(For the music leader. To the tune “Don't Destroy.” A special psalm by David when he was in the cave while running from Saul.)
Praise and Trust in Times of Trouble
1 God Most High, have pity on me!
Have mercy. I run to you
for safety.
In the shadow of your wings,
I seek protection
till danger dies down.
2 I pray to you, my protector.
3 You will send help from heaven
and save me,
but you will bring trouble
on my attackers.
You are faithful,
and you can be trusted.

4 My enemies are fierce,
much worse than lions!
They have spears and arrows
instead of teeth,
and they have sharp swords
instead of tongues.

5 May you, my God, be honored
above the heavens;
may your glory be seen
everywhere on earth.

6 Enemies set traps for my feet
and struck me down.
They dug a pit in my path,
but fell in it themselves.
7 I am faithful to you,
and you can trust me.
I will sing and play music
for you, my God.
8 I feel wide awake!
I will wake up my harp
and wake up the sun.
9 I will praise you, Lord,
for everyone to hear,
and I will sing hymns to you
in every nation.
10 Your love reaches higher
than the heavens;
your loyalty extends
beyond the clouds.

11 May you, my God, be honored
above the heavens;
may your glory be seen
everywhere on earth.
Mätu ta Ŋgaopa rota
1 Nya'do yauni be märi, Äye Lu, nya'do yauni be märi,
tana ma ikyi ruda'do mire.
Lindri kufu miro roya ma ruda'dovo uṛi
madale oligbiriṛi be okyena gwo.

2 Ma driayo Lu Foparandra ri,
Lu se kani täbiri maro ŋgana cini ozona ono.
3 Nda ezona ŋgaopa 'da ni vo'buyakuru yasi
nda opena ma eza'bai 'da ṛe.
Lu ka'dana ŋgalu 'duro ndaro ndi a'do'diri be 'da märi.

4 Ma orivoya kitoriya Kyila'baazii maro roya,
ànya oso ibii se kayibe ugu lidri onya ronye.
Sii ànyaro laba oso äzui ndi ätui be ronye;
ladra ànyaro laba oso bandoi kyaka'daro ronye.

5 Nyaka'da 'desipara miro vo'buyakuru ya, Äye Lu,
ago mi'ba a'do'desi miro kado 'bädri cini dri.

6 Kyila'baazii maro 'beyi kyimba te märi;
rriti mudri maro te.
Ànya 'diyi 'bu te liti maro dri,
oko andivo ànyaro 'deyite kigye.

7 Mayi ta maro 'du miya, Äye Lu,
mayi ta maro 'du miya!
maŋgona loŋgo ago märäṛuna mi 'da!
8 Mipi mi, lindri maro!
Mìpi mi, lekyembe maro ndi yeṛi be!
Meteŋgana kitu 'da.
9 Mayena aro'boya 'da miri, Äye Opi, tu'dei lako.
Märäṛuna mi 'da lidri lako.
10 Tana ŋgalu 'duro miro ka osa vo'buyakuru ya;
a'do'diri miro ka vokurui odo.
11 Nyaka'da 'desipara miro vokuru ya, Äye Lu,
ago mi'ba a'do'desi miro ka'do 'bädri cini dri.