Third Vision: A Measuring Line
1 This time I saw someone holding a measuring line, 2 and I asked, “Where are you going?”
“To measure Jerusalem,” was the answer. “To find out how wide and long it is.”
3 The angel who had spoken to me came toward me, when another angel came up to him 4 and said, “Hurry! Tell that man with the measuring line that Jerusalem won't have any boundaries. It will be too full of people and animals even to have a wall. 5 The Lord himself has promised to be a protective wall of fire surrounding Jerusalem, and he will be its shining glory in the heart of the city.”
A Call to Action
6 The Lord says to his people, “Run! Escape from the land in the north, where I scattered you to the four winds. 7 Leave Babylonia and hurry back to Zion.”
8 Then the glorious Lord All-Powerful ordered me to say to the nations that had raided and robbed Zion:
Zion is as precious to the Lord as are his eyes. Whatever you do to Zion, you do to him. 9 And so, he will put you in the power of your slaves, and they will raid and rob you. Then you will know that I am a prophet of the Lord All-Powerful.
10 City of Zion, sing and celebrate! The Lord has promised to come and live with you. 11 When he does, many nations will turn to him and become his people. At that time you will know that I am a prophet of the Lord All-Powerful. 12 Then Judah will be his part of the holy land, and Jerusalem will again be his chosen city.

13 Everyone, be silent!
The Lord is present
and moving about
in his holy place.
Rulofo Iba Ŋgaojoro ro
1 Rulofo aza ya mandre manoaza te iba ŋgaojoro be drì ndaro ya! 2 'Dooko mejitate makye: “Nya ugu oyi gaŋwaroya?” Ago nda zatadrite ekye: “Ma oyi Yerusalema ojone mandre ocana ndi käkpuna robe.”
3 'Dooko mandre malaika se katabe mabe ana kefote mileya oko, malaika aza ikyite drî ndaro utune. 4 Se käti 'do atate äzirina 'do ri ekye: “Mimu nyata agoanji gi ŋga ŋgaojoro be ana ri mikye: Yerusalema ka oye a'done lidri be ago koronya 'ba robe amba se ka oye ro a'done 'desi änina ko tiṛi obene ŋgulu lomvoigyesi. 5 OPI 'batate a'done ni tiṛi asiro ro gbikyi 'bakici 'do lomvosi gagane ago nda orina 'da kigye lau 'desiro.”
Äzi 'Dise cini Vomidiro ya te Egone 'Bäru
6 OPI atate lidri ndaro ri ekye: “Yauono nyìmuri ni 'bädri Babelona ro yasi, tana mepere ami te wairo cuku su vo cini yasi. 7 Nyìmu Zaiona ya ami se nyàbe ori Babelona ya iyi.” 8 Ta'dota ondro OPI Mbaraekye kozo mbara te mari oko zo mate lazo ono be tu'dei se kotopayi ŋga lidri ndaro robe ana ri ekye: “'Dise aza kabe ami o'bi 'do ka mikeci modo maro ro o'bina. 9 OPI modo oyena kyila 'da ami be, ago lidri se kyeno iyeäṛii amiro iyi topanayi ŋga amiro 'da.”
Ondro ta ono ka'dote inye oko, mìnina ndi anjioko OPI Mbaraekye ezo ma ni.
10 OPI atate ekye: “Mìŋgo loŋgo ago nyà'do riyäsi ami lidri Zaiona ro! Tana ma oye ikyine ago orine ami lako!”
11 Tu gi ana si tu'dei amba ikyinayi 'da OPI re ago a'donayi 'da lidri ndaro, nda orina 'da ami lako, ago mìnina 'da anjioko OPI Mbaraekye ezo ma ni amire. 12 Yuda ogo a'dona kpa 'da drimbi lämu'du OPI ro wari alokado ndaro ya, ago Yerusalema ogo a'dona kpa'da 'bakici se nda ka oyebe lune parandra owo.
13 Nyà'do titiitiro OPI kandra, ami lidri cini ono, tana nda kate eziikyi ni orivo alokado ndaro yasi.