oda 'bu ro,
38 'bu se kabe durufu o'ba ṛatara kologoro ono ro ya?

39 Inye'do nyusu ŋgaonya ndi onyane ibi ri,
ago mi'ba ŋgaonya ojo ibi ombato'diro
40 se kayibe ruda'do kugyii ànyaro yasi,
kode kayibe vookwa kugyii ànyaro yasi iyi ndi ya?
41 A'di kani ŋgaonya ozo koroga ecaza
ondro ŋgwaŋwà anyaro kate liyi Lu ri ŋgaonya ta
ago ànya kayite aba wayiro ni täbiri ri owo ya?