If Only You and I …
She Speaks:

1 If you were my brother,
I could kiss you
whenever we happen to meet,
and no one would say
I did wrong.
2 I could take you to the home
of my mother,
who taught me all I know.
I would give you delicious wine
and fruit juice as well.
3 Put your left hand under my head
and embrace me
with your right arm.

4 Young women of Jerusalem,
promise me never to awaken love
before it is ready.
Their Friends Speak:

5 Who is this young woman
coming in from the desert
and leaning on the shoulder
of the one she loves?
She Speaks:

I stirred up your passions
under the apple tree
where you were born.
6 Always keep me in your heart
and wear this bracelet
to remember me by.
The passion of love
bursting into flame
is more powerful than death,
stronger than the grave.
7 Love cannot be drowned
by oceans or floods.
It cannot be bought—
any offer would be scorned
no matter how great.
Their Friends Speak:

8 We have a little sister
whose breasts
are not yet formed.
If someone asks to marry her,
what should we do?
9 She isn't a wall
that we can defend
behind a silver shield.
Neither is she a room
that we can protect
behind a wooden door.
She Speaks:

10 I am a wall around a city,
my breasts are towers,
and just looking at me
brings him great pleasure.
11 Solomon has a vineyard
at Baal-Hamon,
which he rents to others
for a thousand pieces
of silver each.
12 My vineyard is mine alone!
Solomon can keep his silver
and the others can keep
their share of the profits.
He Speaks:

13 You are in the garden
with friends all around.
Let me hear your voice!
She Speaks:

14 Hurry to me, my darling!
Run faster than a deer
to mountains of spices.
1 Aba nya'do gwo oso ädrupi maro ronye,
se endre maro kecabe ba anyaro si 'do.
Aba ondro ka'do mata mi bete liti dri,
mänina ndi mi njunjune ago 'diaza ri ma onjone i'do.
2 Muguna mi 'da zo endre maro roya,
ndi le zo ya ndase kuti ma be roya.
Mozona vino ŋgutruro 'da miri,
ndi gyi gäṛä'bu maro robe miri umvune.

3 Aba drigaṛi ndaro vo ka'do gwo drî maro zele,
ago drigwo ndaro komvo ma gwo.

4 Ndiriŋwà Yerusalema ro, molo'baru ämiri,
ko ämiri ŋgalu amaro gburune.
Loŋgo Njidrialona
5 A'di kaeziikyi ni vocowa yasi,
drì uruururo anya se nda kulube ono be ya?
Metaŋga mi te ni ce ŋgutru ro zele,
ni vose ya endre miro ro 'be lu be kigyi,
se ni vose äti mibe kigye ana yasi.
6 Mi'ba ma ya miro ya oso mäŋgusi ronye,
miso ma oso mäŋgusi ronye drì miro ya,
tana ŋgalu orivoya mbaraekye oso odra ronye;
ka leko oso asi ronye, oso asi lele ronye.
7 Gyi unina ko ŋgalu izwene;
oga gyi ro unina ko ivune.
Ondro ka'do 'diaza kojote ŋgalu ogyene ŋgadriamba ndaro si,
andrena vo ṛo nda drisi.
Ädrupii ŋgagatoko ro ro
8 Ama orivoya endreŋwa giṛiŋwa be,
bai anyaro drigba oto ko.
Manoago aza kikyite anya uzi oko
màyena e'di anya riya?
9 Aba ondro anya ka'do gwo tiṛi yi,
màbena tiṛiwiṛa ndi anya dri mo'di si.
Aba ondro anya ka'do gwo dereŋwa yi,
màgagana anya ndi ice wiri rosi.
10 Ma orivoya tiṛi yi,
ago bai maro orivoya ni tiṛiwiṛa na yi.
Malandrete ndase mulube ono ri
Nda se mulube ono ni ndi
oso 'dise kezi taliatokpe be ronye.
11 Solomo orivoya ämvukono robe Baala Amona ya.
Nda ozote tiko vo ämvuoso'bai azaka ri;
'dialo ri tonyo mo'di ro ozone kutu alo driigye.
12 Ma orivoya ämvukono ro modo maro robe,
Solomo kuru mo'di kutu alo;
ago ämvuoso'bai kuruyi iro kama ritu!

13 Mise nyabe ori ämvu ya ono,
bereazii maro kayi mi kwote ata miro erine.
Mi'ba meri ata miro.
14 Nyikyi ndrindri mise mulube ono, nya'do oso yaŋga ronye,
kode oso kaliŋga magara 'bereŋwa se ŋga ŋgutruro kabe omba driigye ono ronye.