(For the music leader. To the tune “A Silent Dove in the Distance.” A special psalm by David when the Philistines captured him in Gath.)
A Prayer of Trust in God
1 Have pity, God Most High!
My enemies chase me all day.
2 Many of them are pursuing
and attacking me,
3 but even when I am afraid,
I keep on trusting you.
4 I praise your promises!
I trust you and am not afraid.
No one can harm me.

5 Enemies spend the whole day
finding fault with me;
all they think about
is how to do me harm.
6 They attack from ambush,
watching my every step
and hoping to kill me.
7 They won't get away
with these crimes, God,
because when you get angry,
you destroy people.

south sudan
8 You have kept record
of my days of wandering.
You have stored my tears
in your bottle
and counted each of them.

9 When I pray, Lord God,
my enemies will retreat,
because I know for certain
that you are with me.
10 I praise your promises!
11 I trust you and am not afraid.
No one can harm me.

12 I will keep my promises
to you, my God,
and bring you gifts.
13 You protected me from death
and kept me from stumbling,
so that I would please you
and follow the light
that leads to life.
Mätu Taoyiro Lu ya
1 Nya'do yauni be märi, Äye Lu, tana lidri ka ma lanja
kyila'baazii kayi ma eza tu cini si.
2 Kyila'baazii maro kayi ma lanja kituzwi.
Ànya orivoya amba se kayi kyila oye mabe driuŋgyi si.
3 Ondro ma'dote turi ro,
ma taoyi miya.
4 Lu se mabe tao'ba ndaro räṛuna ono;
ma taoyi Lu ya teinye turi ako.
Lidri oyena e'di märi ya?

5 Kyila'baazii maro kayi ma oye koziro taata ànyaro si kituzwi;
tausu ànyaro cini koziro malomvo!
6 Ànya kayi kalakoto voalo ya,
ànya kayi ruda'do,
ago kayi ma kote ufune.
7 Nyeza ànya, ta taenji ànyaro rota;
mipe lidri kai kyila miro si, Äye Lu!

8 Mini rriti maro te;
nyegyi miendre maro tana te.
Inye'do mira ṛo kote buku ya ya?
9 kyila'baazii maro ozanayi drî 'da kovole,
tuse mabe mi uzi si.
Mäni ta ono te, Lu orivoya maresi.
10 Lu se mabe tao'bai ndaro räṛuna ono,
OPI se mabe tao'ba ndaro räṛuna ono.
11 Ma taoyi Lu ya teinye turi ako.
Lidri oyena e'di märi ya?

12 Mozona ŋgase ma'batabe ozone miri 'da Äye Lu;
mozona ŋgapäṛi aro'boya oyero 'da miri,
13 tana mipa ma te ni odra yasi,
ago ni ma opevoya ṛe,
'dooko maba robe Lu be,
ŋgaeyi se kabe voeyi lidri dri ana yasi.