The Lord Controls Human Events
1 Be silent and listen,
every island in the sea.
Have courage and come near,
every one of you nations.
Let's settle this matter!
2 Who appointed this ruler
from the east?
Who puts nations and kings
in his power?
His sword and his arrows
turn them to dust
blown by the wind.
3 He goes after them so quickly
that his feet
barely touch the ground—
he doesn't even get hurt.

4 Who makes these things happen?
Who controls human events?
I do! I am the Lord.
I was there at the beginning;
I will be there at the end.
5 Islands and foreign nations
saw what I did and trembled
as they came near.
What Can Idols Do?
6 Worshipers of idols
comfort each other,
saying, “Don't worry!”
7 Woodcarvers, goldsmiths,
and other workers
encourage one another and say,
“We've done a great job!”
Then they nail the idol down,
so it won't fall over.
The Lord's Chosen Servant
8 Israel, you are my servant.
I chose you, the family
of my friend Abraham.
9 From far across the earth
I brought you here and said,
“You are my chosen servant.
I haven't forgotten you.”

10 Don't be afraid. I am with you.
Don't tremble with fear.
I am your God.
I will make you strong,
as I protect you with my arm
and give you victories.
11 Everyone who hates you
will be terribly disgraced;
those who attack
will vanish into thin air.
12 You will look around
for those brutal enemies,
but you won't find them—
they will be gone.

13 I am the Lord your God.
I am holding your hand,
so don't be afraid.
I am here to help you.

14 People of Israel, don't worry,
though others may say,
“Israel is only a worm!”
I am the holy God of Israel,
who saves and protects you.
15 I will let you be like a log
covered with sharp spikes.
You will grind and crush
every mountain and hill
until they turn to dust.
16 A strong wind will scatter them
in all directions.
Then you will celebrate
and praise me, your Lord,
the holy God of Israel.
The Lord Helps the Poor
17 When the poor and needy
are dying of thirst
and cannot find water,
I, the Lord God of Israel,
will come to their rescue.
I won't forget them.
18 I will make rivers flow
on mountain peaks.
I will send streams
to fill the valleys.
Dry and barren land
will flow with springs
and become a lake.
19 I will fill the desert
with all kinds of trees—
cedars, acacias, and myrtles;
olive and cypress trees;
fir trees and pines.
20 Everyone will see this
and know that I,
the holy Lord God of Israel,
created it all.
Idols Are Useless
21 I am the Lord,
the King of Israel!
Come argue your case with me.
Present your evidence.
22 Come near me, you idols.
Tell us about the past,
and we will think about it.
Tell us about the future,
so we will know
what is going to happen.
23 Prove that you are gods
by making your predictions
come true.
Do something good or evil,
so we can be amazed
and terrified.
24 You idols are nothing,
and you are powerless.
To worship you
would be disgusting.

25 I, the Lord, appointed a ruler
in the north;
now he comes from the east
to honor my name.
He tramples kings like mud,
as potters trample clay.
26 Did any of you idols predict
what would happen?
Did any of you get it right?
None of you told about this
or even spoke a word.
27 I was the first to tell
the people of Jerusalem,
“Look, it's happening!”
I was the one who announced
this good news to Zion.

28 None of these idols
are able to give advice
or answer questions.
29 They are nothing,
and they can do nothing—
they are merely
a passing breeze.
Taŋgye Lu ro Ka'dana Yisaraele ri
1 Lu ekye:
“Nyà'do titiro ago nyèri ta maro, ami se wari lozo yasi ono!
Mi'ba tu'dei kogo ka'doyi mbara ro;
mi'ba ànya kikyi ago ànya katayi.
Mì'de mìkyi voaloya taedrene kode a'di ni ŋgye.

2 “A'di ezi 'diope'ba ṛe ni 'buzelesi
ago 'ba nda ni ŋgaopene ṛe vose cini nda kabe aba kigyesi yasi ya?
'Dise kezi nda be 'do 'ba nda te tu'dei opene ṛe
ago 'bädri'bai otone pa ndaro zele.
Nda ka ànya oga osoago ànya durufu yi bando ndaro si.
Ätui ndaro ka ànya pere oso oli kabe kyekyepa pere ronye.
3 Nda ka ànya onja ago ka ugu oyi londro ro,
liti se kätina nda aba ko kigyesi 'do yasi!
4 A'di 'ba tase ono ni a'done ya?
A'di leni ambâ ono etoni ya?
Ma, OPI, orivoya lau ṛo etovo si
ago ma, OPI, ma'dona 'da lau äduna ya.

5 “Lidri se wari lozo yasi iyi ndreyi tase mayebe ono te ago te turiro;
lidri cini 'bädri yasi kayi lä'bi ni turi ri.
Ànya cini kayi kalakoto ago kayi ikyi.
6 'Di cini ka azi opa, ago ka azi tomba.
7 Kyikyi ice ro ka toka'ba tomba!
Mano se kabe lomvo lu edeedero ro o'bina londroro 'do
ka agoago ozo 'dise kabe otona voaloya 'do ri ekye: ‘'Do orivoya kado.’
Ago ànya otoyi lu edeedero te vona ya ŋbaṛai si ukyi äshwe 'da.

8 “Oko mi, Yisaraele ruindu'ba maro,
mi ni lidri se manjibe owo,
zelevoi Abarayama, bereazi maro ro.
9 Mezi mi te leni si ädu 'bädri ro yasi;
mäzi mi te leni cukudrii äduna yasi
ago matate miri makye: ‘Mi ni ruindu'ba maro.’
Manji mi ni ago maga mi kote zo.
10 Nya'do ko turiro, tana ma orivoya tro mibe!
Ŋga aza ko'ba mi ko turiro tana ma ni Lu miro!
Motombana mi 'da ago mapana mi 'da;
Mätina mi 'da mbara maro ŋgaopeṛe rosi.

11 “Ànya se kyilaro mibe iyi
a'bana 'da driupi ro ago wiriwiri ro.
Ànya se kayibe kyila oye mibe iyi a'donayi 'da ŋgaawi ro ago todranayi 'da
12 miṛina ànya 'da,
oko nyusuna ànya ko;
ànya se kayibe kyila oye mibe 'do a'donayi 'da ŋgaawi ro.
13 Tana ma OPI Lu miro;
ma ni mi tomba ago ma ni ata miri makye:
‘Nya'do ko turiro; mapana mi 'da.’ ”

14 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Nya'do ca mbaraako oko, Yisaraele,
nya'do ko turiro; mapana mi 'da.
Ma, Lu alokado Yisaraele ro ono, ni opa'ba miro owo.
15 Ma'bana mi 'da oso pärile inya o'biro, se to'diro
kyaka'da ago osiekye 'do ronye.
Mi'bina 'bereŋwai 'da ago nyutufuna ànya 'da;
Mifuna lutui 'da durufu ro.
16 Midana ànya 'da oli ya;
ago oli uŋgyina ànya 'da zwi,
ago oli gbiriṛibe perena ànya 'da iṛe iṛe.
'Dooko nya'dona 'da riyä si ma OPI ya;
Nyäräṛuna ma, Lu alokado Yisaraele ro ono 'da.

17 “Ondro lidri maro se ati'bai ro ago lemeri be ono kayite gyi uṛi
ago kusuyi kote,
ago ondro gboro ànyaro kolovote ni gyilu ri oko,
'dooko ma, OPI, mazana tadri mätu ànyaro ro ndi;
ma, Lu Yisaraele ro ono, märi ànya e'bene i'do alona.
18 Ma'bana goloi 'da udine vose awi toŋgo iyi yasi
ago gyi usina 'da vodelero yasi.
Motozana vocowa se siŋgwa ro 'da cece gyi ro ro,
ago vose forokotiro a'dona 'da koro legwalegwaro.
19 Ma'bana ice wiri ro 'da ombane vocowa yasi,
ago ice weri ro ago kyedo'be ro ndi ice ido ro robe.
Kwokye isina 'da vose awi siŋgwa ro iyi yasi,
kwokye ice azaka ro ndi kyiyi robe.
20 Lidri ondrena ta ono 'da ago uninayi 'da
ànya usuna tavo na 'da ago uninayi ndi
anjioko ma, OPI, maye ta 'do ni,
anjioko Lu alokado
Yisaraele ro 'ba ta 'do ni a'done inye.”
OPI Ka Gyorondo Lui Awi ro Uzi
21 OPI, ka ata ekye:
“Ami lui tu'dei ro, mi'ba vure amiro tana.”
Lu Yakoba ro ka ata ekye:
“Nyèzi kaladiṛi se nyà'dobe sina iyi!
22 Nyìkyi noŋwa ago nyä̀ŋgu tase ka oyebe a'done 'do,
Nyèdre tase ka'dobe kyeno iyi tana,
'dooko mä̀ni tana robe, ago mäni takaci na robe,
ago nyìti ta ŋgase ka oyebe a'done tu mile ya 'do ro ämäri.
23 Nyìti tase ka oyebe a'done tu mileya ya iyi tana,
'dooko mä̀nina ndi anjioko ami orivoya lui!
Mìye takado aza kode nyèzi rriti aza;
mà'do robe turiro ago lä'bilä'bi ro!
24 Ami orivoya ta awi yi ago tase cini nyàbe oyena iyi orivoya ta awi yi;
ànya se kayibe ami mätu iyi kayi tase pari koziro 'do oyena!

25 “Manji manoaza te ni ma'dudrisi, ago kate ikyi:
mäzi nda te ni 'buzelesi ago nda ni ma te.
Nda otona 'dimiri'bai 'da osoago ànya koro yi,
oso lakazaobe'ba kabe ludri teŋgwa 'do ronye.
26 A'di ni ami lako iga se äŋgu ta be ṛo kyeno ekye ta ono ka oye a'done,
tana màta robe ṛo kyeno màkye ta amiro orivoya ŋgye ya?
Alo aza amiro ata ta aza kote tana ro;
'diaza eri ami kote ta aza atavoya!
27 Ma, OPI, miti lazona ni käti Zaiona ri;
mazo lazo'ba aza te Yerusalema ya lazo kado be;
28 Ondro mandrevote lui lako oko,
alo aza ànyaro a'do kote ta aza be atane;
alona aza zatadri tase mejibe ono ro kote.
29 Lui se cini kwoi orivoya ŋga awi yi;
ànya niyi ko cu ŋga aza oyene,
lui edeedero kwoi orivoya losiako.”