The Ten Commandments
(Deuteronomy 5.1-21)
1 God said to the people of Israel:
2 I am the Lord your God, the one who brought you out of Egypt where you were slaves.
3 Do not worship any god except me.
4 Do not make idols that look like anything in the sky or on earth or in the ocean under the earth. 5 Don't bow down and worship idols. I am the Lord your God, and I demand all your love. If you reject me, I will punish your families for three or four generations. 6 But if you love me and obey my laws, I will be kind to your families for thousands of generations.
7 Do not misuse my name. I am the Lord your God, and I will punish anyone who misuses my name.
8 Remember that the Sabbath Day belongs to me. 9 You have six days when you can do your work, 10 but the seventh day of each week belongs to me, your God. No one is to work on that day—not you, your children, your slaves, your animals, or the foreigners who live in your towns. 11 In six days I made the sky, the earth, the oceans, and everything in them, but on the seventh day I rested. That's why I made the Sabbath a special day that belongs to me.
12 Respect your father and your mother, and you will live a long time in the land I am giving you.
14 Be faithful in marriage.
15 Do not steal.
16 Do not tell lies about others.
17 Do not desire to possess anything that belongs to another person—not a house, a wife, a husband, a slave, an ox, a donkey, or anything else.
The People Are Afraid
(Deuteronomy 5.23-33)
18 The people trembled with fear when they heard the thunder and the trumpet and saw the lightning and the smoke coming from the mountain. They stood a long way off 19 and said to Moses, “If you speak to us, we will listen. But don't let God speak to us, or we will die!”
20 “Don't be afraid!” Moses replied. “God has come only to test you, so that by obeying him you won't sin.” 21 But when Moses went near the thick cloud where God was, the people stayed a long way off.
Idols and Altars
22 The Lord told Moses to say to the people of Israel:
With your own eyes you saw me speak to you from heaven. 23 So you must never make idols of silver or gold to worship in place of me.
24 Build an altar out of earth, and offer on it your sacrifices of sheep, goats, and cattle. Wherever I choose to be worshiped, I will come down to bless you. 25 If you ever build an altar for me out of stones, do not use any tools to chisel the stones, because that would make the altar unfit for use in worship. 26 And don't build an altar that requires steps; you might expose yourself when you climb up.
Ota 'Bute
(Otadele 5:1-21)
1 Lu atate ago kwoi ni ata ndaro owo ekye: 2 “Ma ni Opi Lu amiro se kolofo ami be tesi ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi, vose nyà'dobe iyeäṛii ro kigye ana yasi owo.
3 “Nyämätu lu aza ko oko ma ayani.
4 “Nyede beti ŋga aza ro ko andivo miro ri mätune ca beti ŋga aza ro se vo'buyakuru ya kode ŋgaaza 'bädri ya, kode ŋgaaza gyi ya 'bädri zele. 5 Nyändi ko vuru lu aza ri ago nyämätu anya kpa ko, tana ma OPI Lu amiro ma Lu yaoko'ba owo. Ma taezaro ezi ànya se yana oso ro malomvo iyi dri ago zelevoi ànyaro dri le kovole'ba ninana ndi lisuna be dri. 6 Oko ma ŋgalu maro ka'dana kutu du ànya se kayibe ma lu ago kayibe ota maro ätina kai ri.
7 “Mizi ävuru maro ko tase awi undiro ta, tana ma OPI Lu amiro mezana 'dise kabe ävuru maro uzina ta undiro ta 'da.
8 “Miyi tu Sabata ro tana ago nyäti anya tu alokado ro. 9 Miye losi cini miro u'du njidrialo ya; 10 oko u'du njidrieri ni tu loli ro adite ma OPI Lu amiro ri. 'Diaza koye losi aza ko tu 'do ya, mi, ŋgwai miro, iyeäṛii miro, kode koronyai 'ba ro miro, ca atrai se kabe ori 'bädri amiro ya iyi. 11 Tana u'du njidrialo ya ma OPI ma'ba 'bädri, vo kuru, gyi'desii ndi ŋgase cini ànya ya iyi yibe te, ago mololite u'du njidrieri si. Tana ta'dota ma OPI mäṛu Sabata te, ago ma'bate tu alokado ro.
12 “Miro täpi miro ndi endre miro be; tana miri robe madaro 'bädri se ma OPI Lu miro mabe ozona miri ono ya.
14 “Miye ronyi ko toko drisi, kode ago drisi.
15 “Nyukugu ŋga ko.
16 “Nyedre tazevo ko kowe si 'diaza lomvo.
17 “Mi'ba ya miro ko zo mano aza rota, mi'ba ya miro ko toko ndaro ta, ca iyeäṛii ndaro, ca tii ndaro, ca doŋgyii ndaro ca ŋga aza se nda be sina iyi.”
Turi Lidri ro
(Otadele 5:22-33)
18 Ondro lidri keri uhwe 'bu rote ago kondreyi lekona te ago keriyi kporo cekuṛe rote ago kondreyi 'bereŋwa kabe ugu ofo kätu ro 'do te oko, ànya a'doyite turi ro ago lä'bilä'biro, ago edreyite le lozo pere. 19 Ànya atayite Musa ri ekye: “Ondro nyata te ämäri mèrina ndi, oko mi'ba Lu kata koni ämäri ukyi madra 'da.”
20 Ago Musa atate lidri ri ekye: “Nyùturi ko tana Lu ikyite ta amiro ojone tana turi ndaro ka'do robe ami ya ukyi mìye takozi 'da.” 21 Oko lidri edrete 'du le lozo pere ago Musa shwe toto ni lototi 'dikolo uniro se Lu be orivoya kigye ana re.
Ota ta Vo Tori Oloro rota
22 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri nonye mikye: ‘Mìndrete bi mi andivo amiro rosi anjioko matate ämiri ni vo'buyakuru yasi. 23 Nyède lui mo'di ro kode logo läguläguro ko andivo amiro ri mätune vo maro ya. 24 Mibe vo tori oloro gyini si märi; ago driigye milo ŋgapäṛi ozaro miro tori ro ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora robe driigye, timele miro ndi 'daŋgo miro be. Mikyina 'da mire ago mäṛuna mi 'da vose cini madibe miri ma mätuza kigye 'do ya. 25 Ondro nyate vo tori oloro obena kuni si märi oko, ko miri obene kuni opaoparo si, tana ondro ka'do mipa drina te lori si anjioko nyenjite undiro märi. 26 Ko miri vo tori oloro obene märi kotopa uturu be, ondro ka'do miyete inye nyaka'dana a'do bägyulu ro miro ndi ugu utuvoya kotopa drisi.’