(A psalm by David for Jeduthun, the music leader.)
A Prayer for Forgiveness
1 I told myself, “I'll be careful
not to sin by what I say,
and I'll muzzle my mouth
when evil people are near.”
2 I kept completely silent,
but it did no good,
and I hurt even worse.

3 I felt a fire burning inside,
and the more I thought,
the more it burned,
until at last I said:
4 “Please, Lord,
show me my future.
Will I soon be gone?
5 You made my life short,
so brief that the time
means nothing to you.

“Human life is but a breath,
6 and it disappears
like a shadow.
Our struggles are senseless;
we store up more and more,
without ever knowing
who will get it all.

7 “What am I waiting for?
I depend on you, Lord!
8 Save me from my sins.
Don't let fools sneer at me.
9 You treated me like this,
and I kept silent,
not saying a word.

10 “Won't you stop punishing me?
You have worn me down.
11 You punish us severely
because of our sins.
Like a moth, you destroy
what we treasure most.
We are as frail as a breath.

12 “Listen, Lord, to my prayer!
My eyes are flooded with tears,
as I pray to you.
I am merely a stranger
visiting in your home
as my ancestors did.
13 Stop being angry with me
and let me smile again
before I am dead and gone.”
Takozi Eṛo Mano se Kabe Ugu Rueza ro
1 Matate makye: “Ma'dona taoti be tase mabe oyena ta
ukyi mata takozi 'da ladra maro si;
ago matana ta aza ko
tana lidri kozi orivoya loto malomvo.”
2 Madrite titiro, ago mata kote,
ca ta ŋga kado ro atane!
Oko rueza maro ugu a'dote koziro ndra,
3 ago ma'dote milo'be be.
Ondro marite tana usune, ma'dote milo'be be ndra;
ndi matate makye:
4 “OPI, mi'ba ma ori ädu maro unine,
ago madrana ituya?
Nyiti ta märi ori maro äduna itu ya?”

5 Mi'ba ori maro te juṛuŋwa!
ago ori maro landre ṛo ta awi ro mimile.
Endaro lidri cini lidriidriro orivoya toto lawa yi.
6 Lidri ka aba oso lindri ronye!
Ŋgase cini nda kabe oyena orivoya ta awi yi;
nda ka ŋgadriamba odro, oko nda ni ko a'dona a'di ri.

7 Ka'do inye, OPI ma'bana mi te a'di dri ya?
Ma'bana mi maro midri ayani.
8 Mipa ma ni takozii cini maro risi,
ago mi'ba amamai kuguyi ma ko.
9 Ma'dona 'da titiro, märi ta atane i'do,
tana mi ni orivoya se 'ba ma te ruezane oso nonye owo.
10 Nyeza ma ko te!
ma oye odrane ni la'bi miro risi.
11 Nya lidri luku ago eza takozi ànyaro ta,
ago nyepere ŋgase nda kabe luna te oso ludu ronye.
Endaro lidri orivoya toto lawa yi!

12 Nyeri mätu maro, Äye OPI,
ago nyeri liyi maro;
nyitisi bi koni liyi maro risi.
Tana ma toto ŋgwazi miro tuna toto fere,
oso zutui maro ronye.
13 Nye'be ma iṛe tana ma'do robe riyä be
teinye oyiako märi di ago ma'do robe i'do tona.