The Seventh Seal Is Opened
1 When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2 I noticed that the seven angels who stood before God were each given a trumpet.
3 Another angel, who had a gold container for incense, came and stood at the altar. This one was given a lot of incense to offer with the prayers of God's people on the gold altar in front of the throne. 4 Then the smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God's people, went up to God from the hand of the angel.
5 After this, the angel filled the incense container with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth. Thunder roared, lightning flashed, and the earth shook.
The Trumpets
6 The seven angels now got ready to blow their trumpets.
7 When the first angel blew his trumpet, hail and fire mixed with blood were thrown down on the earth. A third of the earth, a third of the trees, and a third of all green plants were burned.
8 When the second angel blew his trumpet, something like a great fiery mountain was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned to blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
10 When the third angel blew his trumpet, a great star fell from heaven. It was burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on a third of the springs of water. 11 The name of the star was Bitter, and a third of the water turned bitter. Many people died because the water was so bitter.
12 When the fourth angel blew his trumpet, a third of the sun, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars were struck. They each lost a third of their light. So during a third of the day there was no light, and a third of the night was also without light.
13 Then I looked and saw a lone eagle flying across the sky. It was shouting, “Trouble, trouble, trouble to everyone who lives on earth! The other three angels are now going to blow their trumpets.”
Ŋga Ŋgaobero Njidrierina
1 Ondro Timelegogo kupi ŋga ŋgaobero njidrierina te oko, vo a'dote njuru vo'buyakuru ya, oso saa kpäkyi ronye. 2 'Dooko mandre malaikai njidrieri se kabe edre Lu kandra ana te, ago ozo cekuṛe njidrieri te ànyari.
3 Malaika aza, se orivoya lakaza läguläguro ŋga ŋgutruro robe ana, ikyite ago edrete vo tori oloro lomvo. Ozo ŋga ŋgutruro te amba ndäri adroane mätu lidri cini Lu ro ro dri ago anya ozone vo tori oloro logo läguläguro ro se kedrebe giti kandra ana dri. 4 Kätu ŋga ŋgutruro se abe ugu ozana ana ro ofote kuru mätu lidri Lu ro robe ni drí malaika se edrevoya Lu kandra ana ro yasi. 5 'Dooko malaika ana ru lakaza ŋga ŋgutruro rote, so asi te twi kigye ni vo tori oloro drisi, ago vo anya te gyini dri. Ago kporo ndi totre uhwe 'bu ro robe, sionyi leko 'bu ro ro ndi ägbigbi be a'dote.
6 'Dooko malaikai njidrieri cekuṛei njidrieri be ederute ànya ovone.
7 Malaika käti vo cekuṛe ndaro te. 'Busiya ndi asi be, dro'berute kari be, ikyi edarute vuru gyinidri. Telesi nina 'bädri ro jete kpeye, telesi nina ice ro, ndi käyibi cini luru robe je kpate.
8 'Dooko malaika ṛiri vo cekuṛe ndaro te, ŋga aza landrete laba oso 'bereŋwa 'desi asi be driigye ronye avote gyi'desi ya. Nina telesi gyi'desi ro zarute kari ro, 9 telesi nina ŋgaŋwà lidriidriro ro gyi'desi ya todrate, ago telesi nina toŋbo ro toŋgorute.
10 'Dooko malaika nina vo cekuṛe ndaro te. 'Bi'bi 'desi kaleko oso gala ronye, e'dete ni vokuru ya ago 'dete telesi nina goloi ro ndi gyi legwalegwa robe drisi. 11 (Ävuru 'bi'bi ro orivoya “Osoekye.”) Telesi nina gyi ro tozarute osoro, ago lidri amba todrate ni gyi ana umvu risi, tana anya tozarute osoro.
12 'Dooko malaika lisu vo cekuṛe ndaro te. Telesi nina kitu ro, ndi telesi nina imba ro ndi telesi nina 'bi'bii robe a'bite, ago telesi nina ŋgaeyi ànyaro ro ije nina lägu iro rote, ŋgaeyi a'dote i'do u'du telesi nina kitu roya ago kpa i'do u'du telesi nina ŋgäkyi roya.
13 'Dooko mandrevote oko, meri ägyiribi ŋgate lekuru vokuru ya ka otre kporo amba si ekye: “Wuu orivoya koziro! Kozina a'dona te ndra vona se cini kabe ori 'bädri ya ri ondro kporo kate uwi ni cekuṛei se malaikai azaka nätu kovona be ri!”