Instructions for Different Groups of People
1 Titus, you must teach only what is correct. 2 Tell the older men to have self-control and to be serious and sensible. Their faith, love, and patience must never fail.
3 Tell the older women to behave as those who love the Lord should. They must not gossip about others or be slaves of wine. They must teach what is proper, 4 so the younger women will be loving wives and mothers. 5 Each of the younger women must be sensible and kind, as well as a good homemaker, who puts her own husband first. Then no one can say insulting things about God's message.
6 Tell the young men to have self-control in everything.
7 Always set a good example for others. Be sincere and serious when you teach. 8 Use clean language that no one can criticize. Do this, and your enemies will be too ashamed to say anything against you.
9 Tell slaves always to please their owners by obeying them in everything. Slaves must not talk back to their owners 10 or steal from them. They must be completely honest and trustworthy. Then everyone will show great respect for what is taught about God our Savior.
God's Kindness and the New Life
11 God has shown us undeserved grace by coming to save all people. 12 He taught us to give up our wicked ways and our worldly desires and to live decent and honest lives in this world. 13 We are filled with hope, as we wait for the glorious return of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. 14 He gave himself to rescue us from everything evil and to make our hearts pure. He wanted us to be his own people and to be eager to do right.
15 Teach these things, as you use your full authority to encourage and correct people. Make sure you earn everyone's respect.
Ta Miembaro Ŋgye
1 Oko beṛo miri tase koletadri be tamiembaro ŋgye be embane ayani. 2 Nyemba agoàmbago a'done trwe, tavousu be, ago andivo ritane, a'done 'diri taoma ànyaro ya, ŋgalu be, ndi rriti iŋgyi be. 3 Kpa oso inye, nyemba tokoadraŋwai ta oyene oso beṛo 'ditoko ri oyene ronye ori alokado orine ayani. Beṛo ko ànyari a'done kyere'bai ro kode iyeäṛi ro wa ri. Beṛo ànyari tase kado embane ayani, 4 tana kembayi 'ditokoza robe àgo ànyaro lune ndi ŋgwai be, 5 a'done andivo ritaritaro ago wäṛiro, ago a'done 'ditoko kado se kabe andivo ànyaro logo àgo ànyaro zele ronye, tana ukyi 'diaza ata ta undiro 'da lazo se kikyi ni Lu resi ono lomvo.
6 Kpa oso ono ronye mita agoànji kpa a'done andivo ritaritaro. 7 Ŋga cini yasi beṛo andivo miro ri a'done taka'daro taoye kado ro ro. Nya'do ŋgye ago miye ŋgaemba miro ya cini si. 8 Nyemba tase ŋgye se änina ko kozine 'do ayani, tana kyila'baazii miro a'ba robe driupiro ka'doyi robe takozi aza ako itine ama lomvo.
9 Iyeäṛii kologoyi andivo ànyaro 'desii ànyaro zele ago ta ànyaro kusi 'desii ànyaro ŋga cini yasi. Beṛo ko ànyari tadri 'desii ànyaro ro ozane kyirikyiri 10 ago ko ŋga kugune ni ànya rigyesi. Oko, beṛo ànyari ka'dane anjioko ànya ondoalo orivoya kado ago 'diri, tana ànya keziyi liku robe taŋgaembaro Lu Opa'ba amaro ro ri tase cini ànya kayibe oyena ya.
11 Tana Lu ka'da tai'dwero ndaro te ta ŋgaopa rota, 'dicini ri. 12 Tai'dwero se ana ozo taŋgaembaro te ämäri ugu ori luako e'bene ndi ole 'bädri ono robe, ago ori andivo rita ro orine, ŋgyero, ago orine lu'ba ro 'bädri ono ya, 13 ondro màte Tuse kado màbe mio'ba tana ro kwotena, tuse 'desi para Lu ago Opa'ba amaro Yesu Kristo ro ka'daruna 'da sina si. 14 Nda ozo andivo ndaro te ama ta, ago pa ama teni takozi cini yasi ago 'ba ama te lidri wäṛiro se a'dote modo ndaro ro ago te orivoya nja takado oyene.
15 Nyemba ŋga kwoi ago miye ta drikaca cini miro si agoago ozo si ago mitadri ta miro eri'bai ro. Mi'ba aza ànyaro kondrevo ko ndra midrisi.