(A song and a psalm by the clan of Korah.)
The City of God
1 The Lord God is wonderful!
He deserves all praise
in the city where he lives.
His holy mountain,
2 beautiful and majestic,
brings joy to all on earth.
Mount Zion, truly sacred,
is home for the Great King.
3 God is there to defend it
and has proved to be
its protector.

4 Kings joined forces
to attack the city,
5 but when they saw it,
they were terrified
and ran away.
6 They trembled all over
like women giving birth
7 or like seagoing ships
wrecked by eastern winds.
8 We had heard about it,
and now we have seen it
in the city of our God,
the Lord All-Powerful.
This is the city that God
will let stand forever.

9 Our God, here in your temple
we think about your love.
10 You are famous and praised
everywhere on earth,
as you win victories
with your powerful arm.
11 Mount Zion will celebrate,
and all Judah will be glad,
because you bring justice.

12 Let's walk around Zion
and count its towers.
13 We will see its strong walls
and visit each fortress.
Then you can say
to future generations,
14 “Our God is like this forever
and will always guide us.”
Zaiona 'Bakici Lu ro
1 OPI orivoya 'desipara ago ṛo räṛune ndra
'bakici Lu amaro roya, lutu alokado ndaro dri.
2 Se orivoya ogwaekye ago liŋgyiekye;
ago kani riyä ezi 'bädri cini ri.
3 Lu ka'date anjioko nda andivo na ni gaga'ba yi
tiṛi obeobero 'bakici roya.

4 'Bädri'bai otoyikalate voaloya
ago ikyiyite 'bakici ana gotane.
5 Dori ondro ànya kondreyi anya te oko, ànya laroyite;
ànya turiyite ago muyite.
6 Turi so ànya te ndi lomvolwu be
oso toko se kabe ŋgwa uti ronye,
7 oso oligbiriṛi kabe toŋboi 'desi pele ronye.

8 Oso mèribe ronye,
ago yauono màndre te
'bakici OPI Mbaraekye roya;
'bakici Lu amaro ro se nda etina 'da londroro äduako.

9 Mà ŋgalu 'duro miro tavona usuna,
Yekalu miro ya, Äye Lu.
10 Liku miro ka osa vo cini yasi,
ago lidri ka mi räṛu 'bädri cini ya.
Drigo miro orivoya twi takado be.
11 Mi'ba lidri Zaiona ro ka'do yai'dwesi!
Mi'ba lidri 'bakici Yuda ya ro koye riyä;
tana nya vure ŋgye ope ni!

12 Nyàba Zaiona lomvosi, nyàba lomvoigyesi ŋgulu ago mìti tiṛiwiṛa nai;
13 mìndre tiṛii mbaraekye na, nyèna tiṛi obeobe na
tana nyiti tana robe kovole'bai se kabe ikyi ri:
14 “Lu ono orivoya Lu amaro äduako, äduako;
nda lepena ama 'da äduako.”