The Lord Is King
1 Our Lord, you are King!
Majesty and power
are your royal robes.
You put the world in place,
and it will never be moved.
2 You have always ruled,
and you are eternal.

3 The ocean is roaring, Lord!
The sea is pounding hard.
4 Its mighty waves are majestic,
but you are even more majestic,
and you rule over all.
5 Your decisions are firm,
and your temple will always
be beautiful and holy.
Lu 'Bädri'ba yi
1 OPI orivoya 'bädri'ba yi;
nda so boŋgo 'desi ro ndi mbara ro be te.
Edre 'bädri te ŋgyiri;
ago äni kote uswene.
2 Äye OPI, giti miro a'dote ṛo ŋgyiri ṛo ni etosi,
ago nya'dote ṛo kyeno teinye tu ri etoako.

3 Äye Opi, gyibebelebe ka gbulä;
gyibebelebe ka kporo oye,
ànya kayi kporo oye ndi ärru be.
4 OPI orivoya vo'buyakuru ya mbarabe ndra,
mbara be ndra para ni ärru gyibebelebe ro ri,
ago kpa ndra ni gbula gyi'desi ro ri.

5 Ota miro orivoya äduako OPI,
ago Yekalu miro orivoya alokado,
rriro äduako.