Beautiful Dreams
She Speaks:

1 While in bed at night,
I reached for the one I love
with heart and soul.
I looked for him,
but he wasn't there.
2 So I searched through the town
for the one I love.
I looked on every street,
but he wasn't there.
3 I even asked the guards
patrolling the town,
“Have you seen the one
I love so much?”
4 Right after that, I found him.
I held him and would not let go
until I had taken him
to the home of my mother.
5 Young women of Jerusalem,
promise me by the power
of deer and gazelles,
never to awaken love
before it is ready.
The Groom and the Wedding Party
Their Friends Speak:

6 What do we see approaching
from the desert
like a cloud of smoke?
With it comes the sweet smell
of spices, including myrrh
and frankincense.
7 It is King Solomon
carried on a throne,
surrounded by sixty
of Israel's best soldiers.
8 Each of them wears a sword.
They are experts at fighting,
even in the dark.
9 The throne is made of trees
from Lebanon.
10 Its posts are silver,
the back is gold,
and the seat is covered
with purple cloth.
You women of Jerusalem
have taken great care
to furnish the inside.
11 Now come and see the crown
given to Solomon by his mother
on his happy wedding day.
1 Mu'dute u'duvo maro dri, ŋgäkyi si
ma ndase mulu tawi ono uṛina;
ma ugu vouṛi nda ta oko musu nda kote
ma ndana uzi, oko nda za tadri maro kote.
2 Mugu abate 'bakici yasi,
litiŋwà na drisi ago liti giṛiŋwà na zo lomvosi yasi.
Ma ugu ndase mulu tawi ono uṛina.
Mäṛi nda te, oko musu nda kote.
3 Vookwa'bai se kayibe ugu aba 'bakici lomvosi kayi ndreyi ma te.
Meji ànya te makye: “Inye'do mindre
ndase mulu tawi ono gi'da ya?”
4 Toto ndriŋwa me'be ànya te oko, musu ndase mulu tawi ono te.
Mabaṛi nda te ago malaga nda tezo oyivoya
madale mezi nda te zo endre maro roya,
le zoya ndase kuti mabe ono roya.

5 Ndiriŋwa Yerusalema ro molo'baru ämiri;
nyäṛuru kaliŋgai ndi yaŋgai be si
ko ŋgalu amaro gburune.
Loŋgo nina
6 Kabe eziikyi ni vocowa yasi
oso äṛubäni kätu ro ronye,
tägyi ŋgutruro ido mure robe
ido ŋgutruro se ŋgalogye'bai ka logyena ni 'do a'di owo ya?
7 Solomo kani eziikyi, se äŋgyite gyiti ndaro dri;
kyila'bai 'butenjidrialo (60) kani vo ndaro okwa,
se ni kyila'bai kadopara yi Yisaraele ya.
8 Ànya cini ṛo orivoya tauni kyila oyero bando si be;
ànya orivoya tauni kyila oyero mbarasi be.
Vo ànyaro cini orivoya bando be gbo ànyaro yasi,
ta ŋgagota ro ŋgäkyi si rota.
9 'Bädri'ba Solomo ede gyiti yi uŋgyi rote ni ice Lebenona ro yasi.
10 Ede loroi na te mo'di si;
ŋga drina takoro itirate logo läguläguro si.
Ŋga nyovo oriro driigye a'di lomvona te boŋgo lärimiro si,
ndiriŋwa Yerusalema ro 'diyite ŋgalu si.
11 Ami ndiriŋwa Zaiona ro nyikyi 'bädri'ba Solomo ondrene.
Nda tako tagyia se endre ndaro kosobe nda dri
tu lagye ndaro rosi 'do te,
se ni tu riyä ndaro ro.