(A special psalm by David for the music leader. Use with stringed instruments.)
Betrayed by a Friend
1 Listen, God, to my prayer!
Don't reject my request.
2 Please listen and help me.
My thoughts are troubled,
and I keep groaning
3 because my enemies attack
with loud shouts.
They treat me terribly
and hold angry grudges.
4 My heart is racing fast,
and I am afraid of dying.
5 I am trembling with fear,
completely terrified.

6 I wish I had wings
like a dove,
so I could fly far away
and be at peace.
7 I would go and live
in some distant desert.
8 I would quickly find shelter
from howling winds
and raging storms.

9 Confuse my enemies, Lord!
Upset their plans.
Cruelty and violence
are all I see in the city,
10 and they are like guards
on patrol day and night.
The city is full of trouble,
evil, 11 and corruption.
Troublemakers and liars
freely roam the streets.

12 My enemies are not the ones
who sneer and make fun.
I could put up with that
or even hide from them.
13 But it was my closest friend,
the one I trusted most.
14 We enjoyed being together,
when we went with others
to your house, our God.

15 All who hate me are controlled
by the power of evil.
Sentence them to death
and send them down alive
to the world of the dead.

16 I ask for your help, Lord God,
and you will keep me safe.
17 Morning, noon, and night
you hear my concerns
and my complaints.
18 I am attacked from all sides,
but you will rescue me
unharmed by the battle.
19 You have always ruled,
and you will hear me.
You will defeat my enemies
because they won't turn
and worship you.

20 My friend turned against me
and broke his promise.
21 His words were smoother
than butter, and softer
than olive oil.
But hatred filled his heart,
and he was ready to attack
with a sword.

22 Our Lord, we belong to you.
We tell you what worries us,
and you won't let us fall.
23 But what about those people
who are cruel and brutal?
You will throw them down
into the deepest pit
long before their time.
I trust you, Lord!
Mätu Mano se Ozo Drina be Bereazi si ro
1 Nyeri mätu maro, Äye Lu;
ago miza kundu ko ni taeji maro risi!
2 Nyeri ma ago mizatadri maro;
rriti ta vo maro te.
3 Ma te turi ro ni ozionya kyila'baazii ro risi,
ago ni 'dieza takozi'bai ro risi.
Tana ànya kayi rriti ezi mädri;
ago kayi ma oye yaoso si.

4 Käsädri maro ka loŋga,
ago turi odra ro so ma te.
5 Turi so ma te ago ma te lä'bilä'bi ro;
turi takorute mädri.
6 Makye aba ma'do gwo kufu be, oso tu'bu ronye,
aba maŋgate pere musu loli robe.
7 Mämuna te lozo
ago marina te vocowa ya.
8 Moyina te ndriro musu vo ruda'do ro robe
ni oli likuliku ndi oli gbiriṛi be risi.
9 Nyugburu tavoora kyila'baazii maro ro, Äye Opi!
Nyugburu ata ànyaro.

Mandre siomba ndi kyila be te 'bakici ya,
10 ämudri 'bakici rote tiṛi drisi kitu si ago ŋgäkyi si;
ago taundiro ndi rriti be orivoya kigye.
11 Ŋgatufu orivoya kigye;
'dieza ndi ŋgaoco be kye kote ni litiŋwai drisi.

12 Aba ondro kyila'baazi kugu ma gwo ni,
mänina ndi yaiŋgyine;
aba ondro kyila'baazi ka ugu mäwu läzi gwo ni mabe,
aba mada'dona ma ndi ni ndäri.
13 Oko ni mi owo, aziŋwa maro,
paazi maro ago bereazi para maro.
14 Kyeno na mà taäyi mibe voaloya
ago mämätute troalo Yekalu ya.
15 Mi'ba kyila'baazii maro kodrayi ro ätruku'du ro;
mi'ba ànya kociyi vuru lidriidriro 'bädri odra roya!
Taundi orivoya 'bai ànyaro yasi ago ya ànyaro yasi.

16 Oko ma Lu uzi ŋgaopa ta;
ago OPI opana ma 'da.
17 Kyenoŋbo si, kitudiri si ago ŋgäkyi si
ma driovii ago ma leri,
ago nda erina drî maro 'da.
18 Nda opana ma 'da londro ro
ni kyila se mabe oyena yasi
tana ma kyila'baazii be amba.
19 Lu erina ma 'da ago opena ànya 'da ṛe;
se mirivote ṛo ni äduako,
nda se mirivote ṛo ni etosi
tana ànya gayizo rutozane,
ago ànya turiyi Lu kote.

20 Aziŋwa maro gota bereazii ndaro te;
nda pere tao'ba ndaro te.
21 Ata ndaro 'boloto ro ndrani kosa drisi,
caoko yaoso orivoya ya ndaro ya;
ata ndaro 'boloto ro oso ido ronye,
oko ànya kayi ŋga täṛi oso bandoi ronye.

22 Nye'be rriti miro OPI rigye,
ago nda opana mi 'da;
nda o'bana lidri 'diri ko o'dene.

23 Oko mi, Äye Lu, nyolocina,
'ditufu'bai 'da 'budri ànyaro ya
ago koweoga'bai 'da 'budri ànyaro ya
ànya orinayi kpäkyi ori ànyaro ro ko.
Oko mayina ta 'da mi ya.