King Hoshea of Israel
1 Hoshea son of Elah became king of Israel in the twelfth year of Ahaz's rule in Judah, and he ruled nine years from Samaria. 2 Hoshea disobeyed the Lord and sinned, but not as much as the earlier Israelite kings had done.
3 During Hoshea's rule, King Shalmaneser of Assyria invaded Israel; he took control of the country and made Hoshea pay taxes. 4 But later, Hoshea refused to pay the taxes and asked King So of Egypt to help him rebel. When Shalmaneser found out, he arrested Hoshea and put him in prison.
Samaria Is Destroyed and the Israelites Are Taken to Assyria
5 Shalmaneser invaded Israel and attacked the city of Samaria for three years, 6 before capturing it in the ninth year of Hoshea's rule. The Assyrian king took the Israelites away to Assyria as prisoners. He forced some of them to live in the town of Halah, others to live near the Habor River in the territory of Gozan, and still others to live in towns where the Median people lived.
7 All of this happened because the people of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God, who had rescued them from Egypt, where they had been slaves. They worshiped foreign gods, 8 followed the customs of the nations that the Lord had forced out of Israel, and were just as sinful as the Israelite kings. 9 Even worse, the Israelites tried to hide their sins from the Lord their God. They built their own local shrines everywhere in Israel—from small towns to large, walled cities. 10 They also built stone images of foreign gods and set up sacred poles for the worship of Asherah on every hill and under every shady tree. 11 They offered sacrifices at the shrines, just as the foreign nations had done before the Lord forced them out of Israel. They did sinful things that made the Lord very angry.
12 Even though the Lord had commanded the Israelites not to worship idols, they did it anyway. 13 So the Lord made sure that every prophet warned Israel and Judah with these words: “I, the Lord, command you to stop doing sinful things and start obeying my laws and teachings! I gave them to your ancestors, and I told my servants the prophets to repeat them to you.”
14 But the Israelites would not listen; they were as stubborn as their ancestors who had refused to worship the Lord their God. 15 They ignored the Lord's warnings and commands, and they rejected the solemn agreement he had made with their ancestors. They worshiped worthless idols and became worthless themselves. The Lord had told the Israelites not to do the things that the foreign nations around them were doing, but Israel became just like them.
16 The people of Israel disobeyed all the commands of the Lord their God. They made two gold statues of calves and set up a sacred pole for Asherah; they also worshiped the stars and the god Baal. 17 They used magic and witchcraft and even sacrificed their own children. The Israelites were determined to do whatever the Lord hated. 18 The Lord became so furious with the people of Israel that he allowed them to be carried away as prisoners.
Only the people living in Judah were left, 19 but they also disobeyed the Lord's commands and acted like the Israelites. 20 So the Lord turned his back on everyone in Israel and let them be punished and defeated until no one was left.
21 Earlier, when the Lord took the northern tribes away from David's family, the people living in northern Israel chose Jeroboam son of Nebat as their king. Jeroboam caused the Israelites to sin and to stop worshiping the Lord. 22 The people kept on sinning like Jeroboam, 23 until the Lord got rid of them, just as he had warned his servants the prophets.
That's why the people of Israel were taken away as prisoners to Assyria, and that's where they remained.
Foreigners Are Resettled in Israel
24 The king of Assyria took people who were living in the cities of Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim, and forced them to move to Israel. They took over the towns where the Israelites had lived, including the capital city of Samaria.
25 At first these people did not worship the Lord, so he sent lions to attack them, and the lions killed some of them. 26 A messenger told the king of Assyria, “The people you moved to Israel don't know how to worship the god of that country. So he sent lions that have attacked and killed some of them.”
27 The king replied, “Get one of the Israelite priests we brought here and send him back to Israel. He can live there and teach them about the god of that country.” 28 One of the Israelite priests was chosen to go back to Israel. He lived in Bethel and taught the people how to worship the Lord.
29 But in towns all over Israel, the different groups of people made statues of their own gods, then they placed these idols in local Israelite shrines. 30 The people from Babylonia made the god Succoth-Benoth; those from Cuthah made the god Nergal; those from Hamath made Ashima; 31 those from Avva made Nibhaz and Tartak; and the people from Sepharvaim sacrificed their children to their own gods Adrammelech and Anammelech. 32-33 They worshiped their own gods, just as they had before they were taken away to Israel. They also worshiped the Lord, but they chose their own people to be priests at the shrines. 34 Everyone followed their old customs. None of them worshiped only the Lord, and they refused to obey the laws and commands that the Lord had given to the descendants of Jacob, the man he named Israel. 35 At the time when the Lord had made his solemn agreement with the people of Israel, he told them:
Do not worship any other gods! Do not bow down to them or offer them a sacrifice. 36 Worship only me! I am the one who rescued you from Egypt with my mighty power. Bow down to me and offer sacrifices. 37 Never worship any other god, always obey my laws and teachings, 38 and remember the solemn agreement between us.
I will say it again: Do not worship any god 39 except me. I am the Lord your God, and I will rescue you from all your enemies.
40 But the people living in Israel ignored that command and kept on following their old customs. 41 They did worship the Lord, but they also worshiped their own idols. Their descendants did the same thing.
Osea 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro
1 Ndroa 'butealo foritu ori Aza 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi oko, Osea ŋgwa Ela ro eto Yisaraele mirite ni Samaria yasi ago mirivote ndroa na njidriesu. 2 Nda yete tase undiro ayani OPI mile; caoko ko mu'du oso 'bädri'bai se Yisaraele ro kimiriyi vobe käti ni nda drisi iyi ronye. 3 Salemanesera 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ikyite kyila be nda dri; Osea a'dote nda zele ago sa ŋga te ndäri. 4 Oko 'bädri'ba Asaria ro usuvo Osea rote driozo'ba ro tana nda zo lazo'bai teṛo 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro re. Osea sa ŋga kote 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ri oso se nda kaoyenabe ndroa ro ndroa ro ana ronye. Ta'dota Salemanesera 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ru Osea te ago 'bate kamba ya.
O'de Samaria ro
5 'Dooko Salemanesera 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ikyi gota wari Yisaraele rote kpeye ago ikyi mudri Samaria rote ndroa nätu. 6 Ndroa njidriesu miri Osea ro rosi oko, 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ru Samaria gwo ago nda ugu Yisaraele'bai te kamba'ba ro Asaria ya, ago 'ba azaka ànyaro te orine Hala ya, azakana loto Gozana ya Golo Abora ro kala, ago azakana 'bakicii Media ro yasi.
7 Tase cini koyi a'dote tana lidri Yisaraele ro yeyi takozi te OPI Lu ànyaro ri, se kolofo ànya be ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi, ago kopa ànya be ni drì 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro yasi ana. Ànya mätuyite lui awi azaka ayani, 8 ago soyite la'bi tu'dei se OPI konjabe ni lidri Yisaraele ro milesi kai ro vo ndi la'bi se 'bädri'bai Yisaraele ro ketobe ana ro voro. 9 Ago lidri Yisaraele ro yeyi ta azaka te ndrwiro se ko orivoya ŋgye OPI Lu ànyaro ri. Ànya lobeyi voi lui awi mäturo te andivo ànyaro ri 'ba'desii cini ànyaro yasi ni 'baŋwà giṛiŋwa yasi le 'bakici 'desi ndra ya. 10 Ànya edreyi tiṛi caricariro kuni rote ndi beti lu tokoro Asherima robe te lutui cini drisi ago ice kundruro cini zelesi; 11 ago ànya zayi ŋga tägyi tagyiriro te voi cini tori oloro lu awi ro drisi, oso tu'dei se OPI konabe ni ànya milesi kai koyeyibe ronye. Ànya yeyi ta undiro te se eko ya OPI rote a'done kyilaro ànya lomvo, 12 ànya mätuyi lui edeedero te, se OPI kata tana be ànyari ekye: “Ko ämiri mätune”.
13 Caoko OPI emba mi Yisaraele ndi Yuda be ro te, nebii se cini kayibe ni tase mileya tana itina iyi si, ekye: “Nyè'be liti taloye undiro amiro ro ago mìro ota maro, se orivoya buku Ota ro se mozobe zutui amiro ri ya ago se ocopete ämiri ruindu'bai maro nebii si.” 14 Oko ànya royi ta ko ago a'doyite taeriako oso zutui ànyaro ka'dobe ronye, se màyi ta kote OPI Lu ànyaro ya. 15 Ànya mawoyi ota ndaro te ndi tao'baro ndaro se nda ko'babe zutui ànyaro ndi miomba se nda kozobe ànyari be ana te. Ànya soyite lui edeedero kowero vo, ago andivo ànyaro a'doyite kowe'bà ro, ago soyite la'bi tu'dei se gbikyi ànya lomvosi se OPI kota ànya be ko taloyene oso ànya ronye iyi ro voro. 16 Ago ànya e'beyi ota cini OPI Lu ànyaro rote, ago edeyi beti tii ritu rote ni logo alaalaro yasi, ago edeyi beti lu tokoro Asera rote. Ànya mätuyi 'bi'bi vo'buyakuru rote, ago induruyite Bala ri. 17 Ànya zayi ŋgwàagoro ànyaro te ndi ndiriŋwa ànyaro be ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro lui awi ri; ànya yeyi tetedri te ndi ta ländri robe, ago ozoyi andivo ànyaro te tase undiro oyene ayani OPI mile, ago ekoyi ya ndaro te kyilaro. 18 Tana ta'doro OPI a'dote kyilaro Yisaraele'bai be, ago nda ana ànya te ni mile ndaro yasi; e'be toto 'bakala Yuda ro ayani.
19 Oko lidri Yuda ro ätiyi ota OPI Lu ànyaro ro kpa ko, oko soyite la'bi se lidri Yisaraele ro ketobe ana voro. 20 Ta'dota OPI ga zelevoi cini Yisaraele'bai ro tezo, ago eza ànya te ago ozo ànya te drì kyila'baazii siomba'bai ro rigye madale nda vo ànya te cowa ni mile ndaro yasi.
21 Ondro OPI kelewe Yisaraele teni katidri Dawidi ro lakosi oko Yisaraele'bai 'bayi Yeroboama ŋgwa Nebata rote 'bädri'ba ro. Yeroboama 'ba Yisaraele'bai te OPI e'bene, ago 'ba ànya te takozi para oyene. 22 Lidri Yisaraele ro soyite takozi cini se Yeroboama koyebe ana vo; ànya e'beyi kote, 23 madale OPI na Yisaraele'bai teni mile ndaro yasi, oso se nda kope tana be nebii cini ndaro si ronye. Ta'dota äru lidri Yisaraele ro teni wari ànyaro yasi kamba'bai ro Asaria ya, se ànya kayi drigba gi ugu ori kigye madale tu gi ono si ono.
Ori Asaria'bai ro Yisaraele ya
24 'Bädri'ba Asaria ro ezi lidri teni 'bakicii Babelona ro, Kuta, Iva, Amata ndi Sefarevaima be yasi, ago 'ba ànya te orine 'bakicii Samaria ro yasi vo lidri Yisaraele ro roya. Ànya ruyi Samaria te ago riyite 'bakicii na cini yasi. 25 Tu käti ànyaro oriro lau si, ànya mätuyi OPI kote; ta'doro OPI ezo ibii te ànya lako, se tosi rukä ànyaro te. 26 Ndi iti tana te 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ri ekye: “Tu'dei se nyugube ago mi'ba be orine 'bakicii Samaria ro yasi kai niyi ota lu wari ana ro ko'de. Ta'doro lu ana ezi ibii te ànya lako, ago kate ànya tufu tana ànya niyi ota lu wari ana ro ko.” 27 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ozotate ekye: “Mizo Kohani alodi aza ni kohanii se ärube ni Samaria yasi 'do ago mi'ba nda kogo orine lau, mi lidri ro embana ota lu wari ana rosi.” 28 Ta'doro alo aza kohanii se ärube ni Samaria yasi 'do ro ikyite ago rite Betele ya, ago emba ànya te ta OPI mätu rosi.
29 Oko lidri se koribe Samaria ya kai riyi gi'du lui awi modo ànyaro ro edene, ànya edreyi ànya te zoi se Samaria'bai kobebe kai yasi, tu'de alo gi iro be 'bakicii se ànya koriyibe kigyesi yasi. 30 Lidri Babelona ro edeyi beti lui awi Sukota Benota ro rote, lidri Kuta ro edeyi beti lui awi Neregala rote, lidri Amata ro edeyi beti lu awi Asima rote; 31 lidri Iva ro edeyi iro beti Nibaza ndi Taretaka be rote; ago lidri Sefarevaima ro loyi ŋgwai ànyaro te ago zayite tori ro lui Adrameleka ndi Anameleka be ri. 32 Lidri kwoi mätuyi OPI kpa ago njiyi lidri azaka kpani ànyaro lakosi ruindune kohanii ro voi lu awi mäturo yasi, se loyi tori te ànyari votoŋgoro drisi. 33 Ta'dota ànya mätuyi OPI kpa, oko mätuyi lui awi modo ànyaro ro kpa oso la'bi 'bädri cini se ezi ànya be ni kigyesi ana ronye.
34 Ca le tu ono si ono ànya kayi gi ugu la'bi uku ànyaro ono oyena. Ànya mätuyi OPI kote, ca ànya royi otà ndi tase OPI kota zelevoi Yakoba, se nda kuzibe Yisaraele ana robe sina ana ro kote. 35 OPI 'ba tao'baro te ànya yibe ago ta ànya te ekye: “Ko ämiri lui azaka mätune kode ändine ànyari kode ruindune ànyari kode tori olone ànyari; 36 oko beṛo ämiri ma OPI mätune, se lofo ami teni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi mbarapara ndi mbara amba be si; beṛo ämiri ändine märi, ago beṛo ämiri tori olone märi ayani. 37 Beṛo ämiri ondoalo ota ndi tase ata ami be sina se egyibe ämiri 'do orone. Beṛo ko ämiri lui azaka mätune, 38 ago beṛo ko ämiri tao'baro se ma'babe ami yibe 'do tana ijene. Beṛo ko ämiri lui azaka mätune. 39 Oko beṛo ämiri ma OPI Lu amiro mätune ayani, 'dooko mapana ami 'da ni drì kyila'baazii cini amiro ro yasi.” 40 Caoko lidri kai eriyita kote, oko soyite la'bi uku ànyaro voro ayani.
41 Ta'dota tu'dei kai mätuyi OPI te, ago induruyi kpate beti lui edeedero ànyaro ro ri; ŋgwai ànyaro ndi zelevoi ànyaro be kayi kpa ugu oyena oso se zutui ànyaro koyeyibe ronye le tu ono si ono.