Gifts for Building the Temple
1 David told the crowd:
God chose my son Solomon to build the temple, but Solomon is young and has no experience. This is not just any building—this is the temple for the Lord God! 2 That's why I have done my best to get everything Solomon will need to build it—gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, onyx, turquoise, colored gems, all kinds of precious stones, and marble.
3 Besides doing all that, I have promised to give part of my own gold and silver as a way of showing my love for God's temple. 4 More than 100 tons of my finest gold and almost 240 tons of my silver will be used to decorate its walls 5 and to make the gold and silver objects. Now, who else will show their dedication to the Lord by giving gifts for building his temple?
6 After David finished speaking, the family leaders, the tribal leaders, the army commanders, and the government officials voluntarily gave gifts 7 for the temple. These gifts included more than 170 tons of gold, over 340 tons of silver, 620 tons of bronze, and more than 3,400 tons of iron. 8 Everyone who owned precious stones also donated them to the temple treasury, where Jehiel from the Levite clan of Gershon guarded them.
9 David and the people were very happy that so much had been given to the Lord, and they all celebrated.
David Praises the Lord
10 Then, in front of everyone, David sang praises to the Lord:
I praise you forever, Lord! You are the God our ancestor Jacob worshiped. 11 Your power is great, and your glory is seen everywhere in heaven and on earth. You are king of the entire world, 12 and you rule with strength and power. You make people rich and powerful and famous. 13 We thank you, our God, and praise you.
14 But why should we be happy that we have given you these gifts? They belong to you, and we have only given back what is already yours. 15 We are only foreigners living here on earth for a while, just as our ancestors were. And we will soon be gone, like a shadow that suddenly disappears.
16 Our Lord God, we have brought all these things for building a temple to honor you. They belong to you, and you gave them to us. 17 But we are happy, because everyone has voluntarily given you these things. You know what is in everyone's heart, and you are pleased when people are honest. 18 Always make us eager to give, and help us be faithful to you, just as our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob faithfully worshiped you. 19 And give Solomon the desire to completely obey your laws and teachings, and the desire to build the temple for which I have provided these gifts.
20 David then said to the people, “Now it's your turn to praise the Lord, the God your ancestors worshiped!” So everyone praised the Lord, and they bowed down to honor him and David their king.
Solomon Is Crowned King
21 The next day, the Israelites slaughtered 1,000 bulls, 1,000 rams, and 1,000 lambs, and they offered them as sacrifices to please the Lord, along with offerings of wine. 22 The people were very happy, and they ate and drank there at the Lord's altar.
That same day, Solomon was again crowned king. The people celebrated and poured olive oil on Solomon's head to show that he would be their next king. They also poured oil on Zadok's head to show that he was their priest.
23 So Solomon became king after David his father. Solomon was successful, and everyone in Israel obeyed him. 24 Every official and every soldier, as well as all of David's other sons, were loyal to him. 25 The Lord made Solomon a great king, and the whole nation was amazed at how famous he was. In fact, no other king of Israel was as great as Solomon.
David Dies
26 David the son of Jesse was king of Israel 27 for 40 years. He ruled from Hebron for 7 years and from Jerusalem for 33 years. 28 David was rich and respected and lived to be an old man. Then he died, and his son Solomon became king.
29 Everything David did while he was king is included in the history written by the prophets Samuel, Nathan, and Gad. 30 They wrote about his powerful rule and about the things that happened not only to him, but also to Israel and the other nations.
Ŋgapäṛii Yekalu Obero
1 'Bädri'ba Dawidi atate 'dise cini kombikalabe kai ri ekye: “Solomo ŋgwa maro, ni se Lu konjibe owo, oko nda drigba orivoya agoanjiro ago tauni ako amba, tana losi se oyene ono orivoya 'desi; tana ono ko zo'desi miri ro lidri ro, oko Yekalu yi tana Opi Lu. 2 Tana ta'doro mede ŋga cini te nja ta Yekalu rota, mbara maro voro, logo läguläguro, mo'di, atala, ice, kuni lagye amba, kuni liŋgyiekye, kuni beti toto wuräwuräro ndi kuni läguläguro be. 3 Ndrani ŋgase cini medebe kwoi drisi mozo logo läguläguro ndi mo'di be teni ŋga ma modo ro yasi tana mulu Yekalu Lu maro ro tawi: 4 Mozo logo läguläguro te ndrani talentaro kutu nätu (3,000) drisi ni logo läguläguro Ofira ro yasi, ago talentaro wäṛiro mo'di ro orivoya oso kutu njidrieri (7,000) ronye, lomvo tiṛi Yekalu ro ro o'bizana, 5 ndi ŋgase cini azaka lidri tauni'bai ri edene iyi be. Ka'do inye a'di ni olebe ŋga ozone ya cini si Opi ri yau ya?”
6 'Dooko dri'bai käläsikalai ro, dri'bai losi ro 'bakalai ro, otaozo'bai kyila'bai ro ndi miri'bai lakazà 'bädri'ba ro robe ozoyi ŋgapäṛi ànyaro te dritai ro ya cini si. 7 Anya ozoyi ŋga kwoi te ta Yekalu ro rota: talentaro logo läguläguro ro orivoya kutu 'butealo (10,000), talentaro mo'di ro orivoya ndrani kutu 'butealo (10,000) drisi, talentaro atala ro orivoya kutu 'butealo fonjidriena (18,000), ato talentaro logo ro orivoya kutu kama alo (100,000). 8 Anya se orivoya kuni lagye amba be ozoyite voondre'ba lakazà Yekalu ro ro rigye, drikaca Jiela Geresona'ba ro zele. 9 'Dooko lidri a'dote riyä si tana ŋgase kwoi ozote ole cini si, ànya ozoyite dritai ro ya cini si Opi ri; Dawidi 'bädri'ba a'do kpate yai'dwe amba si.
Dawidi ka Lu Räṛu
10 Ta'doro 'bädri'ba Dawidi räṛu Opi te 'dise cini kombikalabe kai kandra. Nda atate ekye: “Opi Lu ti'bi amaro Yakoba ro, räṛu ka'do miri äduako äduako! 11 Mi orivoya para, mbara be, 'desi be, kadopara, 'desi fopara be; ŋgase cini vo'buyakuru ya ago 'bädri ya orivoya miro, mi orivoya 'bädri'ba yi, miri'ba parandra yi ŋga cini dri. 12 Ŋgaamba ndi ŋgadriamba be kikyi ni mire, nya ŋga cini mirina mbara ndi aṛi miro be si, ago miro orivoya mbarabe 'diaza o'bane 'desiro ago mbararo. 13 Yauono Lu amaro, mozo aro'boya miri, ago märäṛu ävuru liŋgyiekye miro.
14 “Caoko ma ndi lidri maro be, endaro mäni ko ŋga aza oyene miri, ago mago mà ŋgase modo miro ro ozona ayani miri. 15 Opi, mini rote mà ugu ori oso 'dise 'bädri atra ya ago atrai ronye, oso zutui amaro ka'doyibe ronye; tu amaro 'bädri ya laba oso lindri kabe lävu 'do ronye, mäni ko voopane ni odra ri. 16 Opi Lu amaro, ŋgase cini amba ndra se mozobe ono Yekalu obeza sina ävuru alokado miro oroza, caoko ŋga cini ono efoni dri miro yasi ago vona cini orivoya modo miro ro. 17 Mänite Lu amaro, nyani ya lidri cini ro ojo, ago mi orivoya yai'dwesi ta lidri se cini ta'diribe rota, mozo ŋgase cini kwoi te miri ta'diri ndi taŋgye be si, ago ole cini si, ago mandrete lidri miro se kotokalabe noŋwa ono orivoya yai'dwesi ŋgapäṛi ozone miri. 18 Opi, Lu zutu amaro Abarama, Yisika, ndi Yakoba be ro, mi'ba ole oso nonye ono ndi tavousu oso ono ronye be ka'do ndi äduako ya lidri miro roya, ago ko'ba ànya ondoalo a'done 'diri miri. 19 Nyozo ole ya cini ro Solomo ŋgwa maro ri otà cini miro orozana, ago nda kobe Yekalu se mederube tana ro ono robe.”
20 'Dooko Dawidi atate 'dise cini kombikalabe kai ri ekye: “Nyäräṛu Opi Lu amiro.” Ago 'dise cini kombikalabe kai räṛuyi Opi Lu zutui ànyaro rote, ago ediyi drî ànyaro te, ago ozoyi taoro te Opi ri, ago yeyi taoro kpate 'bädri'ba ri. 21 Ago tu kinja si oko, ànya loyi koronyai 'ba rote tori ro, diyite Opi ri ago ozoyite lidri ri onyane, ago ànya go fuyi 'daŋgoi kutu alo, timele raŋgai kutu alo, ndi timelegogoi kutu alo be te, se ànya zayite kpeye vo tori oloro dri. Ànya eziyi ŋgapäṛi vino ro kpate amba ta Yisaraele rota; 22 ago ànya nyayi ago mvuyi ŋga te Opi kandra tu gi 'desi riyä oyero ana si.
Ago ànya 'bayi Solomo ŋgwa Dawidi rote 'bädri'ba ro pere ṛirina si, ago ànya äṛuyi nda te miri'ba ànyaro ro ävuru Opi roya, ago Zadoka kohani ro. 23 'Dooko Solomo rite giti se Opi ko'babe ana dri 'bädri'ba ro vo Dawidi täpi ndaro roya. Nda a'dote 'bädri'ba ŋgye ro, ago tu'de cini Yisaraele ro royi nda te. 24 Dri'bai cini losi ro ndi kyila'bai be ndi ŋgwàagoro cini azaka 'bädri'ba Dawidi robe, 'bayi tao'baro te a'done taoro be 'bädri'ba Solomo ri. 25 Ago Opi 'ba Solomo te a'done liku para be Yisaraele cini mile, ago 'ba nda te 'desiro ndrani 'bädri'ba azaka se koribe käti ni ndäri Yisaraele ya drisi.
Ta Juṛuŋwa Ta Ŋgamiri Dawidi ro rota
26 Dawidi ŋgwa Yisai ro miri Yisaraele cini te. 27 Ori se nda koribe Yisaraele cini dri ndroa na orivoya 'butesu; nda rite ndroa njidrieri Eberona ya, ago ndroa 'butenätu fonätu Yerusalema ya. 28 'Dooko nda drate odeodero pari, ndroa amba vosi, ŋgadriamba be ago orooro ro; ndi Solomo ŋgwa ndaro rite 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya. 29 Ambâ Dawidi ro ni etovona ya le äduna ya, egyi tana te Buku nebii nätu Samuele, Natana ndi Gada robe ya. 30 Taegyi iyi ititate ta ŋgamiri ndaro ro, mbara ndaro ro, ndi tase cini ka'dobe ndäri, Yisaraele ri, ndi 'bädri se gbikyi imiribe 'bädri'bai si iyi be rota.