Jehoiada Makes Joash King of Judah
(2 Kings 11.4-21)
1 After Ahaziah's son Joash had hidden in the temple for six years, Jehoiada the priest knew that something had to be done. So he made sure he had the support of several army officers. They were Azariah son of Jeroham, Ishmael son of Jehohanan, Azariah son of Obed, Maaseiah son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat son of Zichri. 2 These five men went to the towns in Judah and called together the Levites and the clan leaders. They all came to Jerusalem 3 and gathered at the temple, where they agreed to help Joash.
Jehoiada said to them:
Joash will be our next king, because long ago the Lord promised that one of David's descendants would always be king. 4 Here is what we will do. Three groups of priests and Levites will be on guard duty on the Sabbath—one group will guard the gates of the temple, 5 one will guard the palace, and the other will guard Foundation Gate. The rest of you will stand guard in the temple courtyards. 6 Only the priests and Levites who are on duty will be able to enter the temple, because they will be the only ones who have gone through the ceremony to make themselves clean and acceptable. The others must stay outside in the courtyards, just as the Lord has commanded. 7 You Levites must protect King Joash. Don't let him out of your sight! And keep your swords ready to kill anyone who comes into the temple.
8 The Levites and the people of Judah followed Jehoiada's orders. The guards going off duty were not allowed to go home, and so each commander had all his guards available—those going off duty as well as those coming on duty. 9 Jehoiada went into the temple and brought out the swords and shields that had belonged to King David, and he gave them to the commanders. 10 They gave the weapons to the guards, and Jehoiada then made sure that the guards took their positions around the temple and the altar to protect the king on every side.
11 Jehoiada and his sons brought Joash outside, where they placed the crown on his head and gave him a copy of the instructions for ruling the nation. Olive oil was poured on his head to show that he was now king, and the crowd cheered and shouted, “Long live the king!”
12 As soon as Queen Athaliah heard the crowd cheering for Joash, she went to the temple. 13 There she saw Joash standing by one of the columns near the entrance, which was the usual place for the king. The commanders and the trumpet players were standing next to him, and the musicians were playing instruments and leading the people as they celebrated and blew trumpets. Athaliah tore her clothes in anger and shouted, “You betrayed me, you traitors!”
14 At once, Jehoiada said to the army commanders, “Don't kill her near the Lord's temple. Take her out in front of the troops, and be sure to kill all of her followers!” 15 She tried to escape, but the commanders caught and killed her near the gate where horses are led into the palace.
16 Jehoiada asked King Joash and the people to join with him in being faithful to the Lord. They agreed, 17 then rushed to the temple of the god Baal and tore it down. They smashed the altars and the idols and killed Mattan the priest of Baal in front of the altars.
18 Jehoiada assigned the priests and Levites their duties at the temple, just as David had done. They were in charge of offering sacrifices to the Lord according to the Law of Moses, and they were responsible for leading the celebrations with singing. 19 Jehoiada ordered the guards at the temple gates to keep out anyone who was unclean.
20 Finally, Jehoiada called together the army commanders, the most important citizens of Judah, and the government officials. The crowd of people followed them as they led Joash from the temple, through the Upper Gate, and into the palace, where he took his place as king of Judah. 21 Everyone celebrated because Athaliah had been killed and Jerusalem was peaceful again.
Ogbo Atalia be
(2 'Bädri'bai 11:4-16)
1 Oko ndroa njidrieri vosi oko Jehoiada usutate anjioko tu losi oyero esate. Nda letadrite dri'bai nji kyila'bai ro Azaria ŋgwa Yorama ro, Isamaele ŋgwa Jehonana ro, Azaria ŋgwa Obede ro, Maseya ŋgwa Adaya ro, ndi Elisafata ŋgwa Zikeri ro yibe. 2 Ànya abayite 'bakicii cini Yuda ro yasi ago eziyi Lewe'bai ndi dri'bai cini käläsikalai robe te Yerusalema ya.
3 Ànya otoyikalate cini Yekalu ya, ago ànya 'bayi tao'baro te Yoasa ŋgwa 'bädri'ba robe lau. Jehoiada atate ànyari ekye: Ŋgwa 'bädri'ba se kodrabe ono ro begi ono! Yauono te ndäri a'done 'bädri'ba ro, oso se OPI ko'ba tao'ba na be a'done zelevoi 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ro ri ronye. 4 Ono ni tase ämiri oyene owo. Ondro kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be kikyiyite kama ya Sabata si oko, telesi alo nina ànyaro ri dereŋwa Yekalu ro gagane, 5 ago telesi alo aza nina na ro ri zo'desi miri ro gagane. Ago anjokona o'bane orine Dereŋwa Kotopa roya. 'Dooko lidri cini ri kalaombine goro yekalu roya. 6 Ko 'diaza ri ocine Yekalu ya e'be gialo kohanii ago Lewe'bai se kama ya iyi ayani. Ànya ocinayi ni tana äṛu ànya te, oko beṛo lidri cini ri ŋgaemba OPI ro orone ago orine tesi. 7 Lewe'bai ri edrene vo gagane ŋgulu 'bädri'ba lomvosi, nja bando ànyaro be ànya rigyesi, ago orine 'bädri'ba be vose cini nda kabe aba kigyesi yasi. 'Diaza se kabe ojo ocine Yekalu ya beṛo ufune.
8 Lewe'bai ndi lidri Yuda robe yeyi tase cini Jehoiada kembabe ono te. E'be ànya se ko a'done kama ya Sabata si iyi kote oyine, ta'dota otaozo'bai a'doyite lidri be amba ànya se kama ya ndi ànya se ko kama ya iyi yibe. 9 Jehoiada ozo äzui ndi ŋga 'digagaro se 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ro ambabe driigye Yekalu ya ana te dri'bai rigyesi. 10 Nda raa lidri se bando be iyi te ŋgulu Yekalu milesi 'bädri'ba gagane. 11 'Dooko Jehoiada lofo Yoasa te tesi, so tagia te nda dri, ago ozo gyere buku ota ŋgamiri 'bädri'ba robe kigye ana rote ndäri. 'Dooko a'ba nda te 'bädri'ba ro. Kohani Jehoiada ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be äṛuyi Yoasa te, 'dooko 'dicini treyite ekye: “'Bädri'ba miri ndi madaro.”
12 Ondro Atalia keri kporo 'bädri'ba räṛu rote oko, anya mute ndrindri Yekalu ya, vose lowa kotokalabe kigye ana ya. 13 Ago anya ndre 'bädri'ba te ocivo yekalu roya, edrevoya läŋgyiri se apebe 'bädri'bai ri ana lomvo, ago dri'bai kyila'bai ro ndi cekuṛe ovo'bai be orivoya ŋgulu 'bädri'ba lomvosi. Lidri cini kayi ugu totre riyä si ago kayi cekuṛe ovo, ago loŋgo oŋgo'bai yekalu ro kayi ugu karama ana lepe ni ŋga loŋgo oŋgoro ànyaro si. 'Dooko Atalia wa boŋgo anyaro te ni rriti ri ago trete ekye: Driozo! Driozo!
14 Jehoiada le ko Atalia ufune yekalu ya, ta'dota nda zi dri'bai kyila'bai rote ago atate ànyari ekye: “Nyolofo anya tesi lakole gaga'bai ro yasi, ago 'dise kabe ojo anya opane mifu dori ufu.”
15 Ago ànya ruyi anya te ago uguyi anya te zo'desi miri roya, ndi ànya fuyi anya te Dereŋwa Farasi roya lau.
Ŋgao'ba Jehoiada ro To'diro
(2 'Bädri'bai 11:17-20)
16 Kohani Jehoiada ezi 'Bädri'ba Yoasa ndi lidri cini be te rudro'bene nda be tao'baro o'bane anjioko ànyari a'done lidri OPI ro. 17 'Dooko lidri cini oyite yekalu Bala roya, ago pereyite riya vuru. Ànya tufuyi vo tori oloro anyaro ndi lu edeedero se lau ana be te jinyijinyi ago fuyi Matana kohani Bala rote vo tori oloro mile. 18 Jehoiada 'ba kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be te dri'bai ro losi Yekalu roya. Ànyari kama se 'Bädri'ba Dawidi kozobe ànyari ana oyene, ŋgapäṛi se ozobe OPI ri 'do ozane ota Musa ro voro. Ànya kpani dri'bai loŋgo oŋgoro tu lämu'du azaka ro. 19 Jehoiada 'ba gaga'bai kpate kama ya dereŋwa yekalu roya 'dise undiro lagane ni ocivoya.
20 Dri'bai kyila'bai ro ndi lidri cini be dro'beruyite Jehoiada be 'bädri'ba ezivoya ni Yekalu yasi le zo'desi miri roya. Anya ciyite dereŋwa 'desi yasi, ago 'bädri'ba rite giti ndaro dri. 21 Ago lidri cini a'dote riyä ro, ago 'bakici a'dote njuru, tana yauono äfu Atalia te.