Is Anyone Honest and Faithful?
The Lord said to me:

1 “Search Jerusalem
for honest people
who try to be faithful.
If you can find even one,
I'll forgive the whole city.
2 Everyone breaks promises
made in my name.”

3 I answered, “I know
that you look for truth.
You punished your people
for their lies,
but in spite of the pain,
they became more stubborn
and refused to turn back
to you.”
4 Then I thought to myself,
“These common people
act like fools,
and they have never learned
what the Lord their God
demands of them.
5 So I'll go and talk to the leaders.
They know what God demands.”
But even they had decided
not to obey the Lord.

6 The people have rebelled
and rejected the Lord
too many times.
So enemies will attack
like lions from the forest
or wolves from the desert.
Those enemies will watch
the towns of Judah,
and like leopards
they will tear to pieces
whoever goes outside.
Enemies Will Punish Judah
The Lord said:

7 People of Judah,
how can I forgive you?
I gave you everything,
but you abandoned me
and worshiped idols.
You men go to prostitutes
and are unfaithful
to your wives.
8 You are no better than animals,
and you always want sex
with someone else's wife.

9 Why shouldn't I punish
the people of Judah?
10 I will tell their enemies,
“Go through my vineyard.
Don't destroy the vines,
but cut off the branches,
because they are the people
who don't belong to me.”

11 In every way, Judah and Israel
have been unfaithful to me.
* 12 Their prophets lie and say,
“The Lord won't punish us.
We will have peace
and plenty of food.”
13 They tell these lies in my name,
so now they will be killed in war
or starve to death.

14 I am the Lord God All-Powerful.
Jeremiah, I will tell you
exactly what to say.
Your words will be a fire;
Israel and Judah
will be the fuel.

15 People of Israel,
I have made my decision.
An army from a distant country
will attack you.
I've chosen an ancient nation,
and you won't understand
their language.
16 All of them are warriors,
and their arrows bring death.
17 This nation will eat your crops
and livestock;
they will leave no fruit
on your vines or fig trees.
And although you feel safe
behind thick walls,
your towns will be destroyed
and your children killed.
Israel Refused To Worship the Lord
18 The Lord said:
Jeremiah, the enemy army won't kill everyone in Judah. 19 And the people who survive will ask, “Why did the Lord our God do such terrible things to us?” Then tell them:

I am the Lord,
but you abandoned me
and worshiped other gods
in your own land.
Now you will be slaves
in a foreign country.
20 Tell these things to each other,
you people of Judah,
you descendants of Jacob.

21 You fools! Why don't you listen
when I speak?
Why can't you understand
22 that you should worship me
with fear and trembling?
I'm the one who made the shore
to hold back the ocean.
Waves may crash on the beach,
but they can come no farther.
23 You stubborn people have rebelled
and turned your backs on me.
24 You refuse to say,
“Let's worship the Lord!
He's the one who sends rain
in spring and autumn
and gives us a good harvest.”
25 That's why I cannot bless you!

* 26 A hunter traps birds
and puts them in a cage,
but some of you trap humans
and make them your slaves.
27 You are evil, and you lie and cheat
to make yourselves rich.
You are powerful
28 and prosperous,
but you refuse to help the poor
get the justice they deserve.
29 You need to be punished,
and so I will take revenge.
30 Look at the terrible things
going on in this country.
I am shocked!
31 Prophets give their messages
in the name of a false god,
my priests don't want
to serve me,
and you—my own people—
like it this way!
But on the day of disaster,
where will you turn for help?
Takozi Yerusalema ro
1 Lidri Yerusalema ro, mìmu litiŋwai amiro drisi!
Mìndrevo gbikyi ago nyèna ŋga cini!
Mìṛivo ni vo ŋgalogyero yasi!
Kode nyusuna 'di alodi aza gindi
se kabe taŋgye oye
ago ka ojo a'done 'diri Lu ri ya?
Tana nyùsute, 'dooko OPI e'bena Yerusalema 'da ta takozi rota.
2 Nyà gica ruäṛu ävuru OPI rosi,
caoko nyà ruäṛu kowesi.
3 Inye'do OPI ka ko voondre a'do'diri ta ayani ya?
Nda 'bi ami ca, caoko nyùsu luwu na kote;
nda ronyo ami ca, caoko mìga tezo rulotone.
Ya amiro ŋgyi tawi ndrani luutu drisi ago mìle kote drietane ni takozi yasi.
4 'Dooko musutate makye: “Kwoi gialo amaamai
ànya orivoya tauniako;
tana ànya niyi tase OPI kolebe ko
ota se Lu ànyaro ro 'do.
5 Moyina 'da dri'bai lidri ro re,
ago màtana 'da ànya yibe.
Tana ànya niyi tase OPI kolebe te,
ota se Lu ànyaro ro.”
Caoko vo ànya cini ro pereyi drikaca OPI ro te
ago gayi tezo nda orone.
6 Ta'dota ibi ni vocowa yasi osina ànya 'da;
ihwii ni vo rriro siŋgwaro yasi towana ànya 'da iṛeiṛe,
ago kaa ondena vo 'da mbali 'ba'desii ànyaro yasi.
'Dise kofote tesi, otowana ndi jinyijinyi
tana takozi ànyaro te nyalakpa
ago ànya siyi kundu te Lu ri tuna amba.
7 OPI ejitate ekye: “Me'bena lidri maro ta takozi rota etaya?
Ŋgwai ànyaro e'beyi ma te
ago mätuyi te lui se ko endaro iyi ayani.
Meca lidri maro te madale ya ànyaro gate,
caoko ànya yeyi ta te mädrisi
ago kayi saa ànyaro ejina zo ronyi'bai roya ayani.
8 Ànya a'doyite oso farasii àgoro,
se ecate kadoro ŋgaleme be ndra 'do ronye;
vona ba alo alo yao'ba be toko oriazi ndaro rota.
9 Inye'do märi ànya ezane ta ŋgase kwoi rota te ido ya?
Ago inye'do märi votaro logone tu'de anya oso inye 'do ri i'do ya?
10 Mazona kyila'baazii 'da ämvu kono ro lidri maro ro togane,
oko ko ànya togane kpeye.
Matana 'da ànyari gwoṛina tosine kpeye,
tana gwoṛina iyi ko ma OPI ro.
11 Lidri Yisaraele ro ndi Yuda robe
a'doyi kote 'diriro märi.
Ma, OPI, matani.”
OPI Ga Yisaraele Zo
12 Lidri OPI ro gayi kowete OPI lomvo ago atayite ekye: “Nda unina ko ŋga aza oyene. Rriti aza unina ko o'dene ama dri; kyila ndi mä'bu be unina ko a'done ama lako.” 13 Ànya atayite ekye ata nebii ro ko ta amba aza yi; ota Lu ro i'do ànya ya. Ka'do inye tase ànya kabe atana ka'do gi ànya dri. 14 Ta'dota OPI Lu Mbaraekye atate märi ekye:
“Yeremaya, tana lidri kwoi katayi bete oso inye 'do,
ma'bana ata maro 'da kala miro ya oso asi ronye.
Lidri a'dona 'da oso tiza ronye, ago asi ujena ànya 'da kpeye.”
15 Ami lidri Yisaraele ro, OPI kaoye tu'de aza ezine ni lozo si ami gotane. Tu'de ana orivoya tu'de uku yi ago tu'de kyeno yi, tu'de se mìni kala na ko. Ca ata ànyaro mìnina ko unine. 16 Ànya ro orivoya kyila'bai mbaraekye yi, ätu ànyaro ka odra ezi. 17 Ànya onyanayi ŋgaluru amiro ndi ŋgaonya amiro be 'da kpeye; ànya tufunayi ŋgwàagoro amiro ndi ndiriŋwa amiro be 'da. Ànya tolonayi tii ndi timele amiro be 'da ago toganayi kono amiro ndi ice kyi'du ro amiro be 'da. Kyila'bai ànyaro perenayi 'bakicii amiro se obeobero tiṛi si se miyitabe kigye iyi 'da.
18 OPI Ka ata ekye: “Oko ca tu gi kai si mänina ko ami tufune kpeye. 19 Ondro lidri keji ta te ekye: ‘OPI Lu amaro ye tase cini ono go ämäri nonye niya?’ 'Dooko Yeremaya nyata ànyari mikye: ‘Oso nye'be ma ago nyìndurube lui atrai ro ri wari amiro yasi 'do ronye, kpa inye nyìnduruna 'da atrai ri wari se ko amiro ana ya.’ ”
Lu ka Miomba ozo lidri ndaro ri
20 OPI ka ata ekye: “Nyayo ta zelevoi Yakoba ro ri; nyitita lidri Yuda ro ri mikye: 21 Nyeri ta ono, ami lidri amamaro ago tauniako ono, se orivoya mii be, oko niyi ko voondrene, se orivoya bii be oko niyi ko taerine ono. 22 Inye'do nyùturi ma ko ya? Tana e'di nyälä'bi ko mamile niya? Ma'ba siŋgwa te kishwe ro gyi'desi ri, kishwe se orine 'duro se gyi'desi ni kote drina ozane. Gyi'desi gbuläna ndi, oko unina ko ozane driigyesi; ärru na koŋga gica gbulä gbulä, unina ko vo oṛone kigyesi. 23 Oko ami lidri ono! Ami orivoya taeriako ago ogbo'bai; mìnarute pere ni maresi ago nyè'be mate. 24 Nyùsu ta ma oro ro kote, mase mazo 'bu duru ro ndi 'bu tayi robe ni ämiri ago ma gica ŋga jalia ro ozona ämiri ndroa cini si ono owo. 25 Takozi amiro laga ŋga cini te, laga ŋgase cini kadoro kwoi tezo ämiri.
26 “Lidri se koziro iyi kayi ori lidri maro lako; ànya kayi uvu vuru kwotene oso lidri se koyi iba te ari ri oko kayibe kwotena 'do ronye, oko ànya 'be abari ànyaro lidri uruza ayani. 27 Oso äṛigo'ba kabe ari uru twi kasa ndaro ya ronye, kpa inye ànya droyi ŋgase ànya kotopayi be iyi te twi zoi ànyaro yasi. 'Doni tase ànya ko'deyibe a'done mbaraekye ago ŋgaamba be, 28 ànya ko'debe loshwene ago ya ànyaro ko'debe ogane owo. Taoye kozi ànyaro äduna i'do. Ànya peyi vure kyemvoi ro kote taŋgye si ago yeyi taŋgye kote lemeri'bai ri.
29 “Inye'do ma OPI märi ànya ezane ta ŋgase kwoi rota te i'do ya? Ago inye'do märi votaro logone tu'de anya oso inye 'do ri i'do ya? 30 Ŋgase rritiro ago 'di lä'biläbiro ono a'dote wari ono ya; 31 nebii kayite toto alo koweoga ayani; kohanii kayi 'dimiri te ota nebii rosi, ago lidri maro leyi iro a'done inye. Oko ta'do vona kokyete kpeye oko ànya oyena e'diya?”