Be Careful How You Worship
1 Be careful what you do when you enter the house of God. Fools go there to offer sacrifices, because all they do is sin. But it's best just to listen when you go to worship. 2 Don't talk before you think or make promises to God without thinking them through. God is in heaven, and you are on earth, so don't talk too much. 3 If you keep thinking about something, you will dream about it. If you talk too much, you will say the wrong thing.
4 God doesn't like fools. So don't be slow to keep your promises to God. 5 It's better not to make a promise at all than to make one and not keep it. 6 Don't let your mouth get you in trouble! And don't say to the worship leader, “I didn't mean what I said.” God can destroy everything you have worked for, so don't say something that makes God angry.
7 Respect and obey God! Daydreaming leads to a lot of senseless talk.
8 Don't be surprised if the poor of your country are abused, and injustice takes the place of justice. After all, the lower officials must do what the higher ones order them to do. 9 And since the king is the highest official, he benefits most from the taxes paid on the land.
10 If you love money and wealth, you will never be satisfied with what you have. This doesn't make a bit of sense. 11 The more you have, the more everyone expects from you. Your money won't do you any good—others will just spend it for you. 12 If you have to work hard for a living, you can rest well at night, even if you don't have much to eat. But if you are rich, you can't even sleep.
13 I have seen something terribly unfair. People get rich, but it does them no good. 14 Suddenly they lose everything in a bad business deal, then have nothing to leave for their children. 15 They came into this world naked, and when they die, they will be just as naked. They can't take anything with them, and they won't have anything to show for all their work. 16 That's terribly unfair. They leave the world just as they came. They gained nothing from running after the wind. 17 Besides all this, they are always gloomy at mealtime, and they are troubled, sick, and bitter.
18 What is the best thing to do in the short life God has given us? I think we should enjoy eating, drinking, and working hard. This is what God intends for us to do. 19 Suppose you are very rich and able to enjoy everything you own. Then go ahead and enjoy working hard—this is God's gift to you. 20 God will keep you so happy that you won't have time to worry about each day.
Mi'ba Tao'ba ko Karagbagbaro
1 Nya'do taoti be ondro nyate oyi Yekalu ya owo; ukyine lau taerine ni kadopara ndrani tori olone oso 'di amama ronye; tana ànya niyi kote ekye ya takozi oye. 2 Nyusu tavo käti mi'de gwo atane, mi'ba ta ko atane karagbagbaro Lu kandra, tana Lu orivoya vo'buyakuru ya, ago mi orivoya 'bädri ya; ka'do inye nyata ko ndra. 3 Milo'be kani tori kozi o'ba taezine, ago ata amba ka 'di o'ba ata amaama atane. 4 Ondro ka'do mi'ba tao'ba te Lu ri, nyeleye ko ni tana oyevoya. Ŋgase mi'ba tao'ba be oyene 'do miye. 5 Orine tao'ba ako orivoya kadopara ndrani tao'bane oko orine tana oyeako ri. 6 Mi'ba kala miro koloci mi ko takozi ya; se 'dooko mi'dena gwo ogone atane ruindu'ba Lu ro ri mikye 'do yuvujete; inye'do Lu unina ko a'done kyilaro ta ata miro rota, ago perena losi miro ko ya? 7 Tana ondro tori kugu taezi te amba driya, ata awi omvo kpa amba; oko beṛo miri Lu turine.
Ori Orivoya Taawi yi
8 Ondro ka'do mindre ate ati'bai eza wari aza ya ago ate ànya lodi mbarasi ni taŋgye ndi ta'diri ànyaro be yasi oko, nyalaro ko tana ro; tana dri'ba losi'ba ànyaro ro orivoya dri'ba para aza be anya dri, ago dri'ba se parandra 'do kani vo ànya cini ro ondrena.
9 Ca 'bädri'ba ka kpa mio'ba jalia dri.
10 'Dise kabe parata, lu parata unina ko nda ojone; ca 'dise kabe ŋgadriamba lu usuna ŋga aza koni kigyesi; ono kpa orivoya taawi yi. 11 Ondro ŋga kate ugu liti amba ànya se kabe onyana iyi ugu liti kpa amba; takado se kuzupi ànyaro kusuna e'di, te toto ànya ondrene mi si ya? 12 Losi oye'ba ka ca ŋgaonya giṛiŋwa kode amba onya, u'du ndaro orivoya ndeṛindeṛiro; oko mano se ŋga'ba ro ŋgaamba 'ba nda kote u'dune.
13 Ta alodi orivoya koziro se mandrete 'bädri ya noŋwa; lidri ka ŋgadriamba odro modo ànyaro oyeza koziro, 14 ago 'dooko ŋgadriamba na 'do kyete a'do kandrakozi rosi, ago ŋga aza e'be kote copene ŋgwai ànyaro ri. 15 Oso lidri kefo beni ya endre ro yasi 'bädri ya ronye, beṛo ànyari ogone inye bägyulu ro, ago ànyari ŋga aza urune ànya be ni losi ànya yebe yasi i'do. 16 Ono kpa orivoya takozi 'desi yi! Lidri ka oyi kpa oso kikyibe ronye; ànya ka losi oye oso abe oli onja ronye, oko ànya usuna e'di ni kigyesi ya? 17 Ànya orina ori cini ànyaro te vouni ya, tusu 'desi ya, milo'be, adravo ndi kyila be ya.
18 Ŋgase mandrebe ni no: Ŋgase kadopara anjioko lidri ri ŋgaonyane, ago ŋga umvune ago njäkyine ŋgase cini nda koye losi be tana ro 'bädri ya u'du fereŋwa ori ndaro ro se Lu kozobe ndäri ono ya si, tana ono ni kandrakado lidri ro owo. 19 'Dise Lu kozo ŋgadriamba ndi ŋgaamba be te ndäri ago ko'ba nda te riyä oyene sina, beṛo ndäri tadrina olene ago riyä ŋga cini se nda koye losi na be ro oyene. Tana 'do orivoya ŋgapäṛi Lu ro yi. 20 Ta'dota nda unina kote milo'bene ta ori ndaro rota, tana Lu 'ba nda te a'done yai'dwe si.