Queen Athaliah of Judah
(2 Chronicles 22.10-12)
1 As soon as Athaliah heard that her son King Ahaziah was dead, she decided to kill any relative who could possibly become king. She would have done that, 2 but Jehosheba rescued Joash son of Ahaziah just as he was about to be murdered. Jehosheba, who was Jehoram's daughter and Ahaziah's half sister, hid her nephew Joash and his personal servant in a bedroom in the Lord's temple where he was safe from Athaliah. 3 Joash hid in the temple with Jehosheba for six years while Athaliah ruled as queen of Judah.
Jehoiada Makes Joash King of Judah
(2 Chronicles 23.1-21)
4 Joash son of Ahaziah had hidden in the Lord's temple six years. Then in the seventh year, Jehoiada the priest sent for the commanders of the king's special bodyguards and the commanders of the palace guards. They met him at the temple, and he asked them to make a promise in the name of the Lord. Then he brought out Joash 5 and said to them:
Here's what I want you to do. Three of your guard units will be on duty on the Sabbath. I want one unit to guard the palace. 6 Another unit will guard Sur Gate, and the third unit will guard the palace gate and relieve the palace guards.
7 The other two guard units are supposed to be off duty on the Sabbath. But I want both of them to stay here at the temple and protect King Joash. 8 Make sure they follow him wherever he goes, and tell them to keep their swords ready to kill anyone who tries to get near him.
9 The commanders followed Jehoiada's orders. Each one called together his guards—those coming on duty and those going off duty. 10 Jehoiada brought out the swords and shields that had belonged to King David and gave them to the commanders. 11 Then they gave the weapons to their guards, who took their positions around the temple and the altar to protect Joash on every side.
12 Jehoiada brought Joash outside, where he placed the crown on his head and gave him a copy of instructions for ruling the nation. Olive oil was poured on his head to show that he was now king, while the crowd clapped and shouted, “Long live the king!”
13 Queen Athaliah heard the crowd and went to the temple. 14 There she saw Joash standing by one of the columns, which was the usual place for the king. The singers and the trumpet players were standing next to him, and the people were celebrating and blowing trumpets. Athaliah tore her clothes in anger and shouted, “You betrayed me, you traitors!”
15 At once, Jehoiada said to the army commanders, “Kill her! But don't do it anywhere near the Lord's temple. Take her out in front of the troops and kill anyone who is with her!” 16 So the commanders dragged her to the gate where horses are led into the palace, and they killed her there.
17 Jehoiada the priest asked King Joash and the people to promise that they would be faithful to each other and to the Lord. 18 Then the crowd went to the temple built to honor Baal and tore it down. They smashed the altars and idols and killed Mattan the priest of Baal right in front of the altars.
After Jehoiada had placed guards around the Lord's temple, 19 he called together all the commanders, the king's special bodyguards, the palace guards, and the people. They led Joash from the temple, through the Guards' Gate, and into the palace. He took his place on the throne and became king of Judah. 20 Everyone celebrated because Athaliah had been killed and Jerusalem was peaceful again. 21 Joash was only seven years old when this happened.
Atalia 'Bädri'ba Tokoro Yuda ro
(2 Ambâ 22:10–23:15)
1 Dori ondro Atalia endre Ahazia ro kunite ŋgwàagoro anyaro drate oko, anya ozo ota te utufu katidri cini 'bädri'ba rote. 2 Oko Joseba ŋguti 'bädri'ba Jehorama ro, endreŋwa Ahazia ro ru Yoasa ŋgwaagoro Ahazia rote, ru nda te ndrwi ni ŋgwàagoro 'bädri'ba ro lakosi se oyebe tufune ana, anya 'ba nda te ndi ŋguni ndaro be zoya u'duro ya. Anya da'do nda teni Atalia ri, ukyi äfu nda 'da. 3 Nda rite anya be ndroa na njidrialo da'doda'doro Yekalu OPI roya, ondro Atalia kadri 'bädri miri owo.
4 Oko ndroa njidrieri si oko, kohani Yoyada zo lazo te dri'bai kyila'bai 'bädri'ba okwaro ndi vookwa'bai robe vo, atate ànyari ikyine Yekalu OPI roya, nda 'ba tao'baro te ànya yibe, 'ba ànya te ruäṛune Yekalu OPI roya, ago nda ka'da ŋgwaagoro 'bädri'ba rote ànyari. 5 Ago nda ta ànya te ekye: “Ono ni tase ämiri oyene owo: telesi alo nina amiro, se kama ànyaro be orivoya Sabata si 'do ànyari vookwane zo'desi miri roya, 6 (telesi alo nina ro aza ri edrene vookwane dereŋwa se Sura ana kala, ago telesi alo nina ro aza ri edrene vookwane dereŋwa se vookwa'bai kundu ana kala), ämiri zo'desi miriro gagane. 7 Gboko ritu amiro se kama ànyaro ko Sabata si 'do beṛo ànyari edrene vookwane Yekalu ya 'bädri'ba gagane. 8 Beṛo ämiri lomvo 'bädri'ba ro umune ŋgulu, 'dialo ndi lakazà kyila ro ndaro be drì ndaro ya; nda se kabe ikyi lototi ruoravo amiro ya beṛo ämiri ufune. Beṛo ämiri a'done 'Bädri'ba Yoasa be ondro ka'do nda kate ofo kode ego owo.”
9 Dri'bai kyila'bai ro yeyi ndi oso se cini kohani Yoyada kota ànya be ronye, manoalo ezi lidri ndaro te se kabe oyi kama oye Sabata si 'do, ndi ànya se konde kama ànyaro ko Sabata si 'do be, ànya ikyiyite kohani Yoyada re. 10 'Dooko kohani ozo äzui ndi ŋga ruotaro se a'dobe ṛo 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ro kai te dri'bai kyila'bai ro rigyesi, se a'ba teṛo Yekalu ya kai; 11 ago vogaga'bai edreyite manoalo ndi lakazà kyila ro ndaro be drì ndaro ya, eto ni lama telesi Yekalu ro ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi yasi le lama telesi Yekalu ro mä'dudrisi ya, ŋgulu vo tori oloro ndi zo'desi miri robe lomvosi 'bädri'ba gagane. 12 'Dooko Yoyada lofo ŋgwaagoro 'bädri'ba rote tesi, so tagyia te nda dri, ago edretavote ta ndaro ta; ànya leyi ta ndaro te a'done 'bädri'ba ro. 'Dooko äṛu Yoasa te 'bädri'ba ro. Lidri 'bi drì ànyaro te, ago atayite ekye: “Miri madaro 'bädri'ba.”
13 Ondro Atalia keri kporo oye vookwa'bai ro ndi kporo lidri robe te oko, anya ikyite lidri re Yekalu ya; 14 ondro anya kondrevote oko ndre 'bädri'ba te edrevoya läŋgyiri lomvo a'do la'bina ro voro, ago dri'bai kyila'bai ro ndi cekuṛeovo'bai be edreyite 'bädri'ba lomvosi, lidri cini wari rote riyä oyevoya ugu cekuṛe ovobe. Atalia wa boŋgo anyaro te ago trete ekye: “Ogbo yi! Ogbo yi!”
15 Ndi Kohani Yoyada ta dri'bai kyila'bai rote ekye: “Nyòlofo anya tesi lakole vookwa'bai ro yasi ago mìfu 'dise kayibe o'de anya vosi iyi bando si.” Tana Kohani atate ekye: “Mi'ba äfu anya ko Yekalu ya.” 16 Ànya ruyi anya te, lofoyi anya te tesi dereŋwa farasi ro yasi loto zo miri ro lomvo ago ànya fuyi anya te lau.
Tavoora To'di Yoyada ro
(2 Ambâ 23:16-21)
17 Kohani Yoyada 'ba 'bädri'ba ndi lidri be te tao'bane lakole OPI be ya anjioko ànya a'dona ndi lidri OPI ro; ago nda 'ba tao'baro kpate inye lakole 'bädri'ba ro lidri be ya. 18 'Dooko lidri cini wari ro oyite yekalu Bala roya ago perete riya vuru, ànya tufuyi vo tori oloro ndi beti ŋgaedeedero na be te jinyijinyi, ago ànya fuyi Matana kohani Bala rote mile vo tori oloro roya. Ago kohani Yoyada 'ba vookwa'bai te Yekalu okwane. 19 'Dooko nda ru, dri'bai kyila'bai ro, vookwa'bai 'bädri'ba ro, vookwa'bai zo'desi miri ro ro ndi lidri cini wari robe ago eziyi 'bädri'ba teni Yekalu yasi oyiyite dereŋwa vookwa'bai ro yasi le zo'desi miri roya. Ago Yoasa rite giti 'bädri'bai ro dri. 20 Ta'dota lidri cini a'dote riyä ro; ago 'bakici a'dote njuru ufu Atalia ro zo'desi miri ro ya vosi.
21 Yoasa ka eto 'dimiri oko ndroa ndaro te orivoya njidrieri.