(A psalm by the clan of Korah and for the music leader.)
Don't Depend on Wealth
1 Everyone on this earth,
now listen to what I say!
2 Listen, no matter who you are,
rich or poor.
3 I speak words of wisdom,
and my thoughts make sense.
4 I have in mind a mystery
that I will explain
while playing my harp.

5 Why should I be afraid
in times of trouble,
when I am surrounded
by vicious enemies?
6 They trust in their riches
and brag about
all their wealth.
7 You cannot buy back your life
or pay off God!
8 It costs far too much
to buy back your life.
You can never pay God enough
9 to stay alive forever
and safe from death.

10 We see that wise people die,
and so do stupid fools.
Then their money is left
for someone else.
11 The grave will be their home
forever and ever,
although they once had land
of their own.
12 Our human glory disappears,
and, like animals, we die.

13 Here is what happens to fools
and to those who trust
the words of fools:
14 They are like sheep
with death as their shepherd,
leading them to the grave.
In the morning God's people
will walk all over them,
as their bodies lie rotting
in their home, the grave.
15 But God will rescue me
from the power of death.

16 Don't let it bother you
when others get rich
and live in luxury.
17 Soon they will die
and all their wealth
will be left behind.

18 We humans are praised
when we do well,
and all of us are glad
to be alive.
19 But we each will go down
to our ancestors,
never again to see
the light of day.
20 Our human glory disappears,
and, like animals, we die.
Amaama Ugu Taoyiro Ŋgadriamba ya
1 Nyèri ta ono 'dicini!
Nyèri ami lidri cini 'bädri ya,
2 'desiro ndi giṛiŋwà ro be,
ŋgà'ba ro ndi ati'bà ro be troalo.
3 Matana ata tavouniro 'da;
tavousu maro a'dona 'da gyuru.
4 Magana bi maro 'da taoni erine
ago mitina takacina 'da lekyembe, o'bivoya.
5 Ma'dona ko turi ro tui rriti rosi
ondro ka'do lidri kozi kumuyi drî maro ca owo,
6 Lidri kozi se kayibe taoyi ŋgadriamba ànyaro ya
ago kayibe driuŋgyi ta ŋgaamba ànyaro rota iyi.
7 Endaro 'diaza unina ko drî andivo iro ro utwene;
kode ŋga ozone Lu ri ta lagye adri ndaro rota,
8 tana lagye adri lidri ro ro orivoya 'desipara.
Ŋgaaza ojoko ogyene.
9 Se nda o'bane orine äduako,
ago ni osevoya 'budri ya.

10 Lidri unina ndi ondrene anjioko ca tavouni'ba dra kpa;
lidri amama ro kode tauniako dra kpa.
Ànya cini e'beyi ŋgadriamba ànyaro te azii ri.
11 'Budrii ànyaro te orivoya 'bai ànyaro äduako;
te orivoya orivo ànyaro tu cini si,
ànya ka'doyi gica warii modo ànyaro robe owo.
12 Lidri ka'do ca ŋgaamba be unina ko orine odra ako;
nda odrana gi'du oso koronyai ronye.
13 'Do ni tase kabe a'do ànya se kayibe taoyi andivo ànyaro ya ri owo,
ädu ànya se ŋgadriamba ojo ànya te ro owo.
14 Ànyari odrane odra oso timele ronye;
odra a'dona 'da lekye'ba ànyaro.
Asena ànya 'da 'budri ya,
ago lomvo ànyaro oŋgwana 'da,
'bädri avo ro teni 'ba ànyaro.
15 Oko Lu opana adri maro 'da;
ni mbara odra ro yasi, ago nda uruna ma 'da.
16 Nya'do ko turi ro ondro manoaza ka'do ca ŋgadriamba be owo,
ondro ŋgaamba ndaro ka ca ugu liti ndra owo;
17 nda unina ko ŋga aza uŋgyine nda be ondro nda kate odra owo;
ŋgaamba ndaro oyina ko nda be 'budri ya.
18 Ondro ka'do manoaza ka'do gica riyä ro ori ono ya
ago äräṛu nda gica tana nda orivoya ŋga be,
19 nda oyina 'da vose zutui ndaro be kigye ana ya,
ago ni kote ŋgaeyi ondrene alona.
20 Lidri ka'do ca ŋgaamba be unina ko orine odra ako,
nda odrana gi'du oso koronyai ronye.