(For the music leader. A psalm by David when the prophet Nathan came to him after David had been with Bathsheba.)
A Prayer for Forgiveness
1 You are kind, God!
Please have pity on me.
You are always merciful!
Please wipe away my sins.
2 Wash me clean from all
of my sin and guilt.
3 I know about my sins,
and I cannot forget
the burden of my guilt.
4 You are really the one
I have sinned against;
I have disobeyed you
and have done wrong.
So it is right and fair for you
to correct and punish me.

5 I have sinned and done wrong
since the day I was born.
6 But you want complete honesty,
so teach me true wisdom.
7 Wash me with hyssop
until I am clean
and whiter than snow.
8 Let me be happy and joyful!
You crushed my bones,
now let them celebrate.
9 Turn your eyes from my sin
and cover my guilt.
10 Create pure thoughts in me
and make me faithful again.
11 Don't chase me away from you
or take your Holy Spirit
away from me.

12 Make me as happy as you did
when you saved me;
make me want to obey!
13 I will teach sinners your Law,
and they will return to you.
14 Keep me from any deadly sin.
Only you can save me!
Then I will shout and sing
about your power to save.

15 Help me to speak,
and I will praise you, Lord.
16 Offerings and sacrifices
are not what you want.
17 The way to please you
is to be truly sorry
deep in our hearts.
This is the kind of sacrifice
you won't refuse.

18 Please be willing, Lord,
to help the city of Zion
and to rebuild its walls.
19 Then you will be pleased
with the proper sacrifices,
and we will offer bulls
on your altar once again.
Mätu Takozi E'bero
1 Nya'do yauni be märi, Äye Lu,
ta ŋgalu 'duro miro rota.
Yauni amba miro si
nyoforo takozi maro!
2 Mija taundi maro kadoro
ago nyawäṛi ma ni takozi maro risi.

3 Mäni taenjii maro te;
ago musu takozii maro vona ndi ondoalo.
4 Maye takozi te milomvo, gialo toto milomvo,
ago mayete tase undiro mimile 'do ayani.
Ta'doro mi orivoya ŋgye vure maro opene;
ago 'diri ma kozine.
5 Ma'dote ṛo undiro tuse äti ma be si;
ago takozi be ṛoni tuse endre maro ko ma be si.

6 Mile taŋgye ayani ya yasi;
ago nyembe ma a'done twi tavouni miro be.
7 Nyana takozi maro, ago ma'dona 'da wäṛi;
mija ma, ago ma'dona 'da hwia ndrani siya ri.
8 Mi'ba meri kporo riyä ro ago ma'do yai'dwe si;
mi'ba ma se nyotoŋgo be ono ka'do yai'dwe si,
9 Mise mi miro ni takozii maro risi
ago nyoforo ta undiro cini maro.

10 Mi'ba ya wäṛi ma ya, Äye Lu,
ago mi'ba tori to'di ŋgye ma ya.
11 Mina ma ko pere ni mikandra si;
ago miru tori alokado miro koni maresi.
12 Migo nyozo riyä ŋgaopa miro ro märi,
ago nyäti ma tori cini miro si.
13 'Dooko membana takozi'bai 'da ota miro si,
ago ànya ogo egonayi 'da mire.

14 Mipa ma ni odra yasi, Äye Lu, mi Lu ni opa'ba maro
ago maŋgona loŋgo 'da amba ta ŋgaopa miro rota.
15 Mipa ma ta atane, Opi
ago märäṛuna mi ndi.

16 Mi ko riyä ro ta tori oloro ta;
aba mozo ŋgapäṛi ozaro ca,
mini na ko a'done yai'dwe si.
17 Tori oloro se Lu Kolebe ni tori drieta ro,
miga ya se tusu ro ago drieta be kote zo Äye Lu.

18 Miye ŋga kado se milebe Zaiona ri;
migo mibe tiṛii Yerusalema ro.
19 'Dooko nya'dona ndi yai'dwesi ta tori olo ŋgyero rota
ta ŋgapäṛi ozaro rota
ago ta ŋgapäṛi ozaro cu rota;
ago alona 'daŋgoi ndi vo tori oloro miro dri.