Making the Priestly Clothes
(Exodus 28.1-14)
1 Beautiful priestly clothes were made of blue, purple, and red wool for Aaron to wear when he performed his duties in the holy place. This was done exactly as the Lord had commanded Moses.
2-3 The entire priestly vest was made of fine linen, woven with blue, purple, and red wool. Thin sheets of gold were hammered out and cut into threads that were skillfully woven into the vest. 4-5 It had two shoulder straps to support it and a sash that fastened around the waist. 6 Onyx stones were placed in gold settings, and each one was engraved with the name of one of Israel's sons. 7 Then these were attached to the shoulder straps of the vest, so the Lord would never forget his people. Everything was done exactly as the Lord had commanded Moses.
The Breastpiece
(Exodus 28.15-30)
8 The breastpiece was made with the same materials and designs as the priestly vest. 9 It was 22 centimeters square and folded double 10 with four rows of three precious stones: A carnelian, a chrysolite, and an emerald were in the first row; 11 a turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond were in the second row; 12 a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst were in the third row; 13 and a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper were in the fourth row. They were mounted in a delicate gold setting, 14 and on each of them was engraved the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
15-18 Two gold rings were attached to the upper front corners of the breastpiece and fastened with two braided gold chains to gold settings on the shoulder straps. 19 Two other gold rings were attached to the lower inside corners next to the vest, 20 and two more near the bottom of the shoulder straps right above the sash. 21 To keep the breastpiece in place, a blue cord was used to tie the two lower rings on the breastpiece to those on the vest. These things were done exactly as the Lord had commanded Moses.
The Clothes for the Priests
(Exodus 28.31-43)
22 The priestly robe was made of blue wool 23 with an opening in the center for the head. The material around the collar was bound so as to keep it from wearing out. 24-26 Along the hem of the robe were woven pomegranates of blue, purple, and red wool with a bell of pure gold between each of them. This robe was to be worn by Aaron when he performed his duties.
27-29 Everything that Aaron and his sons wore was made of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool, including their robes and turbans, their fancy caps and underwear, and even their sashes that were embroidered with needlework.
30 The words “Dedicated to the Lord” were engraved on a narrow strip of pure gold, 31 which was fastened to Aaron's turban. These things were done exactly as the Lord had commanded Moses.
The Work Is Completed
(Exodus 35.10-19)
32 So the people of Israel finished making everything the Lord had told Moses to make. 33 Then they brought it all to Moses: the sacred tent and its equipment, including the hooks, the framework and crossbars, and its posts and stands; 34 the covering of tanned ram skins and fine leather; the inside curtain; 35 the sacred chest with its carrying poles and the place of mercy; 36 the table with all that goes on it, including the sacred bread; 37 the lampstand of pure gold, together with its equipment and oil; 38 the gold-covered incense altar; the ordination oil and the sweet-smelling incense; the curtain for the entrance to the tent; 39 the bronze altar for sacrifices with its bronze grating, its carrying poles, and its equipment; the large bronze bowl with its stand; 40 the curtain with its posts and cords, and its pegs and stands that go around the courtyard; everything needed for the sacred tent; 41 and the finely woven priestly clothes for Aaron and his sons.
42-43 When Moses saw that the people had done everything exactly as the Lord had commanded, he gave them his blessing.
O'di Boŋgo Kohanii ro ro
(Ofo 28:1-14)
1 Ànya 'diyi boŋgo kohani rote lu'buliro, lärimiro ago walawalaro liŋgyiekye, ugu ruinduzana vo alokado ya, ànya 'diyi boŋgo kohani rote Arona ri, oso OPI kata tana be Musa ri ronye.
2 Ànya 'diyi boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa läguläguro te, lu'buliro, lärimiro, walawalaro ndi boŋgo liŋgyiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro be kpate. 3 Tesisi na a'dite kodo läguläguro si ago oto'di yana te ŋga to'dina ro lu'buliro, lärimiro ago walawalaro, ago liŋgiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro si, uwurä kpate tauni si. 4 Ànya 'diyi iba ritu fereŋwà rote kufudri boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro drisi, sidri ritu na iyi dro'bezana. 5 A'di iba na kunduro te tauni 'desi si uvune driigye embezana, a'dite ni beti ŋga gi modona iyi ro yasi lu'buliro, lärimiro, walawalaro ni boŋgo liŋgyiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro yasi, oso se OPI kata tana be Musa ri ronye. 6 Ànya edeyi kuniŋwà sadonuki rote, arate gyereero läguläguro loselosero ago aga ävuru ŋgwàagoro Yakoba ro rote driigye. 7 Ànya rayite iba kufudri ro boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro drisi, a'done kuniŋwà iyi ri 'bakalai 'butealo foritu Yisaraele ro ro tana oyiro, oso se OPI kata tana be Musa ri ronye.
Ede Boŋgoŋwa Kätätidri ro ro
(Ofo 28:15-30)
8 Ànya ede boŋgoŋwa kätätidriro te tauni si, oso a'di boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa be ronye, läguläguro, lu'buliro, lärimiro ago walawalaro ni boŋgo liŋgyiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro yasi. 9 Lamadrina su iyi edete ojoojoro ago epate, ocana ago käkpuna a'dote nji'dinji'di na njidriesu ba ojoojoro. 10 Ànya rayi kuniŋwà liŋgyiekye ro te gyeree na su driigyesi, oravo kätina ya, sadio, topaza ndi kabonokoli be, 11 oravo ṛirina ya, zumeradi, safero ndi dayamondi be, 12 oravo ninana ya, yakino, agati ndi ametuseta be; 13 ago oravo lisuna ya, berule, sadonuki ndi yasipi be; ara ànya te gyeree 'de'de logo läguläguro loselosero si. 14 Aga ävuru ŋgwàagoro Yakoba ro rote ba alo alo kuniŋwà 'butealo foritu ana alo alo na drisi ta 'bakalai 'butealo foritu Yisaraele ro rota. 15 Ànya edeyi nyori to'dito'diro te oso iba ronye boŋgo kÄtätidriro dri ni logo läguläguro wäṛiro yasi. 16 Ago ànya edeyi logo läguläguro loselosero te gyeree na ritu ndi kati läguläguro ritu be, ago 'bayi katiŋwà ritu iyi te sidri boŋgoŋwa kätätidri ro yasi; 17 soyi si ritu iba logo läguläguro rote katiŋwa rutu sidri boŋgoŋwa kätätidri ro yasi. 18 Sidri äduro iba ritu iyi ro ànya kicuyite oravo gyeree ritu loselosero iyi be, tana ànya kikicuru robe iba kufudri ro mile yasi boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro 'do be. 19 Ànya edeyi katiŋwà ritu logo läguläguro si te, ago 'bayi ànya te sidri ritu äduro boŋgoŋwa kätätidri ro dri, sidrina kogobe boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa resi 'do re. 20 Ànya edeyi katiŋwà läguläguro ritu te, ago njuyi ànya te mile yasi ogone ga vururo telesi iba ritu kufudri boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro ro iyi drisi kembe ànya robe voaloya kuru dusuvo se ävube tauni si embevo boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro ro 'do be. 21 Ànya embeyi boŋgoŋwa kätätidri ro rote iba lu'buliro si, tana ke'de robe boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ävube taunisi 'do dri, tana boŋgoŋwa kätätidri ro a'do 'da ŋgälä ŋgäläro ni boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa ro resi, oso se OPI kata tana be Musa ri ronye.
Ede Boŋgo Runduṛuro Azaka Kohanii ro ro
(Ofo 28:31-43)
22 Boŋgo runduṛuro osoro boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa dri a'dite kpeye lu'buliro, 23 drî osovo boŋgo runduṛuro ro oso osovo boŋgo osoro ro ronye, ŋga a'bona robe gbikyi osovona yasi, tana ukyi lonji 'da. 24 Sidri vurusi boŋgo runduṛuro ro iyi drisi ànya edeyi ŋga betina oso doŋgo gäṛä'bu ro ronye te lu'buliro, lärimiro, walawalaro ni boŋgo liŋgyiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro yasi. 25 Ànya edeyi laŋgai läguläguro wäṛiro si te, ago 'bayi laŋga iyi te lakole ŋga betina oso doŋgo gäṛä'bu ro ronye itirabe gbikyi vurusi boŋgo runduṛuro iyi ro drisi. 26 Laŋga alo gäṛä'bu tiratiraro alo, gbikyi sidri vurusi boŋgo runduṛuro ruindu ro drisi; oso se OPI kata tana be Musa ri ronye. 27 Ànya 'diyi dhudhu liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro te Arona ndi ŋwàagoro ndaro ro be ri, 28 ndi tagyia uvuro drî ya liŋgyiekye 'bilindriro be, ago boŋgo liŋgyiekye 'bilindri kundu embero ndi boŋgo liŋgyiekye opaopa ro 'bilindri ro pa robe, 29 ago kyini kundu ro liŋgyiekye opaoparo 'bilindriro, lu'buliro, lärimiri kodo walawalaro si, tiratiraro loselosero; oso se OPI kata tana be Musa ri ronye. 30 Ànya edeyi ŋga ruegaro alokado 'diodiro to te ni logo läguläguro wäṛiro yasi, ago egyitate driigye ekye: Adite to OPI ri. 31 Ànya embeyi iba lu'buliro te lomvoigye, embezana sina tagyia uvuro driya 'do lomvo; oso se OPI kata tana be Musa ri ronye.
Okye Losi ro
(Ofo 35:10-19)
32 'Dooko losi cini Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro ro kyete; lidri Yisaraele ro yeyite oso se OPI kata tana be Musa ri ronye. 33 Ago ànya eziyi Mutuguṛi te Musa re, ndi lakazà na cini losi na robe, moŋgoŋwà na, joce nai, loro nai, ice caricari nai ndi unjuvo nai be; 34 ŋga drina takoro kyini oŋgaoŋgaro timelegogoi ndi indrii be rosi, ndi boŋgo oyiro be; 35 Sänduku Tao'baro ndi ice caricari nai be ndi ŋga drina takoro be; 36 tara'biza ndi lakaza cini losina robe, ndi ambata se ozote Lu ri be; 37 ŋga lamba edrero logo läguläguro wäṛiro si ndi lamba nai be ndi ŋga lamba nai o'baro be ndi lakazà cini losina robe, ago ido lamba eyiro; 38 vo Tori oloro läguläguro, ido 'diäṛu ro ndi ŋga ŋgutruro ozaro be, ago boŋgo oyiro käläsi Mutuguṛi ro kala ro, 39 vo tori oloro atala ro, ago vo to'dito'diro atala ro ice caricari nai ndi lakaza cini losina robe, kagyi ŋga oja ro ndi jope na be; 40 boŋgo toyiro goko ro, ice caricari nai be, ndi unjuvo nai be, ago boŋgo käläsi goko ro ro, iba nai ndi ŋga otona robe, ndi lakazana ruinduro Mutuguṛi ya be; 41 boŋgo liŋgyiekye kohanii ri osone ruinduza vo alokado ya, boŋgo alokado kohani Arona ri, ago boŋgo ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri losi kohani ro oyeza. 42 Lidri cini Yisaraele ro yeyi losi te oso se Opi kata tana be Musa ri ronye. 43 Ago Musa ndre losi cini te, ago ndrete anjioko ànya yeyite oso se OPI katabe ronye. Ta'dota Musa äṛu ànya te.