Solomon Asks Hiram To Help Build the Temple
(1 Kings 5.1-12)
1 Solomon decided to build a temple where the Lord would be worshiped, and also to build a palace for himself. 2 He assigned 70,000 men to carry building supplies and 80,000 to cut stone from the hills. And he chose 3,600 men to supervise these workers.
3 Solomon sent the following message to King Hiram of Tyre:
Years ago, when my father David was building his palace, you supplied him with cedar logs. Now will you send me supplies? 4 I am building a temple where the Lord my God will be worshiped. Sweet-smelling incense will be burned there, and sacred bread will be offered to him. Worshipers will offer sacrifices to the Lord every morning and evening, every Sabbath, and on the first day of each month, as well as during all our religious festivals. These things will be done for all time, just as the Lord has commanded.
5 This will be a great temple, because our God is greater than all other gods. 6 No one can ever build a temple large enough for God—even the heavens are too small a place for him to live in! All I can do is build a place where we can offer sacrifices to him.
7 Send me a worker who can not only carve, but who can work with gold, silver, bronze, and iron, as well as make brightly colored cloth. The person you send will work here in Judah and Jerusalem with the skilled workers that my father has already hired.
8 I know that you have workers who are experts at cutting lumber in Lebanon. So would you please send me some cedar, pine, and juniper logs? My workers will be there to help them, 9 because I'll need a lot of lumber to build such a large and glorious temple. 10 I will pay your woodcutters 2,000 tons of wheat, the same amount of barley, 400,000 liters of wine, and that same amount of olive oil.
11 Hiram sent his answer back to Solomon:
I know that the Lord must love his people, because he has chosen you to be their king. 12 Praise the Lord God of Israel who made heaven and earth! He has given David a son who isn't only wise and smart, but who has the knowledge to build a temple for the Lord and a palace for himself.
13 I am sending Huram Abi to you. He is wise and very skillful. 14 His mother was from the Israelite tribe of Dan, and his father was from Tyre. Not only is Huram an expert at working with gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone, and wood, but he can also make colored cloth and fine linen. And he can carve anything if you give him a pattern to follow. He can help your workers and those hired by your father King David.
15 Go ahead and send the wheat, barley, olive oil, and wine you promised to pay my workers. 16 I will tell them to start cutting down trees in Lebanon. They will cut as many as you need, then tie them together into rafts, and float them down along the coast to Joppa. Your workers can take them to Jerusalem from there.
Solomon's Work Force
17 Solomon counted all the foreigners who were living in Israel, just as his father David had done when he was king, and the total was 153,600. 18 He assigned 70,000 of them to carry building supplies and 80,000 of them to cut stone from the hills. He chose 3,600 others to supervise the workers and to make sure the work was completed.
Ruede Yekalu Obene
(1 'Bädri'bai 5:1-18)
1 Ago Solomo usutate Yekalu obene Opi mätuzana, ago zo'desi miri ro obene andivo ndaro ri. 2 Nda 'ba lidri kutu njidrieri (7,000) te ŋga luwine, ago lidri kutu 'bute njidriena (18,000) kuni togane ni 'bädri lutu ro yasi, ago lidri kutu nätu kama njidrialo (3,600) ànya täkyine.
3 Solomo zo lazo te Irama 'bädri'ba Tura ro ri ekye: “Mi'de maye losi mibe oso miyebe täpi maro 'Bädri'ba Dawidi be, tuse mi'de gwo ice wiri ro ogyene ndäri zo'desi miri ro ndaro obeza ana si ana ronye. 4 Ma oye Yekalu obene Opi Lu maro oroza. Ka oye a'done vo alokado ro vose ma ndi lidri maro be mà oye nda mätune ŋga ŋgutruro tägyi tagyiri ro ndeṛindeṛiro ozana si kigye, vose mà oyebe ambata alokado ozone ndäri kigye rriro, ago vose mà oyebe ŋgapäṛi ozone kigye kyenoŋbo ndi tandrole cini be si, ago kpa Sabata cini si, Karama Imba To'di ro, ndi tu alokado azaka Lu amaro oro rosi. Nda 'ba tana te oyene inye Yisaraele ri rriro. 5 Musutate Yekalu 'desi obene, tana Lu amaro orivoya 'desipara ndrani lui cini drisi. 6 Caoko endaro 'diaza ni ko yekalu obene Lu ri, tana ca vo'buyakuru bäräŋgälä ono ojo nda ko oriza. Inye'do mabena yekalu ndäri eŋwanyeya? E'be gialo märi vo ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro ozaro obene ayani ndäri. 7 Ka'do inye nyezi manoaza se tauni ŋgaedero be, tauni logo läguläguro, mo'di, atala, ndi logo edero be märi, ago se kpa orivoya tauni boŋgo lu'buliro, lärimiro, ndi okaro edero be. Nda koye losi robe lidri maro ŋgaede'bai ro Yuda ndi Yerusalema be ya, se täpi maro Dawidi konjibe iyi yibe. 8 Mänite lidri miro orivoya tauni ice edero be, ta'dota nyezi ice wiri, kyiyi, ndi ice azaka be märi ni Lebanona yasi. Ma orivoya nja lidri maro ozone lidri miro opane. 9 Joce edene amba märi, tana yekalu se musutabe obene ono ka oye a'done 'desi ago liŋgyiekye. 10 Mazona lu'di kutu ritu (12,000) kyira kaza ro ro, lu'di kutu ritu (2,000) kyira kyifo ro, 'boṛo kutu kama su (400,000) vino ro, ndi 'boṛo kutu kama su (400,000) ido ice ido robe ndi losioye'bai miro ri onyane.”
11 'Dooko Irama 'bädri'ba Tura ro logotate Solomo ri taegyi si. Nda ekye: “Tana Opi orivoya ŋgalu be lidri ndaro ri, ta'doro nda 'ba mite 'bädri'ba ro ànya dri. 12 Räṛu ka'do Opi Lu Yisaraele ro ri, o'ba'ba vo'buyakuru ndi 'bädri be ro! Nda ozo ŋgwa tavouni be te Dawidi ri, se orivoya tavouniuniro ago tauni amba be, se yauono ratate yekalu obene Opi ri ago zo'desi miri ro obene andivo ndaro ri. 13 Yauono ma miemba'ba tavouniekye tauni ŋgaedero be ozona miri ävuruna Urama. 14 Endre ndaro orivoya alo aza 'di 'bakala Dana ro ro, ago täpi ndaro orivoya lidri Tura ro. Nda ni ndi ŋga edene ni logo läguläguro, mo'di, atala, kuni ndi ice be yasi. Nda ni ndi boŋgo lu'buliro, lärimiro, ndi okaro be o'dine ndi boŋgo 'bilindriro be. Nda ni ndi beti ŋga cini ro nyirine ago ni ndi beti ŋgase cini ara tana te ndäri ro oyene. Mi'ba nda koye losi lidri miro se tauni ŋgaedero be iyibe ago ànya se koyeyi losi be täpi miro 'Bädri'ba Dawidi be iyi be. 15 Ka'do inye nyezi kaza; kyifo, vino, ndi ido ice ido ro ro se mi'ba tana be 'do ämäri. 16 Màgana ice wiri ro se milebe ono ndi ni 'bereŋwa Lebanona ro drisi, membena 'da drirodriro, mazona 'da gyi'desi drisi le Yopa ya. 'Dooko nyuguna gwo Yerusalema ya.”
Eto Obe Yekalu ro ro
(1 'Bädri'bai 6:1-38)
17 'Dooko Solomo ti atrai se cini koribe 'bädri Yisaraele roya ana te, ojo ndi rere se täpi ndaro Dawidi kotibe ana ronye. Lidri atrai ro koriyibe lau ana cini orivoya kutu alo 'butenji fonätu kama njidrialo (153,600). 18 Nda 'ba kutu 'butenjidrieri (70,000) ànyaro te ŋgaluwi'bai ro ago kutu 'bute njidriena (80,000) kuni toga'bai ro ni 'bereŋwai drisi, ago nji kutu nätu kama njidrialo (3,600) te täkyi'bai ro lidri o'bane losi oyene.