A Question about Going without Eating
1 On the fourth day of Chislev, the ninth month of the fourth year that Darius was king of Persia, the Lord again spoke to me. 2-3 It happened after the people of Bethel had sent Sharezer with Regem-Melech and his men to ask the priests in the Lord's temple and the prophets to pray for them. So they prayed, “Should we mourn and go without eating during the fifth month, as we have done for many years?”
4-5 It was then that the Lord All-Powerful told me to say to everyone in the country, including the priests:
For 70 years you have gone without eating during the fifth and seventh months of the year. But did you really do it for me? 6 And when you eat and drink, isn't it for your own enjoyment? 7 My message today is the same one I commanded the earlier prophets to speak to Jerusalem and its villages when they were prosperous, and when all of Judah, including the Southern Desert and the hill country, was filled with people.
8-9 So once again, I, the Lord All-Powerful, tell you, “See that justice is done and be kind and merciful to one another! 10 Don't mistreat widows or orphans or foreigners or anyone who is poor, and stop making plans to hurt each other.”
11-12 But everyone who heard those prophets, stubbornly refused to obey. Instead, they turned their backs on everything my Spirit had commanded the earlier prophets to preach. So I, the Lord, became angry 13 and said, “You people paid no attention when I called out to you, and now I'll pay no attention when you call out to me.”
14 That's why I came with a whirlwind and scattered them among foreign nations, leaving their lovely country empty of people and in ruins.
OPI ka Akpa se Ko Ŋgye 'do Kozina
1 Ndroa lisu vomiri 'Bädri'ba Dariyasi ro rosi, u'du lisu imba njidriesu rosi, anjioko imba Kiselevu rosi oko, OPI ezo lazo te ma Zekaria ri.
2 'Dooko lidri Betele ro zoyi Sareze ago Regemeleka ndi lidri ànyaro yibe te Yekalu ya OPI Mbaraekye mätune ta yauni OPI ro rota 3 ago ta ono ejine ni kohanii ndi nebii be sisi ekye: “Inye'do muguna gi ndi 'du liyi ta Yekalu rota akpa si imba linji ya oso se mayete ndroa na amba ono ronye ya?”
4 'Dooko OPI Mbaraekye atate märi ekye. 5 “Nyata lidri cini wari ono ro ndi kohanii be ri mikye; tuse ànya kakpabe ago kiliyiyibe imba linji ndi njidrieri be ya, ndroa 'butenjidrieri kwoi ya ono, inye'do ànya yeyi ma oroza ya? 6 Ago tuse ànya kayibe ŋgaonya ago ŋgaumvu ana si inye'do ro ko, orivoya ya andivo ànyaro ri ogaza ya?”
7 Ono ro ko ni ata se OPI kayobe nebii se kyeno kai si tuse 'dooko Yerusalema bedri orivoya lidri be kici ago ŋgaamba be, ago tuse 'dooko lidri dri orivoya amba, 'ba'desii se gbikyi 'bakici lomvosi yasi oko kpa wari ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ndi wari se lutui pasi aŋgoyasi 'do be yasi owo ya?
Taoroako 'ba 'Di ni oyine Midiro 'Bädri Atra ya
8 OPI atate Zekaria ri ekye: 9 “Ma OPI Mbaraekye mozo ota te makye: ‘Beṛo ämiri ta'diri oyene ayani, ago beṛo takado ndi yauni be ka'dane ayani azi ri. 10 Mìye ävuzii, kenvoi ndi atrai se kayibe ori ami lako iyi kode lemeri'bai ko koziro ago mi'ba 'diaza kusu takozi aza ko azi lomvo.’
11 “Oko lidri maro gayizo ta erine, tuyi iyi te teterete ro, tisiyi bi ànyaro te ago eriyi ta kote. 12 Ànya 'bayi ya ànyaro te a'done oso kuni ṛatararo ronye. Tana ukyi ànya eriyi ŋgaemba ndi lazo se mozobe nebii se kyeno kai si ana 'da. Ta'doro ma OPI Mbaraekye ma'dote kyilaro ndra. 13 Tana mäzi läzi be, ànya eriyi ta maro ko; ta'dota ànya kämätuyite mazatadrina kote. 14 Mepere ànya te oso oligbiriṛibe kabe vo pere ronye lozo orine 'bädri se ànya kuni kätina ko 'do ya. E'be 'bädri se kado ono te tandro ro, 'diaza alona ri kote kigye.”