1 David said, “The temple of the Lord God must be built right here at this threshing place. And the altar for offering sacrifices will also be here.”
David Prepares To Build the Temple
2 David ordered the foreigners living in Israel to come to Jerusalem. Then he assigned some to cut blocks of stone for building the temple. 3 He got a large supply of iron to make into nails and hinges for the doors, and he provided so much bronze that it could not be weighed. 4 He also brought an endless supply of cedar logs from the cities of Sidon and Tyre.
5 He said, “The temple for the Lord must be great, so that everyone in the world will know about it. But since my son Solomon is young and has no experience, I will make sure that everything is ready for the temple to be built.”
That's why David did all these things before he died.
David Instructs Solomon To Build the Temple
6 David sent for his son Solomon and told him to build a temple for the Lord God of Israel. 7 He said:
My son, I wanted to build a temple where the Lord my God would be worshiped. 8 But some time ago, he told me, “David, you have killed too many people and have fought too many battles. That's why you are not the one to build my temple. 9 But when your son becomes king, I will give him peace throughout his kingdom. His name will be Solomon, because during his rule I will keep Israel safe and peaceful. 10 Solomon will build my temple. He will be like a son to me, and I will be like a father to him. In fact, one of his descendants will always rule in Israel.”
11 Solomon, my son, I now pray that the Lord your God will be with you and keep his promise to help you build a temple for him. 12 May he give you wisdom and knowledge, so that you can rule Israel according to his Law. 13 If you obey the laws and teachings that the Lord gave Moses, you will be successful. Be strong and brave and don't get discouraged or be afraid of anything.
14 I have all the supplies you'll need to build the temple: You have more than 3,000 tons of gold and over 34,000 tons of silver. There's also plenty of wood, stone, and more bronze and iron than I could weigh. Ask for anything else you need. 15 I have also assigned men who will cut and lay the stone. And there are carpenters and people who are experts in working with 16 gold, silver, bronze, and iron. You have plenty of workers to do the job. Now get started, and I pray that the Lord will be with you in your work.
17 David then gave orders for the leaders of Israel to help Solomon. 18 David said:
The Lord our God has helped me defeat all the people who lived here before us, and he has given you peace from all your enemies. Now this land belongs to the Lord and his people. 19 Obey the Lord your God with your heart and soul. Begin work on the temple to honor him, so that the sacred chest and the things used for worship can be kept there.
1 'Dooko Dawidi atate ekye: “Vo ono te a'done Yekalu OPI Lu ro ago ono te a'done vo tori oloro ro lidri Yisaraele ro ri.”
Ruede Dawidi ro Yekalu Obene
2 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ozotate atrai se cini koribe Yerusalema ya kalana ombine voaloya ago nda 'ba ànya te losi oyene. Ruka ànyaro kuni edene Yekalu Lu ro obezana. 3 Nda dro logo te amba edene losomari ro, ndi tämbäri be käläsikala dereŋwa ro ice si otoza, ndi atala amba be se äni kote läŋgyina ojone. 4 Dawidi ratate lidri Sidona'bai ndi Tura'bai robe eziyi ice koṛogo wiri rote amba du'duro ndäri. 5 Tana Dawidi usutate ekye: Solomo ŋgwa maro orivoya agoanji ro ago taunina i'do, ago Yekalu se obene OPI ri ono beṛo a'done liŋgyiekye, likulikuro 'bädri cini yasi; ka'do inye beṛo ma andivo ri ŋga edene tana ro. Ta'dota Dawidi ede ŋga amba te nja tana ro teinye ndäri odraako.
6 'Dooko nda zi Solomo ŋgwa ndaro te, ago ta nda te Yekalu obene OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro ri. 7 Dawidi atate Solomo ri ekye: “Ŋgwa maro, ma'ba ta ṛote ya maro ya Yekalu obene OPI Lu maro orozana. 8 Oko OPI laga ma zo ago atate märi ekye: ‘Mäfu lidri te amba ago maye kyila amba te. Ta tase ma'ba kari korwabe amba ono rota, nda leko märi Yekalu obene ndäri. 9 Caoko nda 'ba tao'ba te märi nda ekye: Mitina ŋgwa 'da; nda mirina 'di 'da taliatokpe si. Mozona taliatokpe 'da ndäri ni kyila'baazii cini ndaro risi gbikyi vo cini yasi; ävuru ndaro a'dona 'da Solomo, tana tu 'di miri ro ndaro si mozona taliatokpe ndi a'do trwe robe 'da Yisaraele ri. 10 Nda obena Yekalu 'da ma orozana. Nda a'dona 'da ŋgwa maro, ago ma'dona 'da täpi ndaro. Ma'bana zelevoi ndaro 'da Yisaraele mirine 'duro äduako.’ 11 Dawidi ugu atate ekye: Yauono Solomo, ŋgwa maro, OPI Lu miro ka'do tro mibe, tana minde Yekalu OPI Lu miro ro obena robe, oso nda ko'ba tana be miri ronye. 12 Ka'do inye OPI kozo tavouni miri ndi tauni be, tana ondro nda kozo drikaca te miri oko nyimiri Yisaraele robe ota OPI Lu miro rosi. 13 Nya'dona ndi kandrakado be ondro ka'do nyäti ota se OPI kozobe Musa si Yisaraele ri iyi te owo. Nya'do ole cini si ago agoagoro. Nyuturi ko; nya'do ko lä'bilä'biro. 14 Rriti amba cini maro lakosi, mede talentaro logo läguläguro rote kutu kama alo (100,000), ago talentaro mo'di ro orivoya tere'benye alo (1,000,000), ago atala ndi logo be ndrani se läŋgyina ojone drisi, tana ṛo orivoya du'duro ŋga obeza. Joce ndi kuni be mede kpate nja, oko nyezina kinjana teni. 15 Mi te orivoya losioye'bai be amba; kunitoga'bai, ŋgaobe'bai, icede'bai ago lidri se cini ŋga dri toto edero te otiako, se orivoya tauni be ugu losi oyene 16 logo läguläguro, mo'di, atala, ndi logo be si. Yauono nyeto losi oye teri! OPI ka'do tro mibe.”
17 Dawidi ta dri'bai cini Yisaraele ro kpate ŋgwa ndaro Solomo opane. Nda atate ekye: 18 “OPI Lu amiro orivoya ami yibe ago ozo taliatokpe te ämiri lamadri cini yasi. Nda 'ba ma te lidri se cini koribe wari ono ya opene ṛe; ago yauono ànya te ami zele ago OPI zele. 19 Ka'do inye nyinduru OPI Lu amiro ri ya cini amiro ndi lindri cini amiro be si. Nyeto Yekalu obe teri, tana mi'ba Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro ndi lakazà alokado Lu mätu ro robe kigye.”