The Lord Punishes the Guilty
1 Lord God, you punish
the guilty.
Show what you are like
and punish them now.
2 You judge the earth.
Come and help us!
Pay back those proud people
for what they have done.
3 How long will the wicked
celebrate and be glad?

4 All of those cruel people
strut and boast,
5 and they crush and wound
your chosen nation, Lord.
6 They murder widows,
foreigners, and orphans.
7 Then they say,
“The Lord God of Jacob
doesn't see or know.”

8 Can't you fools see?
Won't you ever learn?
9 God gave us ears and eyes!
Can't he hear and see?
10 God instructs the nations
and gives knowledge to us all.
Won't he also correct us?
11 The Lord knows how useless
our plans really are.

12 Our Lord, you bless everyone
that you instruct and teach
by using your Law.
13 You give them rest
from their troubles,
until a pit can be dug
for the wicked.
14 You won't turn your back
on your chosen nation.
15 Justice and fairness
will go hand in hand,
and all who do right
will follow along.

16 Who will stand up for me
against those cruel people?
17 If you had not helped me, Lord,
I would soon have gone
to the land of silence.
18 When I felt my feet slipping,
you came with your love
and kept me steady.
19 And when I was burdened
with worries,
you comforted me
and made me feel secure.
20 But you are opposed
to dishonest lawmakers
21 who gang up to murder
innocent victims.

22 You, Lord God, are my fortress,
that mighty rock
where I am safe.
23 You will pay back my enemies,
and you will wipe them out
for the evil they did.
Lu Vureope'ba 'Dicini ro
1 OPI, mi orivoya Lu se kabe votaro logo owo
nyaka'da kyila miro!
2 Miŋga, mi vureope'ba lidri cini ro ono;
nyozo taezaro se sibe ozone driuŋgyi'bai ri!
3 Takozi'bai a'dona yai'dwesi tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya?
Tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya OPI?
4 Ànya kayi ta ata driuŋgyi si
taenji'bai kayi ata driuŋgyi si ta tase ànya koyebe rota.
5 Ànya kayi lidri miro ronyo OPI;
ànya kayi ànya se miro ezana.
6 Ànya kayi ävuzii ndi atrai yibe ufu,
ago ànya kayi kyemvoi ufu.
7 Ànya kayi ata ekye: “OPI ndre ama ko;
Lu Yisaraele ro ni ko.”

8 Nya'do tauni be ami lidri maro driako ono!
Amamai minina ta ituya?
9 Lu se 'ba bi ni ono, nda unina ko ta 'do erine ya?
Nda se 'ba mi ni ono, nda unina ko ta 'do ondrene ya?
10 Nda se ka ni tu'dei eza ono unina ko ami ezane ya?
Nda se ni emba'ba lidri cini ro ono, inye'do nda tauniako ya?
11 OPI ni tase lidri kabe usuna te;
nda ni tausu ànyaro te orivoya takaci ako.

12 OPI, lidri se nyabe embana ni kado,
'dise nyabe ota miro embana rigye 'do!
13 Nya loli ozo ni ndäri tui rriti rosi
madale ä'di 'bu te takozi'ba ri o'deza.
14 OPI e'bena lidri ndaro ko;
nda ovona ànya se ndaro ko cowa.
15 Usuna taŋgye 'da kpa to'di vureope ya,
ago lidri cini taŋgye'bai ro osona 'da voigyesi.
16 A'di edreni maresi kyilaoyene takozi'bai be ya?
A'di edreni maresi kyilaoyene taundi oye'bai be ya?
17 Aba ondro OPI kopa ma ko ni,
aba nonye ono moyite ndriŋwa wari a'doro titiro ya.
18 Ondro musutate makye: “Ma oyete o'dene;”
oko ŋgalu 'duro miro äti ma te, Äye OPI.
19 Ma'do gica orivoya milo'belo'bero amba oko,
nyi'dwe ma te ago mi'ba ma te yai'dwesi.

20 Inye'do vureope'bai koziro,
se kabe taŋgyeako o'ba takadoro, iyi, a'donayi ndi bereazi miro ya?
21 Ànya kayi taäyi lidri kado lomvo
ago kayi taenjiako'bai o'ba ufune.
22 Oko OPI ka ma opani;
Lu maro ni gaga'ba maro.
23 Nda logona takozi ànyaro 'da ànya dri
ago tufuna ànya 'da ta takozii ànyaro rota;
OPI Lu amaro tufuna ànya 'da kpeye.